2.5奈米晶體管、AMD顯示卡人才外流、RTX 2060|熱門硬體新聞

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2.5奈米晶體管、AMD顯示卡人才外流、RTX 2060|熱門硬體新聞

Table of Contents:

  1. 🌟 Introduction
  2. 📝 MIT's New 2.5 Nanometer Transistor: The Future of Manufacturing Process
  3. 🚀 The Race Between Intel and AMD: Sunny Cove Dominates News Cycle
  4. 💡 The Pros and Cons of Ion Cannon Manufacturing Technique
  5. 🔬 Understanding 3D Transistors and FinFETs
  6. 🌐 The Science Behind Microfabrication Techniques
  7. 🎮 Intel's Architecture Day: Sunny Cove, Jenna Levin, and XE Graphics
  8. 🌌 Intel's Hybrid x86 Processors: A 3D Chip Stacking Phenomenon
  9. 📊 The Impact of the 10 Nanometer Node and Gen 11 Graphics
  10. 🔄 AMD's Refresh: Rumors of Vega 2 and Vega 7 Nanometer Shrink
  11. 💻 The Arrival of the RTX 2060: Leaks and Expectations
  12. 🧠 Brain Drain: AMD's Talent Migration to Intel
  13. 💵 Nvidia's Crypto Hangover: Stock Market Plunge and Softbank's Exit


Introduction 🌟

Welcome back to another hardware news Recap! In this week's edition, we have a lot to cover, from MIT's groundbreaking 2.5 nanometer transistor to the latest developments in the race between Intel and AMD. We'll also discuss Intel's Architecture Day, the arrival of the RTX 2060, and Nvidia's struggle with the cryptocurrency market. So let's dive in and explore the exciting world of hardware news!

MIT's New 2.5 Nanometer Transistor: The Future of Manufacturing Process 📝

MIT, in collaboration with the University of Colorado, has made a major breakthrough in the field of microfabrication. Researchers have successfully constructed a 2.5 nanometer transistor using a modified thermal atomic level etching technique. This new approach involves the use of 3D transistors known as FinFETs, which are thousands of times thinner than a human hair. The result is a more efficient transistor that can potentially revolutionize the future of manufacturing processes for transistors and silicon.

The Pros and Cons of Ion Cannon Manufacturing Technique 🚀

The use of an ion cannon in the manufacturing process of the 2.5 nanometer transistor is a remarkable development. However, it's important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. One advantage is that it allows for more precise fabrication at an atomic level, leading to smaller transistors with higher performance. On the other HAND, the ion cannon may cause surface damage and additional defects that could hinder the transistor's overall performance. Further research is needed to determine the long-term implications of this manufacturing technique.

Understanding 3D Transistors and FinFETs 🔬

To fully grasp the significance of MIT's 2.5 nanometer transistor, we need to delve into the world of 3D transistors and FinFETs. FinFETs are a type of transistor that stands vertically, resembling fins. This unique design helps reduce leakage and enhances transistor performance. In the case of the 2.5 nanometer transistor, the researchers have achieved an unprecedented level of miniaturization, making these FinFETs as narrow as 2.5 nanometers. This breakthrough opens up new possibilities for smaller, more efficient transistors in various applications.

The Science Behind Microfabrication Techniques 🌐

Microfabrication is the process of creating intricate Patterns and structures on the surface of a substrate to form transistors. MIT's new fabrication technique involves a modified thermal atomic level etching method. The process begins with the deposition of chemicals onto the substrate surface, which react with each other in a vacuum reactor. This reaction forms a film of the desired thickness one atomic layer at a time. Traditional microfabrication techniques, such as atomic layer deposition (ALD), have limitations due to surface damage and oxidization. MIT's approach aims to overcome these challenges and enhance chip performance.

Intel's Architecture Day: Sunny Cove, Jenna Levin, and XE Graphics 🎮

At Intel's recent Architecture Day event, the company showcased its upcoming innovations. Sunny Cove, a new microarchitecture, stole the spotlight. It will debut on the 10 nanometer node and is expected to deliver a significant increase in instructions per cycle (IPC). In addition to Sunny Cove, Intel introduced the Jenna Levin graphics engine, which features an increased count of execution units, pushing Intel into a higher class of GPU performance. The event also highlighted Intel's XE graphics brand and the company's hybrid x86 processors, built with 3D chip stacking technology.

Intel's Hybrid x86 Processors: A 3D Chip Stacking Phenomenon 🌌

Intel's new hybrid x86 processors represent a significant advancement in chip design. With the help of 3D chip stacking technology, Intel can combine various CPU, GPU, and IO elements into a single Package. This mix-and-match approach, coupled with high-speed interconnects, enables Intel to create versatile chips suitable for different applications. The incorporation of Favreau's 3D chip stacking process and embedded multi-die interconnect bridges (EMIB) provides Intel with a platform for scalable designs. This breakthrough will empower Intel to deliver CPUs and GPUs with improved performance and efficiency.

