Lotus - The Online Therapist VS Quickchat AI

Compare Lotus - The Online Therapist VS Quickchat AI, what is the difference between Lotus - The Online Therapist and Quickchat AI?

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Lotus - The Online Therapist summarize

Lotus is an AI therapist chatbot that listens actively, offers support, and provides guidance for life's struggles. Lotus is powered by a large language model trained on millions of user conversations to improve its effectiveness.

Lotus - The Online Therapist Landing Page

Quickchat AI summarize

Quickchat AI is a platform for building and customizing AI Assistants for your business. It offers rich settings to ensure every response is just perfect. The Message Sources feature cites sources for each response, giving you more control and transparency.

Quickchat AI Landing Page

Compare Details

Lotus - The Online Therapist details

Categories Life Assistant, Mental Health, AI Coaching, AI Chatbot, AI Customer Service Assistant, AI Consulting Assistant
Lotus - The Online Therapist Website https://lotustherapist.com
Added Time June 29 2023
Lotus - The Online Therapist Pricing --

Quickchat AI details

Categories AI Chatbot, AI Knowledge Base, Large Language Models (LLMs), AI Customer Service Assistant, Writing Assistants, AI Voice Assistants, AI Reply Assistant, AI Response Generator, AI Knowledge Management, AI Content Generator
Quickchat AI Website https://quickchat.ai
Added Time May 23 2024
Quickchat AI Pricing --

Comparison of usage

How to use Lotus - The Online Therapist?

Using Lotus is simple and accessible to anyone with an internet connection. Here's how to use it: 1. Visit the Lotus website 2. Start a conversation by typing your thoughts, feelings, or concerns 3. Lotus will respond with empathetic and helpful messages 4. Continue the conversation, gaining insights and support 5. Use Lotus as frequently as needed to find solace and guidance.

How to use Quickchat AI?

Design, tweak, and deploy personalized AI Assistants for customer support, lead generation, and more. Start with a free trial or contact consultants for custom solutions.

Compare Pros between Lotus - The Online Therapist and Quickchat AI

Core features of Lotus - The Online Therapist

  • Lotus offers a range of core features to assist users in their journey towards better mental health: - Simulated conversations to discuss thoughts and emotions - AI-driven guidance and support - A non-judgmental space to share concerns - Privacy and confidentiality - Accessible and available 24/7 - Anonymous platform - Personalized suggestions for coping mechanisms - Resources and recommendations for further mental health assistance

Core features of Quickchat AI

  • Human Handoff
  • AI Professions
  • Custom Translations
  • Reply Length
  • Creativity Level
  • Links Priority

Compare Use Cases

Use cases for Lotus - The Online Therapist

  • Lotus can be used in various scenarios to address mental health challenges: - Seeking guidance during difficult life transitions - Coping with stress, anxiety, or depression - Exploring feelings and emotions in a safe environment - Improving self-awareness and self-esteem - Finding support in times of loneliness - Venting and releasing emotional burden - Providing alternative perspectives and coping strategies

Use cases for Quickchat AI

  • Relieve Customer Support teams with AI automation
  • Move website visitors down the sales funnel
  • Tailored AI Assistant solutions for unique business needs
Compare Traffic/Monthly Visitors

Lotus - The Online Therapist's traffic

Lotus - The Online Therapist is the one with 38.6K monthly visits and 00:00:26 Avg.visit duration. Lotus - The Online Therapist has a Page per visit of 1.02 and a bounce rate of 64.89%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 38.6K
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:26
Page per Visit 1.02
Bounce Rate 64.89%
Mar 2023 - May 2024 All traffic:

Quickchat AI's traffic

Quickchat AI is the one with 47.0K monthly visits and 00:02:03 Avg.visit duration. Quickchat AI has a Page per visit of 0.69 and a bounce rate of 47.53%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 47.0K
Avg·visit Duration 00:02:03
Page per Visit 0.69
Bounce Rate 47.53%
Feb 2024 - May 2024 All traffic:


The top 5 countries/regions for Lotus - The Online Therapist are:United States 21.56%, Nepal 10.72%, Brazil 6.54%, India 5.93%, Indonesia 4.08%

Top 5 Countries/regions

United States


The top 5 countries/regions for Quickchat AI are:United States 6.16%, Afghanistan 4.51%, Nicaragua 2.63%, Luxembourg 2.33%, Ukiain 2.13%

Top 5 Countries/regions

United States

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to Lotus - The Online Therapist are: Search 64.41%, Direct 35.27%, Referrals 0.32%, Mail 0.00%, Social 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

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Mar 2023 - May 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to Quickchat AI are: Search 47.72%, Direct 37.06%, Referrals 9.95%, Social 5.27%, Mail 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

Display Ads
Feb 2024 - May 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Which is better: Lotus - The Online Therapist or Quickchat AI?

Quickchat AI might be a bit more popular than Lotus - The Online Therapist.As you can see, Lotus - The Online Therapist has 38.6K monthly visits, while Quickchat AI has 47.0K monthly visits. So more people choose Quickchat AI. So the odds are that people will recommend Quickchat AI more on social platforms.

Lotus - The Online Therapist has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:26, while Quickchat AI has an Avg.visit duration of 00:02:03. Also, Lotus - The Online Therapist has a page per visit of 1.02 and a Bounce Rate of 64.89%. Quickchat AI has a page per visit of 0.69 and a Bounce Rate of 47.53%.

The main users of Lotus - The Online Therapist are United States, Nepal, Brazil, India, Indonesia, with the following distribution: 21.56%, 10.72%, 6.54%, 5.93%, 4.08%.

The main users of Quickchat AI are United States, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Luxembourg, Ukiain, with the following distribution: 6.16%, 4.51%, 2.63%, 2.33%, 2.13%.

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