Master Ornn's Unsealed Spellbook Application with Makkro

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Master Ornn's Unsealed Spellbook Application with Makkro

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Spellbook?
  3. The Best Summons to Swap To
  4. How to Use Spellbook Swaps
  5. Matchup: Gangplank
  6. The Power of Anathema's Chains
  7. Punishing Gangplank's Mistakes
  8. Teamfighting with Spellbook
  9. Other Matchups for Spellbook
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the power of the Spellbook rune in League of Legends. Spellbook is a versatile utility rune from the Inspiration tree that allows You to swap between summoner spells, providing you with flexibility and strategic advantages in various situations. Whether you're facing range or melee matchups, Spellbook can give you the edge you need to secure kills and outperform your opponents. We'll Delve into the intricacies of using Spellbook effectively, discuss the best summoner spells to swap to, and analyze specific matchups, such as Gangplank. So let's dive in and discover how Spellbook can elevate your gameplay to new heights.

What is Spellbook?

Spellbook is a unique rune from the Inspiration tree that grants you the ability to swap between summoner spells throughout the game. Unlike other runes, Spellbook is not bound to specific conditions or restrictions, making it a versatile choice for any champion. By default, you start with a selected summoner spell, usually Teleport, and as the game progresses, you can swap it for another summoner spell from a predefined pool. This flexibility allows you to adapt to different stages of the game and tailor your summoner spells to maximize your effectiveness in various situations.

The Best Summons to Swap To

When using Spellbook, it's crucial to know which summoner spells to swap to for maximum impact. While the optimal choice may vary depending on the game state and champion, there are certain summoner spells that generally provide the most value. Here are the top summoner spells to consider swapping to, in order of preference:

  1. Ignite: Ignite is a powerful offensive summoner Spell that deals true damage over time and reduces healing effects. It is excellent for securing kills, providing pressure in lane, and countering champions with strong sustain.

  2. Exhaust: Exhaust is a defensive summoner spell that reduces the damage output of enemy champions and slows their movement speed. It is great for mitigating burst damage, protecting your team from assassins, and enabling favorable trades.

  3. Heal: Heal is a supportive summoner spell that Instantly restores health to you and a nearby ally, while also providing a movement speed boost. It is valuable for surviving all-ins, turning the tide in skirmishes, and aiding in team-wide engages.

  4. Ghost: Ghost is a mobility summoner spell that increases your champion's movement speed for a short duration. It is useful for chasing down enemies, escaping dangerous situations, and providing additional mobility during team fights.

  5. Barrier: Barrier is a defensive summoner spell that creates a shield around you, absorbing incoming damage. It is ideal for surviving burst damage, countering assassins, and enhancing your survivability in fights.

  6. Clarity: Clarity is a supportive summoner spell that instantly restores mana to you and nearby allies. It is valuable for champions with high mana costs or low mana sustain, allowing for extended engagements or prolonged sieges.

  7. Cleanse: Cleanse is a defensive summoner spell that removes all crowd control debuffs from your champion. It is essential for champions vulnerable to crowd control effects, such as stuns, roots, and silences, enabling you to escape and Continue fighting.

  8. Smite: Smite is a jungle-specific summoner spell that deals true damage to minions and monsters. It is necessary for junglers to secure objectives like buffs, dragons, and Baron Nashor, as well as efficiently clearing their jungle camps.

These summoner spells provide a range of offensive, defensive, and supportive options to adapt your playstyle and strategy as the game unfolds. Experiment with different combinations and assess the situation to determine the most suitable summoner spells to swap to.

How to Use Spellbook Swaps

To make the most of Spellbook, it's important to understand how and when to use your summoner spell swaps effectively. Here is a step-by-step guide on utilizing your swaps for optimal impact:

  1. Level Four: Typically, you should teleport back to lane at level four. This allows you to refill your health and mana, purchase items, and gain a temporary AdVantage over your opponent. It sets the stage for your first swap.

  2. Level Six: Once you reach level six, you will have the opportunity to perform your first summoner spell swap. At this point, you should consider swapping to Teleport if it is not on cooldown. This way, you can maintain your map presence and join crucial fights or objectives.

