New Overwatch 2 Bundle's Sigma and Mercy Bee Skins: Worth the Buy?

New Overwatch 2 Bundle's Sigma and Mercy Bee Skins: Worth the Buy?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the New Skins
  3. Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle
    • Price Details
    • Description of the Bundle
    • Pros and Cons
  4. Cheaper Alternative Bundle
    • Price Details
    • Description of the Bundle
    • Pros and Cons
  5. Monkey Business Bundle
    • Price Details
    • Description of the Bundle
    • Pros and Cons
  6. Skin Reviews
    • Beekeeper Sigma
    • Honeybee Mercy
    • Monkey Business Winston
    • Tokoyaki Zenyatta
  7. In-game Features
    • Sigma's Abilities and Effects
    • Mercy's Weapons and Effects
    • Winston's Weapons and Effects
    • Zenyatta's Orbs and Effects
  8. Verdict: Should You Buy?
  9. Conclusion
  10. Frequently Asked Questions

Article: Should You Buy the New Skins in Overwatch?

Overwatch, the popular online multiplayer game, has released a new series of skins that has caught the Attention of players. In this article, we will Delve into the details of these new skins and help you decide whether they are worth buying or not.

1. Introduction

Overwatch has gained immense popularity since its release and continues to be a favorite among gamers. With regular updates and new content, the game keeps players engaged and excited. One of the recent additions to the game is a collection of new skins that have generated a lot of buzz within the community. In this article, we will explore these skins, discuss their prices, and provide an unbiased analysis of whether they are worth the investment.

2. Overview of the New Skins

The new skins are part of a bundle system, where players can purchase different packages to gain access to exclusive content. The skins vary in price and features, allowing players to choose the bundle that suits their preferences and budget. Let's take a closer look at some of these bundles and what they have to offer.

3. Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle

The Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle is the first bundle we will review. Priced at $38.99 Canadian, this bundle includes the premium battle pass along with 2000 credits. The battle pass grants access to various in-game Perks and cosmetics, making it a valuable addition for avid players. Additionally, this bundle features a special skin for the hero Sigma, called "Beekeeper Sigma." This skin has garnered significant attention due to its unique design and visual effects.


  • Includes premium battle pass
  • Special skin for Sigma
  • 2000 credits for in-game purchases


  • High price tag compared to individual purchases

4. Cheaper Alternative Bundle

For players looking for a budget-friendly option, the Cheaper Alternative Bundle is a suitable choice. Priced at around $13 Canadian, this bundle offers a thousand credits along with the exclusive "Honeybee Mercy" skin. This skin has received positive reviews for its charming design and attention to Detail. Additionally, players will also receive a weapon charm, which adds a touch of customization to their gameplay experience.


  • Affordable price
  • Includes a thousand credits
  • Unique skin for Mercy
  • Weapon Charm included


  • Limited content compared to the Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle

5. Monkey Business Bundle

The Monkey Business Bundle introduces the "Monkey Business Winston" skin, which has received mixed reviews from the community. Priced at approximately $13 Canadian, this bundle includes 1300 credits along with the Winston skin. While some players appreciate the unique look of this skin, others find it less appealing compared to other options. It also includes a playful emote and a variety of cosmetics.


  • Affordable price
  • Additions to Winston's character
  • 1300 credits for in-game purchases


  • The skin may not be appealing to all players

6. Skin Reviews

To provide a comprehensive analysis, let's review each of the individual skins included in the bundles:

Beekeeper Sigma

The Beekeeper Sigma skin stands out for its creative design and intricate visual effects. The orbs emit a buzzing sound and feature bee motifs, adding a unique touch to the gameplay experience. This skin is a must-have for Sigma players who appreciate attention to detail and enjoy showcasing unique cosmetics.

Honeybee Mercy

The Honeybee Mercy skin is adored for its adorable appearance and charming aesthetic. The skin features honeycomb Patterns and buzzing bees, creating a delightful visual experience. Mercy players will appreciate the attention given to this skin and the additional customization options it provides.

