突破傳統!AI 改革大腦健康

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突破傳統!AI 改革大腦健康

Table of Contents

  1. 🌟 Introduction to All Things AI

    • 🌟 Welcome Message
    • 🌟 Introduction to Ishan and Rohan Kalasi
  2. 🧠 Discovering Passion for AI

    • 🧠 Early Interest in Biological Sciences
    • 🧠 Transition to AI
    • 🧠 Importance of Project-based Learning
  3. 🔍 Exploring AI Fields

    • 🔍 Interest in Medical AI
    • 🔍 Challenges in Medical AI Research
    • 🔍 Shift towards Neuroscientific Principles
  4. 💡 Vital: Revolutionizing Brain Health

    • 💡 Introduction to Vital
    • 💡 Concept and Functionality of Vital App
    • 💡 Incorporating Ocular Biometrics
  5. 💰 Securing Funding for Vital

    • 💰 Challenges in Fundraising
    • 💰 Overview of Investors
    • 💰 Allocation of Funds
  6. 📱 Implementation of the Vital App

    • 📱 Calibration and Gaze Tracking
    • 📱 Real-time Biometric Calculation
    • 📱 Application in Clinical Settings
  7. 🚧 Challenges and Pivots in Vital's Journey

    • 🚧 Initial Struggles and Pivots
    • 🚧 Overcoming Obstacles
    • 🚧 Collaboration with Harvard Ophthalmology AI Lab
  8. 🌐 Current Trends in AI

  9. 🎓 Advice for Aspiring AI Enthusiasts

    • 🎓 Learning Path in AI
    • 🎓 Project-based Learning Approach
    • 🎓 Importance of Specialization and Skill Development
  10. 🌟 Words of Wisdom

    • 🌟 Pursuing Passion with Excellence
    • 🌟 Prioritizing and Focusing on Strengths

Introduction to All Things AI

Welcome to All Things AI! I'm Ishan, and in this episode, we're joined by Rohan Kalasi, the founder of Vital, a groundbreaking initiative utilizing deep learning techniques for neurodegenerative disease assessment. Rohan, a student researcher at Harvard University, clinched the third place at this year's International Science and Engineering Fair. Let's dive into this intriguing conversation!

Discovering Passion for AI

In his formative years, Rohan's Curiosity in the biological sciences, particularly neuroscience, laid the foundation for his journey into the realm of artificial intelligence. The convergence of neuroscience and AI sparked his interest, prompting him to delve deeper into understanding AI's potential applications.

Exploring AI Fields

Initially drawn to medical AI, Rohan encountered challenges due to limited accessible data and overused datasets in the field. However, an internship at MIT's Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines reshaped his focus, inspiring him to merge neuroscientific principles with AI for enhanced system development.

Vital: Revolutionizing Brain Health

Vital, conceived by Rohan and his co-founder Psy, aims to democratize brain health assessment through innovative ocular biometrics. Leveraging smartphone technology, Vital enables users to evaluate their brain health within 30 seconds, a Game-changer in early disease detection.

Securing Funding for Vital

Navigating the challenging landscape of fundraising, Vital successfully garnered support from investors like Powerhouse Ventures and Diamond Investments. The acquired funds primarily fuel clinical trials, a vital step in validating Vital's efficacy and accessibility.

Implementation of the Vital App

The implementation of the Vital app involves a seamless calibration process followed by intuitive gaze-tracking tests. Through real-time biometric calculation, users receive valuable insights into their brain health status, revolutionizing traditional diagnostic methods.

Challenges and Pivots in Vital's Journey

Vital's journey wasn't without obstacles. Initially exploring EEG-based diagnostics, the team pivoted towards ocular biometrics with guidance from Harvard's Ophthalmology AI lab. Overcoming challenges in fundraising and research, Vital emerged as a pioneer in brain health assessment technology.

Current Trends in AI

The emergence of large language models like OpenAI's GPT has stirred both excitement and concern. While facilitating innovation, there's a need to address ethical considerations and potential misuse, especially among younger users.

Advice for Aspiring AI Enthusiasts

Embarking on an AI journey requires a Blend of structured learning and creative problem-solving. Rohan advocates for a project-based learning approach, emphasizing specialization and skill development to unlock one's full potential in the field.

Words of Wisdom

Rohan's journey underscores the significance of pursuing one's passion with excellence. Focusing on strengths and committing to continuous learning is paramount in achieving success and making Meaningful contributions to society.

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