AI Design Training VS Course Creativ

Compare AI Design Training VS Course Creativ, what is the difference between AI Design Training and Course Creativ?

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AI Design Training summarize

AI Design Training is the #1 Ai Course Platform For Designers. AI Design Training offers an online learning experience focused on integrating AI apps like Midjourney, DALL-E and ChatGPT into various design fields.

AI Design Training Landing Page

Course Creativ summarize

Create and sell courses, communities, memberships, and coaching services with your expertise! Our platform includes H5P and SCORM activities. Use A.I. for course, website, and landing page building. Launch an instant eCommerce site effortlessly!

Course Creativ Landing Page

Compare Details

AI Design Training details

Categories AI Course, AI Interior & Room Design
AI Design Training Website
Added Time January 11 2024
AI Design Training Pricing --

Course Creativ details

Categories AI Course, AI Analytics Assistant, AI Email Marketing, AI Website Designer, AI Lead Generation, AI Tutorial, AI Education Assistant, Digital Marketing Generator, E-commerce Assistant
Course Creativ Website
Added Time May 20 2024
Course Creativ Pricing --

Comparison of usage

How to use AI Design Training?

To utilize AI Design Training, simply select your desired course, complete the registration process, and make the payment to gain access. The courses are a mix of pre-recorded lectures and live sessions. Upon successful completion of a course, students receive a certificate, which can be a valuable addition to your professional portfolio.

How to use Course Creativ?

Create and sell courses effortlessly, build engaging communities, offer memberships, and provide coaching services using integrated tools. Launch eCommerce sites instantly with A.I. technology for course, website, and landing page creation.

Compare Pros between AI Design Training and Course Creativ

Core features of AI Design Training

  • Integration of AI with design disciplines
  • Courses for Interior Design, Graphic Design, and Architectural Design
  • Pre-recorded lectures and live sessions
  • Certificate upon completion

Core features of Course Creativ

  • A.I. Course and Community Builder
  • A.I. Website and Pages Builder
  • CRM Sales Funnels
  • E-Commerce
  • Webinar Platform
  • Subscriptions
  • Funnel Workflows
  • Blog
  • Landing Pages
  • Email Marketing
  • Affiliates

Compare Use Cases

Use cases for AI Design Training

  • Design professionals seeking to incorporate AI into their design process
  • Students studying design disciplines
  • Enthusiasts interested in AI technology applications in design

Use cases for Course Creativ

  • Creating online courses with interactive elements
  • Building engaging communities
  • Offering memberships and coaching services
  • Launching eCommerce sites

Different Plan between AI Design Training and Course Creativ

AI Design Training


Course Creativ

Basic Plan


Includes essential features like A.I. Course Builder, community integration, CRM tools, email marketing, blog, and more.

Pro Plan


Includes all features of the Basic Plan plus additional services like A.I. Site Builder, custom domain, e-commerce capabilities, CRM integration, and advanced analytics.

Compare Traffic/Monthly Visitors

AI Design Training's traffic

AI Design Training is the one with 267 monthly visits and 00:00:00 Avg.visit duration. AI Design Training has a Page per visit of 0.00 and a bounce rate of 0.00%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 267
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:00
Page per Visit 0.00
Bounce Rate 0.00%
Oct 2023 - May 2024 All traffic:

Course Creativ's traffic

Course Creativ is the one with 1.5K monthly visits and 00:00:14 Avg.visit duration. Course Creativ has a Page per visit of 0.29 and a bounce rate of 0.00%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 1.5K
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:14
Page per Visit 0.29
Bounce Rate 0.00%
Feb 2024 - May 2024 All traffic:


The top 1 countries/regions for AI Design Training are:Netherlands 100.00%

Top 1 Countries/regions



The top 4 countries/regions for Course Creativ are:United States 53.97%, Canada 25.11%, Nepal 11.64%, Singapore 9.27%

Top 4 Countries/regions

United States

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to AI Design Training are: Mail 0, Direct 0, Search 0, Social 0, Referrals 0, Display Ads 0

Display Ads
Oct 2023 - May 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to Course Creativ are: Direct 100.00%, Mail 0.00%, Search 0.00%, Social 0.00%, Referrals 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

Display Ads
Feb 2024 - May 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Which is better: AI Design Training or Course Creativ?

Course Creativ might be a bit more popular than AI Design Training.As you can see, AI Design Training has 267 monthly visits, while Course Creativ has 1.5K monthly visits. So more people choose Course Creativ. So the odds are that people will recommend Course Creativ more on social platforms.

AI Design Training has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:00, while Course Creativ has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:14. Also, AI Design Training has a page per visit of 0.00 and a Bounce Rate of 0.00%. Course Creativ has a page per visit of 0.29 and a Bounce Rate of 0.00%.

The main users of AI Design Training are Netherlands, with the following distribution: 100.00%.

The main users of Course Creativ are United States, Canada, Nepal, Singapore, with the following distribution: 53.97%, 25.11%, 11.64%, 9.27%.

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