AMD RDNA 2 獨家資訊,記憶體和匯流排詳情 | 頻率與更多

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AMD RDNA 2 獨家資訊,記憶體和匯流排詳情 | 頻率與更多

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Leaked Details about RDNA 2
  3. Hardware-Based Ray Tracing
  4. Variable Rate Shading Support
  5. Performance Improvement
  6. The Infinity Cache
  7. GPU Memory Configuration
  8. GPU Frequency
  9. Smart Shift Technology
  10. Next-Generation Ryzen Processors
  11. Rumors for Prosumer GPUs
  12. Questions and Speculations
  13. Conclusion


AMD's upcoming Radeon graphics cards based on the RDNA 2 architecture have been the subject of numerous leaks and speculations. This article aims to discuss and analyze the leaked details surrounding AMD's next-generation graphics cards.

Leaked Details about RDNA 2

Over the past few days, several leaks regarding the RDNA 2 architecture have surfaced. While the information provided is based on leaks and not official confirmations, it gives a glimpse into what can be expected from AMD's upcoming graphics cards.

Hardware-Based Ray Tracing

One exciting feature confirmed by AMD is the inclusion of hardware-based ray tracing in RDNA 2. This is an important development as ray tracing technology enhances the realism of lighting and reflections in games. While AMD has emphasized their competitiveness in this aspect, more detailed information about how it compares to NVIDIA's Ampere architecture is still scarce.

Variable Rate Shading Support

Another feature that RDNA 2 will support is variable rate shading (VRS). VRS allows developers to allocate more shading resources to specific areas of the screen that require them, resulting in improved performance and efficiency. However, specific details about how AMD's implementation of VRS will perform compared to other architectures are yet to be revealed.

Performance Improvement

AMD aims to deliver a significant improvement in performance per watt with RDNA 2. While the exact numbers have not been officially disclosed, it has been hinted that AMD is targeting a 50% improvement over RDNA 1, with the possibility of exceeding this target. This performance boost could Translate into better gaming experiences and more efficient power usage.

The Infinity Cache

One of the major highlights of RDNA 2 is the introduction of the Infinity Cache. This cache, reportedly up to 128 megabytes in size, is designed to compensate for the different memory configuration used by AMD's GPUs compared to NVIDIA's cards. By including this cache directly on the GPU die, AMD aims to achieve similar benefits to a wider memory bus without the added cost.

GPU Memory Configuration

According to leaks, the memory configuration for the flagship RDNA 2 card is speculated to be 256 bits with GDDR6 memory. While this information is not officially confirmed, it aligns with the current understanding of RDNA 2's memory architecture.

GPU Frequency

The GPU frequency for RDNA 2 is rumored to be at least as high as that of the PlayStation 5. While the specific frequencies will vary depending on the SKU, it is expected that board partners will have the flexibility to push the clock speeds even higher. This increased frequency promises improved performance and responsiveness in gaming applications.

Smart Shift Technology

There have been whispers of a possible Smart Shift technology for AMD's GPUs, possibly involving the CPUs as well. While the exact details and functionality of this technology are unclear, it is suggested that it involves diverting resources from the memory to the GPU based on workload demands. However, it is important to approach this information with caution, as it has not been widely confirmed.

Next-Generation Ryzen Processors

In addition to the RDNA 2 graphics cards, the next generation of Ryzen processors is rumored to be named the 5000 series for desktops. AMD aims to unify the naming scheme across desktop and mobile platforms to address customer confusion. This potential launch of the Ryzen 5000 series, coupled with the speculated 10-core processor, could offer compelling options for gamers.

Rumors for Prosumer GPUs

There are persistent rumors about the existence of a variant of the Arcturus GPU designed for prosumer work. While details are scarce, this variant is suggested to incorporate HBM2 memory. Additionally, there are murmurs about select RDNA 2 models also incorporating HBM memory, potentially for specific purposes such as Apple's devices.

Questions and Speculations

Despite the leaks and rumors, there are still many unanswered questions regarding AMD's next-generation GPUs. It is unclear how RDNA 2 will perform in terms of hardware-based ray tracing compared to NVIDIA's Ampere architecture. Other feature sets such as up-sampling technology and storage acceleration are also shrouded in uncertainty. The duration it takes for Game developers to fully embrace these new technologies and incorporate them into their titles remains to be seen.


The upcoming release of AMD's RDNA 2 graphics cards is highly anticipated in the gaming community. With leaked details suggesting improvements in performance, hardware-based ray tracing, and unique features like the Infinity Cache, the competition in the GPU market is expected to intensify. While the leaked information provides valuable insights, it is important to approach it with skepticism until official confirmations are made by AMD.



