The Emotional Reunion: Joseph Reveals His Identity

The Emotional Reunion: Joseph Reveals His Identity

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Joseph's Revelation to His Brothers
    • Joseph's Emotional Response
    • Joseph Reveals His Identity
    • Joseph's Forgiveness and Reunion with His Brothers
  3. Joseph's Message to His Father
    • Joseph's Request to Bring Jacob to Egypt
    • God's Plan and Joseph's Position in Egypt
  4. Joseph's Generosity towards His Brothers
    • Provision for the Famine Years
    • Joseph's Affection for Benjamin
    • Sending Gifts to Their Father
  5. The Brothers' Return and Jacob's Reaction
    • Pharaoh's Permission and Blessings
    • Journey back to Canaan
    • Jacob's Initial Disbelief and Renewed Hope
  6. Conclusion

Joseph's Reunion with His Brothers and Jacob's Revelation

The story of Joseph in Genesis Chapter 45 is a powerful account of reconciliation and forgiveness. In this chapter, Joseph finally reveals his identity to his brothers and brings about a long-awaited reunion with his family. The emotional intensity of the scene is palpable, as Joseph weeps loudly and embraces his brothers, turning their fear and guilt into relief and joy.

Joseph's Emotional Response Joseph, unable to contain his emotions any longer, orders everyone except his brothers to leave the room. Overwhelmed with feelings of love and compassion towards his family, Joseph weeps so loudly that even the Egyptians and Pharaoh's household hear him. This unexpected display of vulnerability and emotion sets the stage for the dramatic revelation to come.

Joseph Reveals His Identity Once alone with his brothers, Joseph boldly declares, "I am Joseph! Is my father still alive?" His brothers, terrified and unable to respond, are confronted with the harsh reality of their past actions. Joseph's revelation not only shocks his brothers but also serves as a turning point in their relationship, as they come face to face with their guilt and the consequences of their betrayal.

Joseph's Forgiveness and Reunion with His Brothers Rather than harboring anger or seeking revenge, Joseph reassures his brothers and encourages them not to be distressed or angry with themselves for selling him into slavery. He highlights the bigger picture, explaining that God had a grand plan for his life and used the circumstances to save many lives during the famine years. Joseph's forgiveness and benevolence pave the way for a heartfelt reunion as he embraces each of his brothers, shedding tears of joy and reconciliation.

Joseph's Message to His Father and Jacob's Reaction

After the emotional reunion with his brothers, Joseph shifts his focus to his father, Jacob. He sends his brothers back to Canaan with a message, instructing them to bring Jacob and their families to Egypt for their survival during the remaining famine years.

Joseph's Request to Bring Jacob to Egypt Understanding the urgency of the situation, Joseph emphasizes the need for Jacob's immediate presence in Egypt. He reassures his brothers that their father will live in the region of Goshen, where they will be provided for and protected. Joseph assures them that he will personally take care of their every need, ensuring that they do not suffer from the famine and its aftermath.

God's Plan and Joseph's Position in Egypt Joseph acknowledges that his rise to power in Egypt was not a coincidence but part of God's plan. He highlights his role as a leader, having been made father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household, and ruler of all Egypt. This revelation showcases the divine hand that guided Joseph's life despite his brothers' actions.

Joseph's Generosity towards His Brothers and Gifts for Jacob

Joseph's love and generosity extend beyond forgiveness and reconciliation. He goes to great lengths to provide for his brothers during the famine years and ensures their safe return to their father.

Provision for the Famine Years Recognizing the severity of the famine, Joseph promises to provide for his brothers and their families in Egypt. He assures them that he will take care of their physical needs, offering them a place to live and prosper during the remaining years of scarcity.

Joseph's Affection for Benjamin Joseph's deep affection for his brother Benjamin is evident in his emotional embrace. He gifts Benjamin with three hundred shekels of silver and five sets of clothes, symbolizing his overwhelming love and desire for Benjamin's well-being.

