T4lky VS Weex AI

Compare T4lky VS Weex AI, what is the difference between T4lky and Weex AI?

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T4lky summarize

Meet T4lky, your personal AI language tutor! Master English, German, Spanish, French, and Mandarin with ease. 🌈💬 Chat with T4lky, get grammar help, and learn at your own pace. 💪💻 Download now and kick-start your fun language-learning journey! 🎉🌍

T4lky Landing Page

Weex AI summarize

Weex AI -- Offering fast, smart, and efficient AI conversations. Access global leading machine learning models like GPT, Gemini,Command R+,Mistral, Claude3, Llama3, and more to effortlessly create the content you need.

Weex AI Landing Page

Compare Details

T4lky details

Categories AI Chatbot, AI Tutorial
T4lky Website https://t4lky.com
Added Time August 07 2023
T4lky Pricing --

Weex AI details

Categories Large Language Models (LLMs), AI Chatbot, AI Content Generator, AI Customer Service Assistant, AI Product Description Generator
Weex AI Website https://weexai.com
Added Time May 10 2024
Weex AI Pricing --

Comparison of usage

How to use T4lky?

To use T4lky, simply click on the 'Start' button on the website. Choose the language you want to learn and start speaking with the friendly AI native speaker. You can make mistakes and even speak in your native language, and T4lky will understand and help you improve your speaking skills.

How to use Weex AI?

Select a model, describe your needs, generate content

Compare Pros between T4lky and Weex AI

Core features of T4lky

  • T4lky offers the following core features: 1. Simple: Speak with T4lky anytime, anywhere, on any platform using any popular language. 2. Unique: The smart AI adapts to your interests, making each language learning session unique. 3. Free: T4lky is completely free to use. 4. Safe: There's no abuse, fraud, or harassment on T4lky, ensuring a worry-free language learning experience.

Core features of Weex AI

  • Conversation experience
  • Simulate conversation with human users
  • Content generation
  • Unique and original content
  • Commercial use

Compare Use Cases

Use cases for T4lky

  • T4lky can be used by anyone who wants to learn a foreign language and improve their speaking skills. It is suitable for beginners who struggle to start speaking in a foreign language and need practice and guidance. Users can choose from English, Deutsch, Français, Español, and Chinese languages.

Use cases for Weex AI

  • AI content writing
  • Social media ad creation
  • Product description optimization
  • Blog post and article generation

Different Plan between T4lky and Weex AI


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Weex AI

Low Usage


Very suitable for casual experience



Tailored for most users



Ideal for writers and language lovers

As you wish


Empowering language creators

Compare Traffic/Monthly Visitors

T4lky's traffic

T4lky is the one with 0 monthly visits and 00:00:00 Avg.visit duration. T4lky has a Page per visit of 0.00 and a bounce rate of 0.00%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 0
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:00
Page per Visit 0.00
Bounce Rate 0.00%
May 2023 - May 2024 All traffic:

Weex AI's traffic

Weex AI is the one with 1.6K monthly visits and 00:00:45 Avg.visit duration. Weex AI has a Page per visit of 1.00 and a bounce rate of 19.33%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 1.6K
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:45
Page per Visit 1.00
Bounce Rate 19.33%
Feb 2024 - May 2024 All traffic:


Sorry, there are no data


The top 3 countries/regions for Weex AI are:China 47.71%, Hong Kong 41.69%, Japan 10.61%

Top 3 Countries/regions

Hong Kong

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to T4lky are: Mail 0, Direct 0, Search 0, Social 0, Referrals 0, Display Ads 0

Display Ads
May 2023 - May 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to Weex AI are: Direct 64.76%, Referrals 24.64%, Search 10.61%, Mail 0.00%, Social 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

Display Ads
Feb 2024 - May 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Which is better: T4lky or Weex AI?

Weex AI might be a bit more popular than T4lky.As you can see, T4lky has 0 monthly visits, while Weex AI has 1.6K monthly visits. So more people choose Weex AI. So the odds are that people will recommend Weex AI more on social platforms.

T4lky has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:00, while Weex AI has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:45. Also, T4lky has a page per visit of 0.00 and a Bounce Rate of 0.00%. Weex AI has a page per visit of 1.00 and a Bounce Rate of 19.33%.

The main users of Weex AI are China, Hong Kong, Japan, with the following distribution: 47.71%, 41.69%, 10.61%.

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