Master the 8-Point DFT with DIT FFT in DSP

Master the 8-Point DFT with DIT FFT in DSP

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding DIT FFT
  3. Decimation in Time Fourier Transform
  4. Drawing the Butterfly Diagram
  5. Signal Flow Diagram for N = 8
  6. Input Order for DIT FFT
  7. Calculation of Intermediate Results
  8. Finding the Output at Each Stage
  9. Calculating X of k
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will discuss the problem of DIT FFT (Decimation in Time Fast Fourier Transform) and how to solve it. We will explore the concept of DIT FFT and its significance in signal processing. We will also learn about the butterfly diagram and the signal flow diagram for N = 8. Additionally, we will understand the input order for DIT FFT and go through the step-by-step calculation process to find the final DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) for a given sequence. So, let's dive in and explore the world of DIT FFT!

Understanding DIT FFT

DIT FFT, also known as Decimation in Time Fast Fourier Transform, is a widely used algorithm in signal processing for efficiently computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of a sequence. It operates by recursively dividing the DFT into smaller DFTs, and then combining the results to obtain the final DFT. This algorithm leverages the properties of complex exponentials, such as symmetry and periodicity, to optimize the computation process.

Decimation in Time Fourier Transform

Decimation in Time Fourier Transform is a technique used in DIT FFT algorithm where the time domain signal is decimated or divided into smaller parts to simplify the computation. This helps in reducing the complexity of the calculation and improving the efficiency of the DFT computation. By dividing the time domain signal into smaller segments, the DIT FFT algorithm can process each segment separately and then combine them to obtain the overall DFT.

Drawing the Butterfly Diagram

Before performing any calculations in DIT FFT, it is essential to draw the butterfly diagram, also known as the signal flow diagram. The butterfly diagram represents the flow of the signal through different stages of the DIT FFT algorithm. In the case of N = 8, we draw a butterfly diagram that shows the flow of the signal in eight stages. This diagram helps Visualize the calculation process and understand the order of inputs and outputs at each stage.

Signal Flow Diagram for N = 8

The signal flow diagram for N = 8 in DIT FFT consists of eight stages, each representing a different iteration of the algorithm. In each stage, the input signals are combined and processed to obtain the output signals. The diagram shows the connections between the inputs and outputs at each stage, allowing us to Trace the flow of the signal and calculate intermediate results. By following the signal flow diagram, we can easily understand the computation process for N = 8 in DIT FFT.

Input Order for DIT FFT

In DIT FFT, the order of the inputs plays a crucial role in the calculation process. The input order determines how the sequence is divided and combined in each stage of the algorithm. For N = 8, the order of the inputs is as follows:

  • x(0), x(4), x(2), x(6), x(1), x(5), x(3), x(7)

By arranging the inputs in this order, we ensure that the signal flow diagram and the butterfly diagram are correctly followed during the calculation process. This order can be remembered or obtained using the process of bit reversal, as discussed in previous lectures.

Calculation of Intermediate Results

To find the output at each stage in DIT FFT, we need to perform specific calculations. At each stage, the inputs are combined and processed to obtain the outputs. The calculations involve multiplication, addition, and complex number operations. By following the signal flow diagram and using the values provided in the input sequence, we can calculate the intermediate results at each stage, which serve as inputs for the next stage.

Finding the Output at Each Stage

The calculation process in DIT FFT involves finding the output at each stage Based on the inputs and the signal flow diagram. At each stage, we take specific inputs, perform the necessary calculations, and obtain the respective outputs. By step-by-step calculation, we can determine the output at each stage in the DIT FFT algorithm. This information is crucial for obtaining the final DFT for the given sequence.

Calculating X of k

After performing the calculations for each stage, we can calculate X of k, which represents the frequency domain signal from x(0) to x(7). By combining the intermediate results obtained from the previous stages, we can find the values of X of k. In the case of N = 8, the final DFT for the given sequence using DIT FFT is:

X of k = [255, 48.63 + j166.05, -51 + j102, -78.63 + j46.05, -85, -78.63 - j46.05, -51 - j102, 48.63 - j166.05]

These values represent the frequency domain representation of the given sequence after applying DIT FFT.


In conclusion, the problem of DIT FFT (Decimation in Time Fast Fourier Transform) is an important concept in signal processing. Understanding the concept of DIT FFT, its calculation process, and the significance of the butterfly diagram and signal flow diagram are crucial for efficiently computing the Discrete Fourier Transform of a sequence. By following the step-by-step calculation process and analyzing the intermediate results, we can find the final DFT of the given sequence using DIT FFT. So, embrace the power of DIT FFT and enhance your signal processing capabilities!


  • DIT FFT is an efficient algorithm for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of a sequence.
  • Decimation in Time Fourier Transform simplifies the DFT computation by dividing the time domain signal into smaller parts.
  • The butterfly diagram and signal flow diagram help visualize and understand the calculation process in DIT FFT.
  • The order of inputs is crucial in DIT FFT and can be determined using bit reversal or by following specific rules.
  • The step-by-step calculation process involves combining and processing inputs to obtain intermediate results and the final DFT.
  • X of k represents the frequency domain signal obtained after applying DIT FFT.


Q: What is the significance of the butterfly diagram in DIT FFT? A: The butterfly diagram helps visualize the flow of the signal through various stages of the DIT FFT algorithm. It helps understand the order of inputs and outputs and simplifies the calculation process.

Q: How does DIT FFT simplify the computation of the DFT? A: DIT FFT simplifies the computation of the DFT by dividing the time domain signal into smaller parts and processing them separately. This reduces the complexity of the calculation and improves efficiency.

Q: Can You explain the calculation process in DIT FFT? A: The calculation process involves combining inputs, performing specific calculations, and obtaining intermediate results at each stage. These intermediate results serve as inputs for the next stage until the final DFT is obtained.

Q: What is the final output in DIT FFT? A: The final output in DIT FFT is the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the given sequence. It represents the frequency domain signal obtained after applying the DIT FFT algorithm.

Q: How can DIT FFT be applied in real-life applications? A: DIT FFT has various applications, such as audio and image compression, digital filtering, and spectral analysis. It is widely used in signal processing and communication systems for efficient and accurate computation of the Fourier Transform.

Q: Are there any limitations or drawbacks of DIT FFT? A: While DIT FFT is a powerful algorithm, it may not be suitable for all applications. It requires the input sequence to be of a specific length, and the calculation process can be complex for larger sequences. Additionally, DIT FFT is more efficient for power-of-two sequence lengths.

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