Enhance Your Azure Health Bot with Scenarios!

Enhance Your Azure Health Bot with Scenarios!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Azure Health Bot: A Powerful Tool for Healthcare
  3. Language Understanding in Azure Health Bot
    • Understanding Intent, Utterances, and Entities
    • Using Built-in Language Models
    • Customizing Language Models with LUIS and Regex
  4. Built-in Scenarios in Azure Health Bot
    • Symptom Checking and Triage
    • Medical Information Request
    • Drugs and Medications
    • Custom Language Models
  5. Using Scenario Templates in Azure Health Bot
    • Importing and Configuring Scenario Templates
    • Customizing and Extending Scenarios
    • Benefits of Scenario Templates
  6. Conclusion


:wave: Introduction

Welcome to the Second episode of our four-part series on Azure Health Bot! In this episode, we will be learning about language understanding and built-in scenarios in Azure Health Bot. My name is Anax Rudi Delevich, and I am a Program Manager for the Microsoft Health and Life Sciences organization. Joining me today is Nihal, a Microsoft Learn student ambassador, and Fortini, a Microsoft student ambassador.

Azure Health Bot: A Powerful Tool for Healthcare

Azure Health Bot is a comprehensive and intelligent healthcare solution provided by Microsoft. It offers a wide range of features and capabilities to help healthcare organizations deliver enhanced patient experiences, improve access to care, and Scale their operations effectively. With Azure Health Bot, You can Create conversational chatbots that can perform tasks such as symptom checking, triaging medical conditions, providing medical information, scheduling appointments, and more.

Language Understanding in Azure Health Bot

Language understanding is a critical aspect of Azure Health Bot. It enables the chatbot to accurately interpret user inputs, understand their intents, and extract Relevant information. In Azure Health Bot, language understanding is achieved through the use of built-in and custom language models.

Understanding Intent, Utterances, and Entities

To deliver a seamless and personalized experience, Azure Health Bot analyzes user utterances to determine their intent and any associated entities. Utterances are the sentences or phrases that users input into the chatbot. Intents represent the user's intention or desired action, while entities are important pieces of information extracted from the utterances.

For example, if a user says, "I have a headache," the intent would be to report a symptom, and the entity would be "headache." Azure Health Bot uses machine learning techniques to understand these intents and entities, allowing it to provide relevant responses and perform the necessary actions.

Using Built-in Language Models

Azure Health Bot supports various built-in language models that come pre-configured with specific healthcare-related scenarios. These models are designed to recognize and understand common medical complaints, information requests, and drug-related queries. They can be leveraged to trigger built-in scenarios or customized to map to your specific use cases.

For instance, the built-in "Medical Complaints" model can understand when a patient complains about a particular medical issue and extract key information to trigger relevant responses or actions. Similarly, the "Medical Information Request" model can provide valuable information about medical concepts, conditions, or medications.

Customizing Language Models with LUIS and Regex

In addition to the built-in language models, Azure Health Bot allows you to create your own custom language models using Azure Language Understanding Service (LUIS) and regular expressions (Regex).

LUIS is an Azure-Based conversational AI service that simplifies the process of creating language models. You don't need to be an AI or machine learning expert to use LUIS effectively. With LUIS, you can train your own language model, define intents and utterances, and integrate them into your Azure Health Bot instance.

On the other HAND, regular expressions are useful when you need to understand simple and predictable commands. By defining regex Patterns, you can match specific utterances and map them to desired intents. For example, you can define a regex pattern for the command "help" that matches utterances like "I need help" or "Please help."

By combining the power of LUIS and regex, you can achieve highly accurate and flexible language understanding in Azure Health Bot.

Built-in Scenarios in Azure Health Bot

Azure Health Bot comes with a variety of built-in scenarios that cover popular healthcare use cases. These scenarios are pre-configured with specific behavior and can be readily used or customized to meet your unique requirements. Let's explore some of the key built-in scenarios in Azure Health Bot:

Symptom Checking and Triage

One of the fundamental scenarios in Azure Health Bot is symptom checking and triage. With this scenario, users can describe their symptoms, and the bot will Collect additional information such as age, gender, and other related symptoms. Based on the collected information, the bot assesses the reported symptoms and suggests possible causes and further actions. For instance, if a user reports a headache, fever, and feeling sick, the bot may suggest following a triage protocol to determine the severity of the condition.