The Impact of the 10 Nanometer Node and Gen 11 Graphics 📊

Intel's transition to the 10 nanometer node has been a significant challenge. However, the release of Sunny Cove architecture and Gen 11 graphics represents a turning point for the company. The 10 nanometer process brings improvements in power efficiency, allowing for higher clock speeds and better overall performance. Gen 11 graphics, with an increased count of execution units, promises greater gaming and multimedia capabilities. This combination of advancements lays the foundation for Intel's future product lineup and sets the stage for a highly competitive market.

AMD's Refresh: Rumors of Vega 2 and Vega 7 Nanometer Shrink 🔄

Amidst the Intel-dominated news cycle, AMD is making waves with rumors of a Vega refresh. Recent reports suggest that AMD has filed a trademark for a new Vega logo, hinting at either a Vega 2 release or a seven nanometer shrink. These rumors have sparked excitement and anticipation among enthusiasts. The potential arrival of refreshed Vega GPUs could offer improved performance and efficiency, positioning AMD as a strong contender in the graphics market. CES 2019 may reveal further insights into AMD's plans for the Vega lineup.

The Arrival of the RTX 2060: Leaks and Expectations 💻

The rumors surrounding the RTX 2060 are becoming less speculative as leaks continue to surface. It is rumored that the RTX 2060 will feature 1920 CUDA cores and the TU106 GPU silicon. This mid-range graphics card is expected to launch early next year and could offer a significant performance boost compared to its predecessors. While there is no confirmation on the inclusion of tensor cores or real-time ray tracing, the RTX branding suggests that these features may be Present. The RTX 2060's affordability and performance level could attract a wide range of gamers and content creators.

Brain Drain: AMD's Talent Migration to Intel 🧠

In recent times, AMD has faced a brain drain as talented individuals from its Radeon Technologies Group (RTG) migrate to Intel. Notable figures like Raja Koduri, Chris Hook, and Ryan Shrout have joined Intel's ranks. These personnel movements indicate Intel's commitment to revamping its graphics division and challenging AMD's dominance in the GPU market. While these talent acquisitions are beneficial for Intel, they also highlight the competitive landscape within the industry. The rivalry between AMD and Intel continues to Shape the future of hardware innovation.

Nvidia's Crypto Hangover: Stock Market Plunge and Softbank's Exit 💵

Nvidia, one of the major players in the GPU market, has been grappling with the aftermath of the cryptocurrency Bubble burst. The company's heavy reliance on the cryptocurrency mining market led to an excess of GPUs, particularly the GTX 1060, in the Channel. As a result, Nvidia had to readjust its earnings expectations, which caused a significant drop in their stock market shares. To add to their woes, Softbank, one of Nvidia's largest shareholders, is reportedly considering selling its stake in the company. This news further adds to the uncertainty surrounding Nvidia's future.

At the end of the article, please visit the following resources for more information:

  • MIT's report on the 2.5 nanometer transistor: MIT Website
  • Intel's official website for architecture updates: Intel Website
  • Latest news on AMD and its graphics developments: AMD News
  • Updates on Nvidia's stock market performance: Nvidia News

FAQ Q&A: Q: When will MIT's 2.5 nanometer transistor be available in commercial applications? A: The 2.5 nanometer transistor is a significant breakthrough, but it will take many years of research and development before it can be integrated into commercial applications.

Q: What are the advantages of 3D transistors and FinFETs? A: 3D transistors, such as FinFETs, offer improved performance and power efficiency compared to traditional transistor designs. Their unique vertical structure allows for better control of leakage and enhances overall transistor performance.

Q: Will Intel's hybrid x86 processors revolutionize chip design? A: Intel's hybrid x86 processors, with their 3D chip stacking technology, have the potential to transform chip design. By combining different CPU, GPU, and IO elements into a single package, Intel can create highly versatile chips with improved performance and efficiency.

Q: What is the current status of AMD's Vega refresh? A: Rumors of a Vega refresh, labeled as Vega 2 or a seven nanometer shrink, have generated excitement among enthusiasts. While details are scarce, AMD's trademark filing for a new Vega logo suggests that there are plans for further developments in the Vega lineup.

Q: What can we expect from the RTX 2060 graphics card? A: The leaked information on the RTX 2060 suggests that it will offer a significant performance boost compared to its predecessors. With 1920 CUDA cores and a mid-range price point, it could attract a wide range of gamers and content creators.

Q: Why has Nvidia's stock market value taken a hit? A: Nvidia's heavy investments in the cryptocurrency market and subsequent oversupply of GPUs have impacted their stock market performance. The company's reliance on crypto mining caused a self-induced "crypto hangover," leading to a drop in earnings expectations and a decline in stock market shares.

Q: What is Softbank's involvement in Nvidia's stock market plunge? A: Softbank, one of Nvidia's largest shareholders, is reportedly considering selling its stake in the company. This adds further uncertainty to Nvidia's future and contributes to the current instability in the stock market.


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