Les meilleures configurations graphiques Intel HD pour The Finals

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Les meilleures configurations graphiques Intel HD pour The Finals

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Overview of the Topic
    • Importance of Graphic Settings for Gaming
  2. Windows Settings Optimization
    • Disabling the Game Bar
    • Enabling Game Mode
    • Changing Default Graphic Settings
  3. Creating a Restore Point
    • Importance of Creating a Restore Point
    • Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Restore Point
  4. Updating Intel HD Graphics Drivers
    • Importance of Updating Drivers
    • How to Download and Install the Latest Drivers
  5. Optimizing Intel HD Graphics Settings
    • Opening Intel HD Control Panel
    • Adjusting Display Settings
    • Enhancing Color Settings
    • Configuring 3D Settings
    • Power Settings Optimization
  6. Facing Network Issues? Use GVG Booster
    • Introduction to GVG Booster
    • How to Download and Use GVG Booster
  7. The Finals Intel HD Optimization Pack
    • Importance of Optimization Pack
    • Step-by-Step Guide to Using Optimization Pack
  8. Best In-Game Settings for The Finals
  9. Conclusion
    • Recap of Steps
    • Final Thoughts

🎮 The Best Intel HD Graphic Settings for The Finals

As a dedicated gamer, you know the importance of optimizing your graphic settings for the best gaming experience. In this guide, we will discuss the best Intel HD graphic settings specifically tailored for The Finals. Whether you're a casual gamer or a competitive player, these optimization techniques will help you maximize your PC's performance and enhance your gameplay. So, let's dive in and explore the steps to achieve the ultimate gaming setup!


Overview of the Topic

Graphic settings play a crucial role in gaming performance, especially when it comes to demanding games like The Finals. By optimizing your Intel HD graphic settings, you can improve visual quality, reduce input latency, and ensure smooth gameplay.

Importance of Graphic Settings for Gaming

The importance of graphic settings in gaming cannot be overstated. By fine-tuning these settings, you can strike the perfect balance between visual quality and performance. The right graphic settings can enhance immersion, increase frame rates, and ultimately give you a competitive edge in The Finals.

Windows Settings Optimization

To kickstart the optimization process, we'll first focus on optimizing the Windows settings for gaming. Follow these steps to ensure your PC is primed for an optimal gaming experience.

Disabling the Game Bar

One of the first steps in optimizing your Windows settings is disabling the Game Bar. The Game Bar consumes valuable memory in the background, which is not ideal for gaming performance. To disable it, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Settings menu on your PC.
  2. Navigate to the Gaming section.
  3. Select Game Bar.
  4. Turn off the Game Bar option.

By disabling the Game Bar, you free up system resources that can be better utilized for gaming.

Enabling Game Mode

Enabling Game Mode is another crucial step in optimizing your Windows settings. Game Mode optimizes your PC by disabling unnecessary background processes, helping you maximize memory usage while gaming. Here's how to enable Game Mode:

  1. Go back to the Gaming section in Settings.
  2. Select Game Mode.
  3. Turn on the Game Mode option.

Once enabled, Game Mode will optimize your PC's performance for gaming, resulting in smoother gameplay and reduced input latency.

Changing Default Graphic Settings

To further enhance your gaming experience, it's essential to change the default graphic settings in Windows. By doing so, you ensure that your GPU is utilized to its full potential, minimizing input latency. Follow these steps to change the default graphic settings:

  1. Open the Graphic Settings menu within the Gaming section in Settings.
  2. Click on "Change default graphic settings."
  3. Enable both options to utilize your GPU for gaming and optimize input latency for windowed games.

These changes will make a significant difference in your gaming performance, allowing you to fully leverage your hardware during The Finals.

Creating a Restore Point

Before diving into advanced optimization techniques, it's crucial to create a restore point on your PC. This step acts as a safety net, ensuring you can revert any settings back to normal without risking data loss. Here's how you can create a restore point:

  1. Search for "Create a restore point" on your PC.
  2. Look for the local disk where your system is installed (usually C:).
  3. Click on "Create" and give it a name, such as "The Finals."

Creating a restore point provides peace of mind, allowing you to experiment with different settings without the fear of irreparable damage.

Updating Intel HD Graphics Drivers

To ensure optimal performance and compatibility, it's crucial to keep your Intel HD Graphics drivers up to date. Updating drivers not only resolves potential issues but also unlocks new features and improvements. Follow these steps to download and install the latest drivers for your Intel HD Graphics card:

  1. Visit the link provided in the description to download the latest drivers.
  2. Once downloaded, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install the drivers.

Updating your graphics drivers guarantees that you're leveraging the latest optimizations and fixes specifically designed for The Finals.

Optimizing Intel HD Graphics Settings

Now that you've ensured your system is up to date, it's time to optimize the Intel HD Graphics settings for the best gaming performance in The Finals. Follow these steps to unlock the full potential of your graphics card.