  3. Empty Summoner Spells: The key to utilizing Spellbook effectively is to swap summoner spells when they are empty or have a high cooldown. By doing so, you ensure that you always have summoner spells available when you need them, maximizing your utility and survivability.

  4. Increasing Utility: As the game progresses, your summoner spell swaps will gain more value. The cooldown of your swapped summoner spells will decrease, allowing you to make more frequent swaps and unleash the full potential of Spellbook. Consider swapping to offensive summoner spells like Ignite or Exhaust in team fights to secure kills and turn the tides in your favor.

Remember, the timing and choice of your summoner spell swaps are crucial to benefiting from Spellbook. Always evaluate the situation, anticipate upcoming fights or objectives, and use your swaps strategically to gain the upper HAND.

Matchup: Gangplank

One of the matchups where Spellbook shines is against Gangplank. Gangplank is a formidable opponent who can be tricky to trade with, especially if you are unable to consistently proc Grasp of the Undying. However, with Spellbook, you can overcome this challenge and gain a significant advantage.

To optimize your chances against Gangplank, consider the following strategies:

  1. Q Poke: Utilize your Q ability to chip away at Gangplank's health from a distance. This poke can slowly whittle down his health and force him to play defensively.

  2. Anathema's Chains: Take advantage of the power of Anathema's Chains, which reduces Gangplank's damage output against you. This item provides you with additional tankiness, making it harder for Gangplank to trade effectively.

  3. Farming Focus: Amidst Gangplank's zoning attempts, prioritize farming and obtaining as much gold as possible. Focus on last-hitting minions and securing creeps, despite his poke. This will allow you to Scale and become stronger as the game progresses.

  4. Defensive Items: Consider building armor items, such as Frostfire Gauntlet, against Gangplank. This reduces his damage significantly, especially because Gangplank relies heavily on armor penetration from his barrels.

  5. Spellbook Swaps: Utilize your summoner spell swaps to gain an advantage over Gangplank. You can swap to Ignite to have kill pressure whenever it is off cooldown or to other defensive summoner spells like Exhaust or Heal to mitigate his damage output and sustain.

By employing these strategies and making smart use of Spellbook, you can neutralize Gangplank's strengths and gain control over the lane. Punish his mistakes, farm diligently, and leverage the utility of your swapped summoner spells to secure kills and outscale him.

The Power of Anathema's Chains

One of the essential components of a successful Spellbook strategy is the use of Anathema's Chains. Anathema's Chains is an item specifically designed for tank champions and provides significant advantages in team fights, especially against high-damage opponents.

With Anathema's Chains, you can benefit from the following advantages:

  1. Reduce Damage: Anathema's Chains reduces the damage dealt by the champion you designate as your nemesis. This not only increases your survivability but also weakens the enemy's ability to trade effectively or burst you down.

  2. Focus Priority Targets: By designating a high-threat enemy champion as your nemesis, you can effectively neutralize their damage and become a priority target for them. This diversionary tactic allows your team to focus on more vulnerable opponents and gain a numerical advantage in team fights.

  3. Enhanced Durability: Anathema's Chains provides bonus resistances and health, making you significantly tankier. This durability allows you to absorb more damage, disrupt the enemy team, and serve as a frontline presence in team fights.

To fully harness the power of Anathema's Chains, designate an appropriate nemesis that poses the greatest threat to your team. Prioritize high-damage carries, assassins, or champions with significant crowd control abilities. By mitigating their impact, you increase your team's chances of winning team fights and securing objectives.

Punishing Gangplank's Mistakes

Gangplank is an infamously challenging champion to trade with, especially due to his barrel mechanics and damage potential. However, even the most skilled Gangplank players make mistakes that you can capitalize on to gain an advantage.

Here are some key mistakes to watch for and opportunities to punish Gangplank:

  1. Overextending: Gangplank players often become overconfident and push the Wave aggressively. Use this opportunity to coordinate with your jungler and set up a gank, catching Gangplank off-guard and potentially securing a kill.