AMD 近期釋出的 RDNA 2 設計的 Radeon 顯示卡引起了廣泛關注,該文章旨在討論並分析有關這一新一代顯示卡的各種流出訊息。


在過去幾天中,有很多消息關於 RDNA 2 架構的流出。雖然這些消息的可靠性待確定,但它們讓我們窺探到了 AMD 即將推出的顯卡的一些特點。


AMD 確認 RDNA 2 將支援基於硬體的光追技術。這是一個重要的發展,因為光追技術可以增強遊戲中的燈光和反射效果。雖然 AMD 強調他們的競爭力,但有關它如何與 NVIDIA 的 Ampere 架構相比的詳細信息仍然很少。


RDNA 2 還將支持變速著色技術 (VRS)。 VRS 可以使開發人員將更多的著色資源分配給需要的屏幕區域,提高性能和效能。然而,AMD 的 VRS 實現與其他架構相比的表現詳細信息尚未公開。


AMD 致力於在 RDNA 2 上實現性能功耗比的大幅提升。雖然具體數據尚未正式公布,但有消息暗示 AMD 的目標是相對 RDNA 1 提升 50%,甚至有可能超過這一目標。這種性能提升將帶來更好的遊戲體驗並提高能源利用效率。


RDNA 2 的一個重要亮點是引入了無限高速緩存。根據消息,這個高速緩存的大小可能達到 128MB。這個緩存被設計用來彌補 AMD 顯示卡與 NVIDIA 顯示卡使用不同內存配置的差異。通過將這個緩存直接集成在 GPU 晶片上,AMD 的目標是在不增加成本的情況下獲得類似於更寬的內存匯流排的好處。


消息顯示 RDNA 2 旗艦顯示卡的內存配置可能為 256 位 GDDR6 內存。雖然這一信息尚未得到官方確認,但它與對 RDNA 2 內存架構的了解相符。


據傳言,RDNA 2 的顯示卡頻率將至少與 PlayStation 5 相同。具體的頻率將根據不同的產品配置而有所不同,預計合作夥伴將有彈性將頻率進一步提高。更高的頻率可以提供更好的遊戲性能和反應速度。


有傳言稱 AMD 的顯示卡可能採用智慧轉換技術,可能還涉及到中央處理器 (CPU) 的使用。儘管這項技術的具體細節和功能不明確,但據稱它可以根據工作負載需求從內存轉移到顯示卡。然而,這項信息必須持保留態度,因為尚未得到廣泛確認。

下一代 Ryzen 處理器

除了 RDNA 2 顯示卡,還有傳言稱下一代 Ryzen 處理器在桌面平台上將命名為 5000 系列。AMD 希望統一桌面和移動平台的命名方案,以解決消費者對產品命名的困惑。如果 Ryzen 5000 系列的產品確實推出,並且再加上傳聞的 10 核處理器,將會為玩家提供極具吸引力的選擇。


傳言稱 AMD 正在為專業應用設計一款 Arcturus 變體顯示卡,但詳細情況尚不清楚,因為 Arcturus 實際上並不包含顯示核心。這可能意味著其採用了何種設計,也有可能具有稍微不同的架構,目前尚無法確定。此外,有傳言稱部分 RDNA 2 顯示卡可能也會採用 HBM 內存,但這僅適用於特定型號,可能是專為蘋果裝置而設。


雖然有一些消息和傳言,但關於 AMD 的下一代顯示卡仍有許多未解之謎。目前還不清楚 RDNA 2 在硬體光追性能上與 NVIDIA 的 Ampere 架構相比的表現如何。其他功能,如升頻技術和存儲加速是否可用以及性能如何,也存在著許多不確定因素。遊戲開發人員全面採用這些新技術並將其應用在遊戲中需要時間。


AMD 的 RDNA 2 顯示卡的發布在遊戲界引起了極大的關注。根據流出的信息,RDNA 2 將提供更好的性能、硬體光追技術和獨特的功能,這將加劇 GPU 市場的競爭。儘管流出的信息提供了有價值的資訊,但我們仍需保持懷疑態度,直到 AMD 官方確認這些訊息為止。


  • AMD's next-generation RDNA 2 graphics cards have been the subject of numerous leaks and speculations.
  • RDNA 2 is expected to feature hardware-based ray tracing, variable rate shading support, and significant performance improvement over RDNA 1.
  • The introduction of the Infinity Cache and potential use of HBM memory in certain models are noteworthy features.
  • Rumors suggest the possibility of Smart Shift technology and the release of the Ryzen 5000 series processors.
  • Many details about the feature sets and performance of RDNA 2 remain uncertain.

FAQ: Q: Can AMD's RDNA 2 GPUs compete with NVIDIA's Ampere architecture? A: While AMD has hinted at competitiveness, it is still unclear how RDNA 2's hardware-based ray tracing compares to Ampere's implementation. Performance across different titles and features like up-sampling technology also need further evaluation.

Q: Will RDNA 2 GPUs support storage acceleration? A: There have been whispers, but nothing has been confirmed. AMD has the potential to implement storage acceleration, similar to NVIDIA's RTX IO, utilizing its compute units.

Q: What is the significance of the Infinity Cache? A: The Infinity Cache is a unique feature that compensates for the different memory configuration used by AMD's GPUs compared to NVIDIA's cards. By including this cache on the GPU die, AMD aims to achieve similar benefits to a wider memory bus without the added cost.

Q: When will AMD release the next generation of Ryzen processors? A: There are rumors suggesting that the Ryzen 5000 series will be the next generation for desktop processors. AMD aims to unify the naming scheme across desktop and mobile platforms. However, specific details about the release date and specifications are not yet available.

Q: What can we expect in terms of price and performance from AMD's next-generation GPUs? A: While specific pricing and performance details are still unknown, the leaked information suggests that AMD aims to deliver competitive products. If the speculated price point is lower than NVIDIA's offerings, it could provide an attractive option for users.

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