Medical Information Request

Azure Health Bot enables users to access valuable medical information related to various conditions, symptoms, and medications. By asking questions like "What are the symptoms of diabetes?" or "Provide information about aspirin," users can retrieve relevant information from the chatbot. The bot understands these queries and triggers the appropriate scenario, providing users with accurate and reliable medical information.

Drugs and Medications

The drugs and medication scenario in Azure Health Bot allows users to Inquire about specific drugs, their side effects, or related information. Whether it's about understanding the complications of diabetes or the side effects of a particular medication, the bot can provide detailed insights. Utilizing the drugs and medication scenario, users can get the necessary information regarding medications and make informed decisions.

Custom Language Models

In addition to the built-in system models, Azure Health Bot supports custom language models. With custom language models, you can train the bot to understand specific terminologies and phrases tailored to your use case. These models are particularly useful when the bot needs to interpret domain-specific or organization-specific language. By training custom language models, you can improve the bot's accuracy and ability to handle complex healthcare-related conversations.

Using Scenario Templates in Azure Health Bot

Scenario templates are pre-built custom scenarios that come bundled with Azure Health Bot. These templates are frequently used use-case scenarios authored together with healthcare customers. They provide a convenient way to kick-start your own custom scenario development by importing and configuring existing templates.

Importing and Configuring Scenario Templates

To use scenario templates in Azure Health Bot, you can access the template catalog from the configuration menu. The template catalog showcases all the available scenario templates, along with descriptions and previews. You can import a template scenario with just a few clicks, allowing you to have an Azure Health Bot instance up and running in minutes.

Once imported, you can customize and extend the scenario template to fit your specific use case. Azure Health Bot provides a designer visual interface that allows you to review the logic and flow of the scenario. You can modify the flow by using flow control elements in the toolbar and tailor the scenario according to your requirements.

Customizing and Extending Scenarios

Scenario templates serve as a starting point for building custom scenarios. Once you have imported a template, you can explore how the scenario logic has been authored. By understanding the building blocks and flow within the template, you can create your own custom scenarios that Align with your organization's unique needs.

Customization can be done using the designer screen, where you can review and modify the flow, responses, and actions of the scenario. Additionally, if you are familiar with JavaScript, you can further extend the scenario by adding your own code.

Scenario templates offer a powerful toolset for quickly building custom scenarios and accelerating the development of your Azure Health Bot instance.

Benefits of Scenario Templates

Scenario templates provide several benefits for healthcare organizations using Azure Health Bot. They offer a simpler way to start building complex scenarios by leveraging pre-built custom scenarios. Using templates saves time and effort by reducing the need to create everything from scratch. Furthermore, templates offer valuable insights into scenario logic, allowing organizations to learn best practices and design patterns for building effective healthcare chatbots.

By importing and customizing scenario templates, healthcare organizations can rapidly deploy chatbot solutions, improve patient experiences, and facilitate access to vital healthcare information.


In the second episode of our Azure Health Bot series, we explored language understanding and built-in scenarios in Azure Health Bot. Language understanding is a crucial aspect of the chatbot's ability to interpret user inputs and provide personalized responses. With built-in language models and the capability to create custom models using LUIS and regex, Azure Health Bot offers robust language understanding capabilities.

We also delved into the various built-in scenarios available in Azure Health Bot, such as symptom checking, medical information requests, and drug-related inquiries. These scenarios provide valuable functionalities that can be customized and extended to meet specific healthcare needs.

Additionally, we discussed the benefits of using scenario templates in Azure Health Bot. These templates serve as starting points for building custom scenarios, enabling organizations to leverage pre-built use-case scenarios and accelerate the development process.

By combining the power of language understanding, built-in scenarios, and scenario templates, Azure Health Bot empowers healthcare organizations to deliver enhanced patient care, improve access to healthcare services, and streamline their operations effectively.

We encourage you to Continue your Journey with Azure Health Bot by exploring additional modules and completing the learning path on Microsoft Learn. Join us again next week for the next episode, where we will dive deeper into configuration enhancements and real-life use cases of Azure Health Bot!


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