  2. Barrel Mispositioning: Gangplank's barrels are his primary damage source, but they can be misplaced. Look for moments when Gangplank sets up barrels in a predictable pattern or leaves them too close to you. Punish him by destroying the barrels and denying him the opportunity to deal damage.

  3. Lack of Map Awareness: Gangplank players can often become too focused on farming or trading, neglecting their responsibilities to the team. If you see Gangplank tunnel-visioned in top lane, coordinate with your team to secure objectives elsewhere on the map, such as dragon or Rift Herald.

  4. Ignoring Anathema's Chains: Gangplank may underestimate the power of Anathema's Chains and continue to trade with you. Exploit this lack of awareness by engaging on Gangplank and demonstrating your increased durability. Use the reduced damage against him and force him into unfavorable trades.

By capitalizing on Gangplank's mistakes, you can gain a significant advantage in lane, cripple his scaling potential, and open opportunities for your team to secure objectives and win the game.

Teamfighting with Spellbook

One of the biggest advantages of Spellbook is its versatility in team fights. The ability to swap summoner spells on the fly allows you to adapt to changing situations and maximize your impact in crucial moments.

Here are some tips for teamfighting with Spellbook:

  1. Offensive Combos: Consider swapping to Ignite or Exhaust during team fights to amplify your damage output or reduce the effectiveness of key enemy champions. This can be particularly potent when engaging on high-priority targets such as assassins or Hyper carries.

  2. Defensive Combos: If you find yourself being focused or in need of survivability, swap to Barrier or Cleanse to mitigate incoming damage or remove crowd control effects. These defensive swaps can turn the tide of team fights and buy valuable seconds for your team to react.

  3. Peel and Protect: Use your summoner spell swaps to provide additional utility and protection for your team. Swap to Heal to provide a burst of healing for your allies or use Cleanse to remove crowd control effects from crucial team members.

  4. Map Awareness: Keep an eye on your allied carries and any potential threats. Anticipate when summoner spells or crucial abilities are on cooldown for the enemy team and coordinate with your team to initiate team fights when the odds are in your favor.

By being strategic and adaptable with your summoner spell swaps, you can make a significant impact in team fights, turn the tide in your team's favor, and secure victory.

Other Matchups for Spellbook

While Spellbook is particularly effective against champions like Gangplank, it can provide advantages in various other matchups as well. Here are a few matchups where Spellbook can be a valuable rune choice:

  1. Darius: Spellbook can allow you to survive Darius's all-ins and escape his apprehend ability. Swapping to heal or barrier during his engage can help mitigate his burst damage and allow you to trade back effectively.

  2. Jayce: Jayce is a highly versatile and oppressive champion in the early game. Spellbook can help you sustain in lane and surprise him with offensive swaps like ignite, turning the tables and securing kills.

  3. Mordekaiser: Mordekaiser's ultimate ability, Realm of Death, can lock you in a 1v1 situation. Spellbook allows you to have a defensive summoner spell ready to mitigate his burst damage or escape his clutches.

  4. Teemo: Spellbook can help you sustain against Teemo's relentless poke and mitigate his blinds. Swapping to barrier or heal during his all-ins can level the playing field and allow you to trade back effectively.

Remember, Spellbook is a versatile rune that can be adapted to various situations and matchups. Don't be afraid to experiment and find the optimal summoner spell swaps that will give you the edge over your opponents.


In this article, we have explored the versatility and power of the Spellbook rune in League of Legends. From understanding its mechanics to utilizing summoner spell swaps strategically, Spellbook offers a range of advantages to enhance your gameplay.

We discussed the best summoner spells to swap to and provided in-depth strategies for specific matchups, focusing on Gangplank. We also examined the potential of Anathema's Chains and how to punish mistakes made by Gangplank players. Additionally, we delved into teamfighting strategies with Spellbook and highlighted other matchups where this rune can shine.

By incorporating Spellbook into your playstyle, you can unlock new possibilities and outmaneuver your opponents. So, embrace the power of Spellbook, experiment with summoner spell swaps, and rise to new heights of success on the Rift.

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