ChatGPT-4o: Les premières impressions

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ChatGPT-4o: Les premières impressions

Table of Contents:

1. 🤖 Introduction

  • Overview of the GPT 4 upgrade

2. 🚀 GPT 4 Features

  • Upgraded U model to 40 Turbo
  • Availability in the API and Assistant
  • Increased speed

3. 💰 Pricing and Cost

  • Comparison of pricing with GPT 4 Turbo
  • 128k tokens limitation
  • Backward training data

4. 📱 Expanded Reach of Chat GPT

  • Mobile app and desktop app availability
  • Reasoning across audio, visual, vision, and text
  • Live video option

5. ❓ Is GPT 5 Still Coming?

  • Speculations about GPT 5 release
  • Possibility of further Incremental upgrades

6. 🎯 How to Use GPT 4

  • Instructions for using the new model
  • Planned "How to Use" series

7. 🔗 Resources

  • Links to OpenAI blog and announcement video

🤖 Introduction

OpenAI has released an update for their GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model, known as GPT 4. This article will delve into the new features, availability, pricing, and the potential impact on the future development of GPT.

🚀 GPT 4 Features

The GPT 4 upgrade brings an upgraded U model, with a transition from GPT 4 Turbo to GPT 40 Turbo. This upgrade is now available in both the API and the Assistant. The most notable improvement is the increased speed of GPT 4, touted to be 50% faster than its predecessor.

💰 Pricing and Cost

From a pricing perspective, GPT 4 offers affordability. As compared to the GPT 4 Turbo, GPT 40 Turbo is available at half the price, making it the fastest and most affordable flagship model. However, it is important to note that GPT 4 still operates with a 128k tokens limitation, similar to its predecessor. Additionally, there is disappointing news regarding the training data. While GPT 4 Turbo had training data up until December 2023, GPT 40 possesses training data only up until October 2023.

📱 Expanded Reach of Chat GPT

OpenAI's focus with GPT 4 is to enhance the availability and accessibility of Chat GPT. The upgrade includes integration with both a mobile app and a desktop app. The mobile app already provides GPT 40, encouraging users to have a real-time interactive experience with the model. The desktop app, although Mentioned by OpenAI, does not currently have a clear location for download. The announcement highlights the ability of GPT 4 to reason across audio, visual, vision, and text, with demonstrations consisting of live video interactions.

❓ Is GPT 5 Still Coming?

The release of GPT 4 raises questions about the upcoming GPT 5 model. Initially, there were expectations of a significant GPT 5 drop during this summer. Given the incremental nature of GPT 4's upgrade, there is uncertainty surrounding the release of GPT 5. It remains to be seen whether OpenAI will proceed with the launch of GPT 5 or introduce further incremental upgrades.

🎯 How to Use GPT 4

Once users have access to GPT 4, it is essential to understand how to utilize its capabilities effectively. Detailed instructions on how to leverage the new model will be covered in a "How to Use" series. As the model continues to evolve and be fine-tuned, it is crucial to allow time for the release of the desktop app and explore its functionalities before diving into the practical applications of GPT 4.

🔗 Resources

For more information, you can refer to the official OpenAI blog announcement and the detailed video presentation on GPT 40. These resources offer a deeper understanding of the upgrade and its implications for users.


  • OpenAI releases GPT 4, featuring an upgraded U model to GPT 40 Turbo.
  • GPT 4 is now available in both the API and the Assistant interface.
  • GPT 4 offers increased speed, touted to be 50% faster than its predecessor.
  • Pricing for GPT 40 Turbo is half the price of GPT 4 Turbo, making it the most affordable flagship model.
  • GPT 4 operates within a 128k tokens limitation, with training data up until October 2023.
  • OpenAI aims to expand the reach of Chat GPT through a mobile app and a desktop app.
  • GPT 4 enables reasoning across audio, visual, vision, and text.
  • The release of GPT 4 raises doubts about the future release of GPT 5.
  • Instructions on how to effectively use GPT 4 will be covered in a "How to Use" series.
  • Additional information can be found in the OpenAI blog announcement and accompanying video presentation.


Q: What are the key features of GPT 4?

A: GPT 4 offers an upgraded U model to GPT 40 Turbo, increased speed, and availability in both the API and Assistant interfaces.

Q: Is GPT 4 more affordable than its predecessor?

A: Yes, GPT 40 Turbo is priced at half the cost of GPT 4 Turbo, making it the most affordable flagship model.

Q: What is the token limitation of GPT 4?

A: GPT 4, similar to its predecessor, operates with a token limitation of 128k.

Q: What is the timeframe of the training data in GPT 4?

A: The training data for GPT 4 is available up until October 2023, which is a backward step compared to GPT 4 Turbo, which had data up until December 2023.

Q: Does GPT 4 support reasoning across various mediums?

A: Yes, GPT 4 can reason across audio, visual, vision, and text, expanding its capabilities.

Q: Will OpenAI still release GPT 5?

A: The release of GPT 4 has raised doubts about the future release of GPT 5, as incremental upgrades seem to be the current focus.

Q: Where can I find more information on GPT 4?

A: For more information, you can refer to the OpenAI blog announcement and the video presentation on GPT 40.

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