RightJoin helps professionals in the job market with personalized AI-powered mock interviews designed to test a diverse set of technical & behavioral skills. Users can also add their coaches/mentors to their "Team".
Users can upload their resume and share the job posting for their upcoming interview to receive personalized mock interviews. They can select interview formats like Pre-Screen, Technical, Behavioral, and Case Study, as well as practice on specific topics of their choice.
Here is the RightJoin AI Mock Interviews support email for customer service: [email protected] .
RightJoin AI Mock Interviews Company name: RightJoin, Inc. .
More about RightJoin AI Mock Interviews, Please visit the about us page(https://rightjoin.co/about/).
RightJoin AI Mock Interviews Login Link: https://rightjoin.co/accounts/login/
RightJoin AI Mock Interviews Sign up Link: https://rightjoin.co/accounts/signup/
RightJoin AI Mock Interviews Pricing Link: https://rightjoin.co/#pricing
RightJoin AI Mock Interviews Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/@rightjoin
RightJoin AI Mock Interviews Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/rightjoinai
By Eira on May 18 2024
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