Create Your Own Minecraft Bot Using Mineflayer

Create Your Own Minecraft Bot Using Mineflayer

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Downloading and Installing Node.js and Dependencies
  3. Creating the Minecraft Bot Folder
  4. Setting Up the Bot
    • 4.1 Installing MindFlare
    • 4.2 Initializing the Bot
    • 4.3 Setting Up the Local Host
    • 4.4 Configuring the Username
  5. Running the Bot
  6. Making the Bot Look at the Player
  7. Making the Bot Move Towards the Player
  8. Making the Bot Speak
  9. Additional Features of MindFlare
  10. Conclusion


In this video tutorial, we will learn how to Create a Minecraft bot using MindFlare and Node.js. We will cover the step-by-step process of setting up and running the bot, as well as implementing different functionalities such as making the bot look at the player, making the bot move towards the player, and making the bot speak. MindFlare is a powerful tool that allows for the creation of custom bots in Minecraft, opening up various possibilities for automation and gameplay enhancements.

Downloading and Installing Node.js and Dependencies

Before we dive into creating the Minecraft bot, we need to ensure that we have the necessary tools and dependencies installed. In this section, we will guide You through the process of downloading and installing Node.js and other required dependencies. Node.js is a runtime environment that allows us to execute JavaScript code outside of a web browser, making it perfect for creating Minecraft bots.

To get started, navigate to the official Node.js Website ( and download the latest version of Node.js for your operating system. Follow the installation instructions provided by the Node.js installer to complete the installation process. Additionally, make sure to install any other dependencies Mentioned in the video description or readme file of MindFlare.

Creating the Minecraft Bot Folder

Once you have successfully installed Node.js and any necessary dependencies, it's time to create a dedicated folder for your Minecraft bot. This folder will serve as the workspace where you will write and store your bot's code. Choose a suitable location on your computer and create a new folder with a descriptive name, such as "Minecraft Bot".

Setting Up the Bot

In this section, we will walk you through the process of setting up the Minecraft bot using MindFlare. This involves installing the MindFlare Package, initializing the bot, setting up the local host, and configuring the username.

4.1 Installing MindFlare

To install MindFlare, open a new terminal window and navigate to the Minecraft Bot folder you created earlier. Once inside the folder, run the following command to install MindFlare:

npm install mineflayer

This command will download and install the required MindFlare package, as well as any additional dependencies it relies on. Once the installation is complete, you can proceed to the next step.

4.2 Initializing the Bot

To initialize the bot, create a new JavaScript file inside the Minecraft Bot folder and name it index.js or main.js. Open the file in your preferred code editor, such as Visual Studio Code. In the JavaScript file, add the following code:

const bot = mineflayer.createBot({
    host: 'localhost', // Replace with your server's IP or domain
    port: 59044, // Replace with your server's port
    username: 'sub2cdnashton' // Replace with your desired username

Make sure to replace the placeholders in the code with your server's IP or domain, port, and desired username. The mineflayer.createBot() function will create a new instance of the bot with the specified configuration.

### 4.3 Setting Up the Local Host

Before the bot can connect to the server, we need to set up the local host and port. To do this, open Minecraft and create a new single-player world. Set the game mode to creative and create the world. Once the world is created, open it to LAN and enable cheats.

Take note of the port number shown in the game chat, such as 59044. In the JavaScript code, replace the placeholder port value with the port number obtained from Minecraft.

### 4.4 Configuring the Username

Lastly, configure the username for your bot. In the JavaScript code, replace the placeholder username value with your desired username. This will be the name that other players see when interacting with your bot in Minecraft.

## Running the Bot

Now that we have set up the bot, it's time to run it and see it in action. In the terminal window, navigate to the Minecraft Bot folder and run the following command:

```node index.js```

This command will start the bot and connect it to the Minecraft server specified in the code. If everything is set up correctly, you should see the bot join the server and perform the initial actions specified in the code.

## Making the Bot Look at the Player

To make the bot look at the player, we will implement a function called "lookAtPlayer()". This function will calculate the position of the player and make the bot rotate its view towards the player. Add the following code to your index.js file:

```function lookAtPlayer() {
    const entity = bot.nearestEntity(filterPlayer);

    if (entity) {
        const position = entity.position.offset(0, entity.height, 0);

bot.on('physicTick', lookAtPlayer);```

The lookAtPlayer() function uses the bot.nearestEntity() method to find the nearest player entity. It then calculates the position of the player and makes the bot look at that position using the bot.lookAt() method. The "physicTick" event listener ensures that the function is executed on every tick, allowing the bot to continuously track the player's position.

## Making the Bot Move Towards the Player

In this section, we will implement the functionality to make the bot move towards the player's position. This will enable the bot to follow the player wherever they go. Add the following code to your index.js file:

```function moveTowardsPlayer() {
    const entity = bot.nearestEntity(filterPlayer);

    if (entity) {
        bot.pathfinder.setGoal(new GoalNear(entity.position.x, entity.position.y, entity.position.z, 1));

bot.on('physicTick', moveTowardsPlayer);```

The moveTowardsPlayer() function uses the bot.nearestEntity() method to find the nearest player entity. It then sets a pathfinding goal for the bot using the bot.pathfinder.setGoal() method, which instructs the bot to move towards the player's position with a maximum distance of 1 block. The "physicTick" event listener ensures that the function is executed on every tick, allowing the bot to continuously update its movement towards the player.

## Making the Bot Speak

To make the bot communicate with the server, we will implement a chat message when the bot spawns in. This will enable the bot to greet the server with a custom message. Add the following code to your index.js file:

```bot.on('spawn', () => {'Hello server! - sub2cdnashton');

The 'spawn' event listener triggers when the bot spawns in the Minecraft world. In this callback function, we use the method to send a chat message to the server. You can replace the message and username with your own custom text.

## Additional Features of MindFlare

MindFlare offers a wide range of additional features and functionalities that you can explore. Some of these include hacked client capabilities, PvP automation, and interaction with public servers like Hypixel. For more in-depth tutorials and to learn about these advanced features, refer to the GitHub repository linked in the video description.

## Conclusion

Congratulations! You have successfully learned how to create a Minecraft bot using MindFlare and Node.js. In this tutorial, we covered the installation process, setting up the bot, making the bot look at the player, making the bot move towards the player, and making the bot speak. MindFlare opens up endless possibilities for automated gameplay and customization in Minecraft. Explore further and have fun experimenting with your bot. Stay tuned for more videos and tutorials on MindFlare and other Minecraft-related content.

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