Tactiq VS HolyBlogoMoly

Compare Tactiq VS HolyBlogoMoly, what is the difference between Tactiq and HolyBlogoMoly?

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Tactiq summarize

👋Lead the conversation and let Tactiq take care of the notes! 📝 Bot-free high-quality real-time transcript 💾 Instantly turn long transcripts into actionable workflows 🤖 Let ChatGPT extract tasks and follow-ups for you.

Tactiq Landing Page

HolyBlogoMoly summarize

Make your audience yell WOW! HBM allows you to clone your unique writing style and mix and match it with our engaging presets: 1) Inspirational Storytelling 2) Conversational Marketing 3) Persuasive Sales copy

HolyBlogoMoly Landing Page

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Tactiq details

Categories AI Product Description Generator, AI Speech Recognition, Recording, Speech-to-Text, Transcriber, Transcription, AI Productivity Tools, AI Notes Assistant
Tactiq Website https://tactiq.io
Added Time April 27 2023
Tactiq Pricing --

HolyBlogoMoly details

Categories Large Language Models (LLMs), AI Blog Writer, Writing Assistants, AI Content Generator, General Writing, AI Creative Writing, Copywriting
HolyBlogoMoly Website https://www.holyblogomoly.com
Added Time April 27 2024
HolyBlogoMoly Pricing --

Comparison of usage

How to use Tactiq?

To use Tactiq, simply install the Chrome extension for free. Once installed, Tactiq will automatically pop up when you start a new meeting on Zoom or Google Meet. It transcribes the meeting in real-time and allows you to summarize the meeting using Open AI ChatGPT. The full transcript, summary, and quotes can be easily shared with others.

How to use HolyBlogoMoly?

Clone your unique writing style and mix with engaging presets

Compare Pros between Tactiq and HolyBlogoMoly

Core features of Tactiq

  • Real-time transcription for Google Meet, Zoom, and MS Teams meetings
  • Utilizes Open AI ChatGPT for meeting summaries, action items, and the next meeting agenda
  • Speaker identification for accurate note-taking
  • Secure processing and storage of transcripts with high-grade encryption
  • Integration with various tools such as Google Docs, Zoom, MS Teams, and more

Core features of HolyBlogoMoly

  • Clone writing style
  • Mix with engaging presets
  • Learn from top bloggers' styles

Compare Use Cases

Use cases for Tactiq

  • Transcribing team meetings and customer meetings for accurate documentation
  • Generating meeting summaries, action items, and agendas using ChatGPT
  • Improving overall meeting engagement and focus by eliminating the need for manual note-taking
  • Supporting research by capturing meeting discussions accurately

Use cases for HolyBlogoMoly

  • Create captivating blog posts
  • Increase audience engagement

Different Plan between Tactiq and HolyBlogoMoly


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$15.83 per month

Generate 10K Characters, Clone 2 Writing Styles, Use Custom Styles, 10 Team Members

Holy Moly

$32.50 per month

Generate Unlimited Copy, Clone Unlimited Styles, Use Custom Styles, 50 Team Members

Compare Traffic/Monthly Visitors

Tactiq's traffic

Tactiq is the one with 2.2M monthly visits and 00:02:58 Avg.visit duration. Tactiq has a Page per visit of 2.86 and a bounce rate of 49.65%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 2.2M
Avg·visit Duration 00:02:58
Page per Visit 2.86
Bounce Rate 49.65%
Jan 2023 - May 2024 All traffic:

HolyBlogoMoly's traffic

HolyBlogoMoly is the one with 0 monthly visits and 00:00:00 Avg.visit duration. HolyBlogoMoly has a Page per visit of 0.00 and a bounce rate of 0.00%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 0
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:00
Page per Visit 0.00
Bounce Rate 0.00%
Jan 2024 - Apr 2024 All traffic:


The top 5 countries/regions for Tactiq are:Brazil 22.60%, United States 13.74%, Colombia 8.46%, Argentina 5.00%, Philippines 3.88%

Top 5 Countries/regions

United States


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Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to Tactiq are: Search 68.68%, Direct 22.21%, Referrals 3.94%, Mail 3.40%, Social 1.75%, Display Ads 0.03%

Display Ads
Jan 2023 - May 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to HolyBlogoMoly are: Mail 0, Direct 0, Search 0, Social 0, Referrals 0, Display Ads 0

Display Ads
Jan 2024 - Apr 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Which is better: Tactiq or HolyBlogoMoly?

Tactiq might be a bit more popular than HolyBlogoMoly.As you can see, Tactiq has 2.2M monthly visits, while HolyBlogoMoly has 0 monthly visits. So more people choose Tactiq. So the odds are that people will recommend Tactiq more on social platforms.

Tactiq has an Avg.visit duration of 00:02:58, while HolyBlogoMoly has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:00. Also, Tactiq has a page per visit of 2.86 and a Bounce Rate of 49.65%. HolyBlogoMoly has a page per visit of 0.00 and a Bounce Rate of 0.00%.

The main users of Tactiq are Brazil, United States, Colombia, Argentina, Philippines, with the following distribution: 22.60%, 13.74%, 8.46%, 5.00%, 3.88%.

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