Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals VS Fluency

Compare Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals VS Fluency, what is the difference between Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals and Fluency?

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Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals summarize

Your personal, intelligent AI — always one second away! Embra can pull in contextual data from Chrome and other apps to speed up and unlock creativity across Q&A, brainstorming, writing, reading, and coding.

Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals Landing Page

Fluency summarize

Fluency is the process excellence platform that makes automation accessible to everyone in a business - starting with documentation. Simply open up the Fluency app, hit record and perform the process how you normally would.

Fluency Landing Page

Compare Details

Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals details

Categories AI Product Description Generator, AI Workflow Management
Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals Website https://embra.app
Added Time March 07 2023
Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals Pricing --

Fluency details

Categories AI SOP, AI Knowledge Management, AI Workflow Management, AI Analytics Assistant
Fluency Website https://getfluency.com.au
Added Time April 27 2024
Fluency Pricing --

Comparison of usage

How to use Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals?

To use Embra, simply set up a global shortcut on your device to bring up the assistant. Embra integrates with popular apps like Chrome, Gmail, and Zoom, allowing users to work seamlessly within their existing workflows. Users can connect their data to gain query superpowers and access intelligent queries and automation. Embra also offers features like quick commands to automate repetitive tasks, workflow builder to scale productivity, personalized automation, and more. Users can create their own AI commands and access a growing public library of commands. Embra enhances email productivity, meeting automations, internal search, content creation, research and summarization, and even coding.

How to use Fluency?

Open the Fluency app, hit record, and perform processes as usual to generate automated documentation.

Compare Pros between Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals and Fluency

Core features of Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals

  • Integrations with popular apps
  • Knowledge Engine for data integration and intelligent queries
  • Quick Commands for automation
  • Workflow Builder for scaling productivity
  • Personalized Automation
  • Email productivity enhancements
  • Meeting automations
  • Internal search
  • Content creation
  • Research and summarization
  • Coding support

Core features of Fluency

  • Automate SOP, internal guides, and compliance documentation
  • Centralise processes for insights
  • AI model for process documentation automation
  • Secure process vault with AWS integration
  • Automatic adherence to style guide

Compare Use Cases

Use cases for Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals

  • Sales intelligence and automation
  • Customer support and ticket management
  • Streamlining knowledge work and reporting for managers
  • Data-driven decision making and insights for leadership

Use cases for Fluency

  • Automate SOPs
  • Automate Training Documentation
  • Automate Audit Documentation
Compare Traffic/Monthly Visitors

Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals's traffic

Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals is the one with 7.2K monthly visits and 00:00:55 Avg.visit duration. Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals has a Page per visit of 1.35 and a bounce rate of 20.02%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 7.2K
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:55
Page per Visit 1.35
Bounce Rate 20.02%
Dec 2022 - Apr 2024 All traffic:

Fluency's traffic

Fluency is the one with 8.2K monthly visits and 00:00:28 Avg.visit duration. Fluency has a Page per visit of 1.79 and a bounce rate of 20.02%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 8.2K
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:28
Page per Visit 1.79
Bounce Rate 20.02%
Jan 2024 - Mar 2024 All traffic:


The top 5 countries/regions for Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals are:United States 21.31%, Indonesia 15.97%, Vietnam 10.30%, Finland 9.95%, India 9.76%

Top 5 Countries/regions

United States


The top 5 countries/regions for Fluency are:United States 33.61%, Australia 19.18%, United Kingdom 9.52%, Germany 9.43%, France 7.39%

Top 5 Countries/regions

United States
United Kingdom

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals are: Search 55.75%, Direct 31.48%, Social 6.48%, Referrals 6.29%, Mail 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

Display Ads
Dec 2022 - Apr 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to Fluency are: Direct 41.72%, Referrals 35.74%, Search 22.54%, Mail 0.00%, Social 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

Display Ads
Jan 2024 - Mar 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Which is better: Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals or Fluency?

Fluency might be a bit more popular than Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals.As you can see, Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals has 7.2K monthly visits, while Fluency has 8.2K monthly visits. So more people choose Fluency. So the odds are that people will recommend Fluency more on social platforms.

Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:55, while Fluency has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:28. Also, Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals has a page per visit of 1.35 and a Bounce Rate of 20.02%. Fluency has a page per visit of 1.79 and a Bounce Rate of 20.02%.

The main users of Embra - The AI assistant for teams & professionals are United States, Indonesia, Vietnam, Finland, India, with the following distribution: 21.31%, 15.97%, 10.30%, 9.95%, 9.76%.

The main users of Fluency are United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, France, with the following distribution: 33.61%, 19.18%, 9.52%, 9.43%, 7.39%.

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