Unpopular Men's Hairstyles Women Hate

Unpopular Men's Hairstyles Women Hate

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction: The Importance of Hair and Personal Style
  2. The Man Bun: A Trend That Needs to Go
  3. The U-Shaped Hairline: Embrace Your Baldness
  4. The Mohawk: A Try-Hard Look
  5. The Bowl Cut: A Hairstyle of the Past
  6. The Aggressive Undercut: Time to Move On
  7. The Mullet: A Surprising Comeback
  8. The Messy Ponytail: Not as Charming as You Think
  9. The Rat Tail: Just Say No
  10. The Flat Top: A Styling Disaster


The Hairstyles Men Should Avoid: A Guide to Bad Haircuts

Introduction: The Importance of Hair and Personal Style

Hey, you! I'm Ashley Weston, a celebrity menswear stylist. Let's talk about something that says a lot about your personality – your hair. Your hairstyle reflects your Sense of personal style and the level of pride you take in your appearance. However, sometimes guys make hairstyle choices that portray a misjudged sense of style or a lack of pride in their appearance. Your hair makes a statement, and unfortunately, some statements come across as "my mom cuts my hair" or "I've given up on life." It's not just women who Notice these hairstyles; they judge too. In this article, I'll discuss the hairstyles that women absolutely can't stand and why it's essential to change them. So, let's dive in!

The Man Bun: A Trend That Needs to Go

First up, let's talk about the man bun – the most popular men's haircut in the summer of 2015. While celebrities like Harry Styles and Chris Hemsworth have pulled off the man bun in the past, rocking one nowadays makes you look out of touch. Tying your beautiful locks back into a scruffy bulb resembling a metrosexual Samurai hides your hair's appeal. Instead, let your hair shine naturally, and trust me, women don't want to ask if you've been stealing their hair ties.

The U-Shaped Hairline: Embrace Your Baldness

Next, we have the u-shaped hairline – a look made popular by Prince William. This thinning hair pattern makes styling nearly impossible. Losing your hair is difficult, but accepting your baldness and embracing it can actually work in your favor. Many women find a fully shaved or buzzed head super masculine, feral, and confident. Just look at Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson – they owned their baldness and became modern-day sex symbols.

The Mohawk: A Try-Hard Look

Now, let's talk about the frustrating mohawk hairstyle. It's a look that comes across as super juvenile, unsophisticated, and frankly, stupid. Adding zany colors to your hawk won't make it any better. Jared Leto couldn't pull it off, which means you definitely can't either. Rather than going for the childish mohawk or the watered-down fauxhawk, opt for a more refined hairstyle like a classic crew cut, which will make you look more like a sophisticated man.

The Bowl Cut: A Hairstyle of the Past

Ah, the bowl cut – a hairstyle that belongs in the year 1977. No one wants a hairstyle named after a dish used for serving soup. Whether you wear it with long hair, a fringe, or a fade, it simply makes you look like your mom put a bowl on your head and started cutting. Even those high and tight bowl cuts that the hipster kids wear don't make it any better. So, please, let's leave the bowl cut in the past and get a more stylish haircut.

The Aggressive Undercut: Time to Move On

The aggressive undercut, popularized by Cillian Murphy in Peaky Blinders and Brad Pitt, is a hairstyle that has run its course. Originally worn to prevent the spread of head lice, it's a look that's just overstayed its welcome. It may be tempting to sport this style, but there are more contemporary options to consider. It's time to let go of the aggressive undercut and explore other hairstyles.

The Mullet: A Surprising Comeback

Yes, you Read it right – the mullet is making a surprising comeback. This infamous hairstyle, associated with rednecks and rock stars who should have known better, has found its way back into the trend scene. But let's face it, there's nothing worse than an ironic haircut. The mullet doesn't do you any favors, and the smug self-confidence required to think you can pull it off is just misplaced. Embrace a more fashionable and Timeless haircut instead.

The Messy Ponytail: Not as Charming as You Think

Men often assume they can pull off a messy ponytail, but they are usually mistaken. For every '90s David Beckham, there are countless guys who look like they offer free yoga classes out of the back of a windowless van. Long hair requires a lot of maintenance, including oils, shampoos, conditioners, and anti-frizz creams. If you aren't committed to this upkeep, your hair will just look tired and greasy. And please, no rat tails ever – it's a look that should Never be rocked by any man at any time.

The Flat Top: A Styling Disaster

Last on my list is the flat top – a military-inspired haircut dating back to the 1950s. This boxy, square-shaped haircut on top with short or shaved sides is unstylish, uninteresting, and just flat in every sense. It's difficult to pull off on any face shape, and let's be honest, it just doesn't make a positive impression. For a similarly manly but far less creepy look, consider the classic buzz cut.

In conclusion, your hairstyle Speaks volumes about your personal style and grooming habits. By avoiding these hairstyles that women can't stand, you'll present yourself as someone who takes pride in their appearance and understands the importance of a well-groomed head of hair. Remember, fashion trends come and go, but a timeless, well-maintained hairstyle will always make a positive impression.


  • Your hairstyle reflects your personal style and level of pride in your appearance.
  • Avoid the man bun, u-shaped hairline, mohawk, bowl cut, aggressive undercut, mullet, messy ponytail, rat tails, and the flat top.
  • Embrace your baldness and consider shaved or buzzed looks.
  • Classic crew cuts and pompadours are timeless choices.
  • Long hair requires maintenance and commitment to avoid looking tired and greasy.


Q: Can I still have long hair if I avoid the man bun? A: Of course! Long hair can look great if worn down naturally and well-maintained.

Q: Are there any hairstyles that women Universally love on men? A: While personal preferences vary, classic styles like the pompadour, slicked-back crop, and side part have proven to be attractive choices for many women.

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