Monkey Business Winston

The Monkey Business Winston skin has a playful and energetic vibe. While it may not be as visually striking as other skins, it still adds a refreshing change to Winston's character. The emote and other cosmetics included in this bundle Create a Cohesive theme, making it a worthwhile addition for Winston enthusiasts.

Tokoyaki Zenyatta

The Tokoyaki Zenyatta skin has garnered positive feedback for its unique orb design. The orbs Resemble golden takoyaki, adding a touch of creativity to Zenyatta's character. Whether you prefer the golden or regular version, this skin offers a satisfying visual upgrade for Zenyatta players.

7. In-game Features

Apart from the skins, it is essential to evaluate the in-game effects and features associated with each skin:

Sigma's Abilities and Effects

Sigma's abilities remain unchanged with the new skin. However, the Beekeeper Sigma skin emits a subtle buzzing sound from the orbs and features bee-themed visuals. While this does not impact gameplay significantly, it adds to the overall immersion and thematic experience.

Mercy's Weapons and Effects

Mercy's healing and damage-boosting abilities are unaffected by the skin. The Honeybee Mercy skin features honeycomb patterns on her staff and golden accents on her weapon. While these visual enhancements do not impact gameplay, they add a pleasing aesthetic to her abilities.

Winston's Weapons and Effects

Winston's abilities remain the same with the Monkey Business skin. However, the skin introduces a different visual design for his weapon, showcasing detailed textures and a prominent "W" emblem. These visual changes offer a fresh look to Winston's gameplay without altering his Core abilities.

Zenyatta's Orbs and Effects

Zenyatta retains his skills and abilities regardless of the chosen skin. The Tokoyaki Zenyatta skin introduces visually captivating orbs that resemble golden takoyaki. While these changes are purely cosmetic, they add a unique charm to Zenyatta's gameplay.

8. Verdict: Should You Buy?

After evaluating the new skins and their associated features, it is time to determine whether they are worth purchasing. Ultimately, the decision depends on personal preference, budget, and attachment to the respective characters. If you are an avid Overwatch player and willing to invest in the game, the Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle offers the most comprehensive Package, including the premium battle pass and exclusive skins. However, for players on a tighter budget or with specific character preferences, the Cheaper Alternative and Monkey Business bundles provide excellent options with their unique skins and additional cosmetics.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, the new skins in Overwatch offer players the opportunity to enhance their gameplay experience and express their individuality. Whether you choose to invest in the Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle, the Cheaper Alternative Bundle, or the Monkey Business Bundle, each option offers its own merits and appeals to different types of players. Remember to consider your budget, character preferences, and desired customization before making a purchase. Happy gaming!


  1. Overwatch introduces new skins that have created a buzz within the community.
  2. The Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle offers the premium battle pass and a special skin for Sigma.
  3. The Cheaper Alternative Bundle includes a thousand credits and the exclusive "Honeybee Mercy" skin.
  4. The Monkey Business Bundle features the "Monkey Business Winston" skin and additional cosmetics.
  5. Beekeeper Sigma, Honeybee Mercy, Monkey Business Winston, and Tokoyaki Zenyatta are the standout skins in the bundles.
  6. The skins offer unique visual effects and customizations to enhance the gameplay experience.
  7. The decision to purchase the skins depends on personal preference, budget, and attachment to the characters.
  8. The Ultimate Battle Pass Bundle is the most comprehensive option for avid Overwatch players.
  9. The Cheaper Alternative and Monkey Business bundles provide budget-friendly alternatives with great skins and additional cosmetics.
  10. Choose the bundle that aligns with your preferences and enjoy the enhanced gameplay experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are the new skins only available through bundles? A: Yes, the new skins can only be obtained by purchasing the various bundles.

Q: Can I buy individual skins without purchasing a bundle? A: No, the skins are only available as part of the bundles.

Q: Can I use the skins in competitive gameplay? A: Yes, the skins can be used in all game modes, including competitive matches.

Q: Will the skins be available for a limited time? A: The availability of the skins may vary, so it is recommended to check the in-game store for more information.

Q: Can I earn the skins through in-game rewards? A: No, the skins included in the bundles cannot be earned through in-game rewards and must be purchased separately.

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