0 Examens
1 Sauvegardés
Introduction :
Unlock the potential of AI in mental health with TheraMe. This cutting-edge tool provides 24/7 emotional support without the need for appointments, making it accessible anytime, especially during late-night hours.
Ajouté le :
Apr 15 2024
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TheraMe Informations sur le produit

Qu'est-ce que TheraMe ?

Unlock the potential of AI in mental health with TheraMe. This cutting-edge tool provides 24/7 emotional support without the need for appointments, making it accessible anytime, especially during late-night hours.

Comment utiliser TheraMe ?

Join TheraMe to empower your mental health with AI. Get started and experience immediate impact with round-the-clock support, nighttime accessibility, judgment-free conversations, safety and direction, and authentic chatbot interaction.

Fonctionnalités de base de TheraMe

Immediate Impact

Round-the-Clock Support

Nighttime Accessibility


Safety and Direction

Authentic Conversations

Les cas d'utilisation de TheraMe


Feeling stressed at work


Relationship problems




Waiting for therapist appointments

FAQ de TheraMe

How does TheraMe provide support?

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TheraMe : Reviews, Prix, Fonctionnalités principales, Cas d'utilisation, alternatives
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