Revolutionizing AI Art: ControlNet v1.1

Revolutionizing AI Art: ControlNet v1.1

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Control Net?
  3. Control Net 1.0 Release
    • Official Controller Models
    • Generalization to Different Base Models
    • Preprocessors
  4. Training Your Own Control Net
    • Community Main Models
  5. Control Net Studies
    • Various Angles, Directions, and Poses
    • Coherent Videos with Temporo Net
  6. Control Net 1.1 Release
    • Improved Models
    • Latent Coupling and Line Art Colorization
    • Experimental Models: Instructor Pix and Shuffle
  7. The Unfinished Model
    • Control Net Tile and Upscaling
  8. Conclusion


Control Net has become a sensation in the AI community since its release in February 2022. It has revolutionized the way we generate images, providing a more accurate and controlled approach. In this article, we will explore the development of Control Net and discuss the latest release, Control Net 1.1. We will also Delve into the various models and studies conducted using Control Net, as well as its potential for generating coherent videos. Additionally, we will highlight the improvements and experimental models introduced in Control Net 1.1 and touch upon the future of this groundbreaking method.

What is Control Net?

Control Net is an AI technology that allows users to provide a reference image to enhance the generation of images with text. By using different types of reference images, Control Net provides unique ways to manipulate and control the generated output. The initial release, Control Net 1.0, featured eight official controller models tailored for specific control methods, such as semantic segmentation, depth, human pose, and more. However, Control Net 1.1 expands upon this foundation with improved models and experimental approaches.

Control Net 1.0 Release

Official Controller Models

The first release of Control Net included eight officially published controller models. Each model offered a distinct approach to generation control. For example, the Candy model focused on generating images Based on colorful and vibrant references, while the Scribbles model allowed users to guide the generation process using HAND-drawn boundary scribbles. The Control Net 1.0 release also introduced the concept of preprocessors, which enabled the generation of specific reference images without manual intervention.

Generalization to Different Base Models

While the initial models were trained on Stable Fusion 1.5, subsequent implementations extended the compatibility of Control Net 1.0 models to other base models, including fine-tuned models based on SD 1.5. These additions, such as FT16 models for faster GPU processing and the Motion Controller for stacking multiple references, enhanced the versatility and applicability of Control Net.

Training Your Own Control Net

Control Net not only provides pre-trained models but also offers the opportunity to train your own models. This community-driven approach allows users to explore alternative models like Phase Landmark, Uncanny Phase, Media Pipe Phase, and Zoe Depth. By training custom Control Net models, users gain greater control over the generation process and can tailor the AI's capabilities to their specific needs.

Control Net Studies

Various studies have been conducted using Control Net to analyze its performance with different inputs and scenarios. One noteworthy study conducted by a Twitter user known as toy XYZ explored the effects of angles, directions, poses, and figure quantities on Control Net-generated images. This study showcased Control Net's ability to adapt to a wide range of inputs and its potential for generating highly customized outputs.

Coherent Videos with Temporo Net

Control Net not only excels in image generation but has also been developed to generate coherent videos. The Temporo Net, or GRID method, is a technique used to generate or style transfer videos while minimizing flickering. Multiple frames are combined into a grid, Stylized using image-to-image techniques, and interpolated to reduce flickering between frames. While video length is currently limited by hardware capabilities, Control Net 1.1 introduces experimental models that could have a significant impact on video-based stylization and editing.

Control Net 1.1 Release

Improved Models

Control Net 1.1 introduces a set of improved official models, including depth normal map, Candy Edge MLSG, scribbles, soft-edge segmentation, human pose, paint line art, and a specific anime line art model. These models were trained for increased robustness and quality using an Nvidia A100 for 200 GPU hours. The improvements in these models enhance the accuracy and fidelity of the generated images, providing users with even better control and results.

Latent Coupling and Line Art Colorization

With the improved Control Net models in version 1.1, workflows that involve latent coupling, such as line art colorization, can now provide more precise edits in content-rich images. Latent coupling enables users to specify different colors or styles for specific regions of an image, resulting in more detailed and customizable edits. This feature opens up new possibilities for creative expression and fine-tuning image manipulations.

Experimental Models: Instructor Pix and Shuffle

Control Net 1.1 introduces experimental models that push the boundaries of image stylization and editing. The Instructor Pix model shows great promise compared to the original Pix2Pix model, demonstrating more realistic edits. The Shuffle model is particularly fascinating, as it offers a stylization method that does not rely on clip-related functions. Instead, it leverages the input and reference images to generate a composition that combines their styles. These experimental models provide exciting avenues for exploration and experimentation.

The Unfinished Model

One of the standout additions to Control Net 1.1 is the unfinished model, Control Net Tile. This model addresses the challenge of generating high-resolution images, such as 4K or higher. Traditionally, users would tile the image into smaller parts and then upscale them, resulting in visible borders and a lack of coherence between the tiles. Control Net Tile tackles this problem by identifying and increasing the influence of the semantic target, while reducing the impact of the prompt on unrelated image subjects. This innovative approach ensures more consistent and coherent results when upscaling large images.


Control Net has quickly become a game-changer in the AI community, offering precise and controlled image generation capabilities. The release of Control Net 1.1 further enhances this groundbreaking technology with improved models, experimental approaches, and the promise of generating coherent videos. With the ability to train custom models and the potential for creative applications like line art colorization and latent coupling, Control Net continues to push the boundaries of AI-assisted image generation and manipulation.


  • Control Net revolutionizes image generation with precise control and manipulation.
  • Control Net 1.1 introduces improved models and experimental approaches.
  • Users can train their own Control Net models for greater customization.
  • Control Net enables coherent video generation with the Temporo Net method.
  • Experimental models like Instructor Pix and Shuffle offer exciting possibilities for image stylization.


Q: Can I train my own models with Control Net? A: Yes, Control Net allows users to train their own models, enabling greater customization and control over the image generation process.

Q: How does Control Net handle high-resolution images? A: Control Net 1.1 introduces Control Net Tile, an innovative approach that ensures coherence and consistency when upscaling large images.

Q: Can Control Net generate coherent videos? A: Yes, Control Net can generate coherent videos using the Temporo Net method, which reduces flickering between frames.

Q: Are there any specific applications of Control Net? A: Control Net has a wide range of applications, from image stylization to line art colorization and latent coupling for precise edits.

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