Opening Intel HD Control Panel

To access the Intel HD Graphics control panel, right-click on any empty area of your desktop and select "Graphic Properties." This will open up the control panel, where you can make the necessary adjustments.

Adjusting Display Settings

Within the Intel HD Graphics control panel, locate the "Display" section. In this section, you can adjust the resolution and refresh rate settings for your monitor. Select the maximum resolution and the highest available refresh rate for optimal visual Clarity and smoothness.

Enhancing Color Settings

To optimize the color settings for The Finals, navigate to the "Color" section within the Intel HD Graphics control panel. Click on "Advanced" and then adjust the saturation level to improve visibility. Try setting the saturation between 30 to 40 for the best results.

Configuring 3D Settings

The "3D" settings within the Intel HD Graphics control panel allow you to fine-tune your gaming experience. In the "Application Optimal Mode" setting, select the option to enable it for optimal performance. For general settings, prioritize performance to ensure smooth gameplay.

Power Settings Optimization

Maximizing your power settings can significantly impact gaming performance. Within the Intel HD Graphics control panel, navigate to the "Power" section. Set both "Maximum Performance" options to ensure optimal power allocation for gaming. Be sure to repeat this step for both plugged-in and battery modes.

These optimizations will unleash the full potential of your Intel HD Graphics card, enhancing your gaming experience in The Finals.

网络出现问题?使用 GVG Booster

If you're experiencing network issues, such as high ping, packet loss, or game stuttering, GVG Booster can be your solution. Download GVG Booster from the link provided in the description to optimize your network connection.

GVG Booster features a user-friendly interface and provides a wide range of gaming options, including The Finals. Follow these steps to boost your gaming experience:

  1. Install and open GVG Booster on your PC.
  2. Locate The Finals on the homepage. If not found, search for The Finals in the provided game list.
  3. Click on the "Boost" button to initiate the optimization process. GVG Booster will connect you to the nearest available game server region, reducing ping and eliminating packet loss.

With GVG Booster, you can monitor your network performance and enjoy The Finals with minimal latency and maximum stability. Feel free to explore other games supported by GVG Booster as well.

The Finals Intel HD Optimization Pack

For an additional boost in performance, we recommend using the Finals Intel HD Optimization Pack. Download the pack from the link provided in the description and follow the steps below:

  1. Open the downloaded folder and access the "The Finals Priority" folder.

  2. Run the "The Finals High Priority" executable to set the game's priority level to the maximum, ensuring optimal utilization of system resources.

  3. Next, access the "GPU Optimization Registries" folder. Apply the provided registry settings to improve overall PC and GPU performance. These settings disable unnecessary services and background applications, optimize power plans, and enhance PC efficiency.

  4. Within the folder, locate the "GPU Priority" section and apply the Intel GPU priority and Intel HD responsiveness registry settings to further optimize your GPU's performance.

  5. Lastly, open the "MSI Utility V3" folder and run the utility as an administrator. Click on the appropriate host extensible controller, followed by your Intel HD Graphics card. Set all options to "High" to maximize performance.

By using the Finals Intel HD Optimization Pack, you can unlock additional performance improvements and ensure a seamless gaming experience in The Finals.

Best In-Game Settings for The Finals

For a comprehensive guide to the best in-game settings for The Finals, feel free to check out our dedicated guide on the channel. It provides detailed recommendations for various graphics and gameplay settings, allowing you to customize your experience based on your preferences and hardware capabilities.


Optimizing your Intel HD graphic settings for The Finals can significantly elevate your gaming experience. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to achieve optimal performance, reduce input latency, and enjoy smooth gameplay. Remember to create a restore point before making any changes and periodically update your drivers for the best results. Now, gear up, dive into The Finals, and dominate the competition!


Q: What if I encounter issues after applying the recommended settings? A: If you experience any issues, such as graphical glitches or performance degradation, you can revert the settings to their default values. Simply access the respective control panels discussed in this guide and reset the settings to their original state. Additionally, you can restore your PC to the previously created restore point to undo any changes made during the optimization process.

Q: Can these optimization techniques be applied to other games as well? A: While this guide specifically focuses on optimizing Intel HD graphic settings for The Finals, many of the tips and techniques Mentioned can be applied to other games as well. The overarching principles of maximizing performance and tweaking settings to achieve the optimal balance between visual quality and smooth gameplay apply Universally.

Q: Is GVG Booster safe to use? A: GVG Booster is a trusted application used by many gamers to optimize their network connection. It ensures a stable gaming experience and can significantly reduce latency-related issues. However, it's always recommended to exercise caution when downloading and installing third-party applications. Only download GVG Booster from reputable sources and ensure that you have proper antivirus protection to mitigate any potential risks.

Q: What if my computer uses a different graphics card instead of Intel HD Graphics? A: This guide focuses on optimizing Intel HD graphic settings specifically. However, if your computer utilizes a different graphics card, you may still benefit from adjusting the settings mentioned, such as changing default graphic settings and fine-tuning the power settings. Additionally, make sure to update the drivers for your specific graphics card to ensure optimal performance in The Finals.


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