Upgrade Nature Staff: Expand EXP Pickup Radius and Enhance Gameplay

Upgrade Nature Staff: Expand EXP Pickup Radius and Enhance Gameplay

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Upgrading the Nature Staff
  3. Implementing Unit Tests for EXP Pickup
  4. Creating a Test for Increasing Radius
  5. Adding Weapon Upgrade API
  6. testing the EXP Pickup Radius Increase
  7. Selecting the Nature Staff
  8. Modifying the Nature Staff Parameters
  9. Running the Tests and Verifying the Radius Increase
  10. Conclusion

Introduction In this devlog, we will be focusing on upgrading the Skull Survivor game. Our main objective is to update the nature staff in order to expand the radius at which players can collect souls. This upgrade will enhance the overall gameplay experience, adding a new level of challenge and excitement. In this article, we will discuss the steps involved in implementing this upgrade and improving the functionality of the EXP pickup.

Upgrading the Nature Staff Before diving into the technical details, let's understand the current state of the game and the changes we aim to make. In the previous video, we introduced the EXP pickup system, which allowed players to collect blue orbs called souls and gain experience points. However, the pickup radius was limited, and we wanted to make it more engaging for players to go out and actively collect these orbs. To achieve this, we will be adding an upgrade option for the nature staff that increases the radius of the EXP pickup.

Implementing Unit Tests for EXP Pickup To ensure that the EXP pickup upgrade functions as intended, we need to implement unit tests. Unit tests help in identifying any issues or bugs in the code and provide a safety net when making changes or additions. In this section, we will discuss the process of creating unit tests for the EXP pickup feature to validate the radius increase functionality.

Creating a Test for Increasing Radius The first step in testing the EXP pickup radius increase is to create a new test that proves the upgrade properly increases the radius of the connected sphere collider component upon enabling. By writing this test, we can verify that the radius expansion feature is working correctly and responding to the upgrade settings. This test will be crucial in ensuring the overall game balance and experience.

Adding Weapon Upgrade API In order to implement the radius increase functionality, we need to integrate the weapon upgrade API into the EXP pickup system. This API will allow us to access and manipulate the upgrade settings associated with the nature staff. By incorporating the API into our code, we can establish a connection between the nature staff and the EXP pickup, enabling the radius expansion feature.

Testing the EXP Pickup Radius Increase With the weapon upgrade API in place, we can now conduct tests to verify the radius increase of the EXP pickup. By comparing the original radius with the upgraded radius, we can validate that the change has been successfully implemented. Additionally, we will examine the update call to ensure that it only affects the size of the sphere collider and not any other aspects of the game.

Selecting the Nature Staff To test the EXP pickup radius increase, we need to select the appropriate weapon, in this case, the nature staff. By utilizing the game data and setting the selected weapon to the nature staff, we can focus our testing on the specific weapon's upgrade settings and behaviors. This step ensures that the radius increase feature is applied to the correct weapon within the game.

Modifying the Nature Staff Parameters In preparation for the radius expansion test, we need to modify the nature staff's parameters. Specifically, we will adjust the EXP collection modifier to increase the radius. By changing this parameter, we can create a more noticeable difference in the range of the EXP pickup, and players will be able to collect orbs from a greater distance.

Running the Tests and Verifying the Radius Increase With all the necessary changes made, it's time to run the tests and verify the EXP pickup radius increase. Running the tests will help us ensure that the upgrade functionality is working as intended and that the radius expansion feature is properly integrated into the game. By checking the test results, we can confirm that the upgrade was successful and that players can now collect souls from a larger radius.

Conclusion In conclusion, the upgraded EXP pickup feature with an increased radius brings a new level of excitement and challenge to the Skull Survivor game. Through the implementation of unit tests and the integration of the weapon upgrade API, we were able to successfully add the radius expansion functionality to the nature staff. Players can now enjoy collecting souls from a wider range, making the gameplay more engaging and rewarding.


  • Upgrading the nature staff to expand the radius of the EXP pickup
  • Implementing unit tests for validating the radius increase feature
  • Adding the weapon upgrade API to enhance the functionality of the EXP pickup
  • Testing and verifying the EXP pickup radius increase with the nature staff
  • Modifying nature staff parameters to fine-tune the gameplay experience

FAQ: Q: How does the EXP pickup radius increase work? A: The EXP pickup radius increase is achieved by upgrading the nature staff. By adjusting the EXP collection modifier parameter, players can collect souls from a larger distance.

Q: Can the radius increase be applied to other weapons in the Game? A: Currently, the radius increase feature is specific to the nature staff. However, with further development, it is possible to incorporate the upgrade option for other weapons as well.

Q: What other upgrades are available in the game? A: Apart from the EXP pickup radius increase, players can look forward to future updates that will introduce magnet upgrades and other enhancements to the gameplay mechanics.


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