Sending Gifts to Their Father Joseph sends his brothers back to their father Jacob with ten donkeys loaded with the best things of Egypt. The provision also includes ten female donkeys loaded with grain, bread, and other provisions for the journey. These lavish gifts serve as a tangible expression of Joseph's desire to ensure his father's comfort and convince him of the truth about Joseph's survival and elevated status in Egypt.

The Brothers' Return and Jacob's Reaction

The brothers embark on their journey back to Canaan, carrying Joseph's gifts and the incredible news of his existence. Upon their return, they find Jacob in disbelief, unable to accept the fact that his beloved son Joseph is still alive.

Pharaoh's Permission and Blessings When Pharaoh learns of Joseph's brothers' arrival, he expresses his pleasure and instructs Joseph to bring their father and families to Egypt. Pharaoh promises to give them the best of the land, ensuring their prosperity and well-being.

Journey back to Canaan The brothers leave Egypt, traveling to Canaan to deliver the astonishing news to their father. Despite their initial disbelief, they persist in sharing every detail of their encounter with Joseph, including the gifts and the carts sent for their journey.

Jacob's Initial Disbelief and Renewed Hope Initially stunned, Jacob gradually accepts the truth as he sees the carts and hears the account of Joseph's words and actions. Jacob's spirit is revived, and he declares his conviction that his beloved son Joseph is indeed alive. Overwhelmed with joy and anticipation, Jacob determines to travel to Egypt to see Joseph before he dies.


Genesis Chapter 45 is a pivotal moment in the story of Joseph and his family, marking the long-awaited revelation and reunion between Joseph and his brothers. It showcases forgiveness, reconciliation, and the fulfillment of God's plan. The emotional journey of Joseph and his family serves as a powerful example of the transformative power of forgiveness and the restoration of broken relationships. Through this narrative, we learn the importance of letting go of past grievances and embracing the opportunity for reconciliation and renewed bonds of love and trust.


  • Joseph reveals his true identity to his brothers, leading to a heartfelt reunion.
  • Joseph forgives his brothers and reassures them of God's greater plan.
  • Joseph requests the presence of his father Jacob and promises to provide for their family in Egypt.
  • Joseph showers his brother Benjamin with affection and lavish gifts.
  • Joseph sends generous provisions to Jacob and assures him of the truth of Joseph's survival.
  • The brothers return to Canaan, sharing the astonishing news with Jacob.
  • Jacob initially doubts but eventually accepts the truth and plans to see Joseph before his death.


Q: Why did Joseph reveal his identity to his brothers? A: Joseph revealed his identity as a way to reconcile with his brothers and restore their relationship. It was also an opportunity for Joseph to assure them of his forgiveness and to explain God's purpose in allowing their past actions.

Q: How did Jacob react to the news of Joseph's survival? A: Initially, Jacob was in disbelief and found it hard to accept the truth. However, after seeing the carts and hearing the account of Joseph's words and actions, Jacob's spirit was revived, and he ultimately believed that his son Joseph was alive.

Q: Why did Joseph shower Benjamin with special gifts? A: Joseph had a deep affection for his brother Benjamin and wanted to express his overwhelming love and desire for Benjamin's well-being. The lavish gifts were a symbol of Joseph's care and affection towards him.

Q: Why did Joseph send provisions to Jacob? A: Joseph sent provisions to ensure the survival and welfare of his father and their entire family during the remaining years of famine. It was a gesture of love and care, emphasizing Joseph's desire to provide for them.

Q: Why did Jacob decide to travel to Egypt? A: Jacob's conviction that Joseph was alive and the prospect of being reunited with him filled him with overwhelming joy and anticipation. He was determined to see Joseph before he died, thus prompting his decision to travel to Egypt.

Q: What principles can we learn from the story of Joseph and his brothers? A: The story of Joseph teaches us the power of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the recognition of God's greater plans. It demonstrates the transformative effects of forgiveness in healing broken relationships and the importance of embracing opportunities for reconciliation and renewal of bonds of love and trust.

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