Optimize Your Horizon Forbidden West PC Experience: HDR, Ultrawide, and RTX 4080 Showcase

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Optimize Your Horizon Forbidden West PC Experience: HDR, Ultrawide, and RTX 4080 Showcase

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. PC Port Overview
  3. Performance Settings
    • Ultra wide support
    • HDR settings
    • Refresh rate
  4. Graphics Settings
    • DLSS and FSR
    • Dynamic range
    • Shadow and highlight boost
    • Resolution scaling
  5. Anti-aliasing Options
    • DLAA, SMAA, and TAA
    • Upscaling methods
  6. Other Visual Settings
    • Field of view
    • Motion blur
    • Vignette
    • HUD customization
  7. Accessibility Options
    • Quest pathfinding
    • Sprint, concentration, and dodge settings
    • Auto run
  8. Privacy Settings
  9. Camera and Pickup Settings
  10. Performance and Troubleshooting
  11. Conclusion

🎮 Horizon Forbidden West PC Port: The Ultimate Version

Horizon Forbidden West has finally made its way to the PC, promising to be the ultimate version of the Game. In this article, we will delve into the PC port, exploring its features, performance settings, and visual optimizations. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, we have got you covered with all the essential information you need to enhance your gaming experience.

1. Introduction

Horizon Forbidden West is an action-packed open-world game set in a post-apocalyptic world filled with stunning landscapes and intense combat. With the PC port released, it brings along a range of settings and options that allow players to customize their gaming experience to their liking. In this article, we will guide you through the various settings available, helping you make the most out of your gameplay.

2. PC Port Overview

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of the settings, let's take a moment to appreciate the PC port of Horizon Forbidden West. The PC version offers impressive enhancements, including ultra-wide support, HDR capabilities, and improved graphics fidelity. With these additions, the game truly shines on the PC platform, providing players with stunning visuals and immersive gameplay.

3. Performance Settings

To start optimizing your gaming experience, let's explore the performance settings available in Horizon Forbidden West. These settings will allow you to fine-tune the game according to your hardware capabilities and personal preferences.

- Ultra wide support

For those fortunate enough to own an ultra-wide monitor, Horizon Forbidden West provides native support for this aspect ratio. By adjusting the aspect ratio settings, you can fully utilize your ultra-wide display and enjoy a broader field of view.

- HDR settings

Horizon Forbidden West supports HDR (High Dynamic Range), which enhances the game's visuals by providing a broader range of colors and contrast. If your display is HDR-certified, make sure to enable HDR for a truly immersive experience. The game will automatically detect the proper HDR settings, ensuring optimal performance.

  • HDR Max luminance and HDR paper white: These settings determine the brightness and overall HDR effect. It is recommended to leave them at their default values unless you have the necessary tools for accurate calibration.

  • HDR Shadow boost and HDR highlight boost: These settings allow you to adjust the intensity of shadows and highlights in the game. Experiment with different levels to find the balance that suits your preference. Keep an eye on the details in darker areas and watch for any loss of Clarity or crushed shadows.

4. Graphics Settings

The graphics settings in Horizon Forbidden West offer a range of options to fine-tune the visual fidelity of the game. Let's explore these settings and find the best combination for an immersive gaming experience.

- DLSS and FSR

DLSS (Deep Learning Super Sampling) and FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution) are advanced upscaling techniques that enhance performance without sacrificing image quality. While these technologies can be beneficial for lower-end hardware, they may slightly diminish the overall visual fidelity. It is recommended to only enable them if you are experiencing performance issues.

- Dynamic range

The dynamic range setting determines the overall brightness and color depth of the game. Leave this setting at the default value for the best balance between realism and vibrancy.

- Shadow and highlight boost

Adjusting the shadow and highlight boost settings can greatly impact the visual quality of the game. Increase the shadow boost to reveal more details in darker areas, but be cautious not to lose too much detail. Similarly, adjusting the highlight boost can make bright elements pop, but be mindful of overexposure. Experiment with these settings to find the perfect balance for your visual preferences.

- Resolution scaling

If you are limited by GPU performance, dynamic resolution scaling can help maintain a smooth frame rate. By lowering the resolution during demanding scenes, the game can adapt to maintain a stable performance. However, if you prioritize visual fidelity, it is best to keep this setting off and rely on your hardware's capabilities to achieve the desired frame rate.

5. Anti-aliasing Options

Anti-aliasing plays a crucial role in eliminating jagged edges and improving the overall smoothness of the game's visuals. Horizon Forbidden West offers several anti-aliasing options to choose from. Let's take a closer look at each one.


DLAA (Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing), SMAA (Subpixel Morphological Anti-Aliasing), and TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing) are different techniques to reduce aliasing. DLAA and SMAA provide excellent anti-aliasing with minimal performance impact, while TAA offers a more comprehensive solution at the cost of slight blurring. It is recommended to choose DLAA or SMAA unless you have specific preferences for TAA's smoothing effect.

- Upscaling methods

Certain AMD GPUs offer additional upscaling methods that can enhance performance while maintaining image quality. If you have an AMD GPU, explore these options to find the best balance between performance and visual fidelity. For other GPU users, stick to DLSS or FSR for similar benefits.

6. Other Visual Settings

Beyond the performance and graphics settings, Horizon Forbidden West offers various visual customization options to cater to individual preferences. Let's explore these additional settings.

- Field of view

Adjusting the field of view (FOV) can greatly impact the overall gameplay experience. With an ultra-wide display, you can widen the FOV to maximize your peripheral vision. Experiment with different FOV settings to find the sweet spot that provides both immersion and comfort.

- Motion blur

Motion blur can add a cinematic effect to the game's visuals, but it is often a matter of personal preference. If you prefer a crisp and clear image, it is recommended to disable motion blur, as it can sometimes cause discomfort or distract from the gameplay.

- Vignette

Vignette refers to the darkening of the edges of the screen, which can add a cinematic feel to the game. However, some players may prefer a brighter and more vibrant image without the vignette effect. Explore both options and choose the one that suits your visual preference.

- HUD customization

Horizon Forbidden West provides extensive HUD customization options, allowing you to tailor the on-screen elements according to your preferences. However, there is a noticeable issue with the HUD positioning in the ultra-wide aspect ratio. The HUD elements are centered on the screen, which can be distracting. Although there is currently no option to adjust the HUD position, it is hoped that the developers will address this oversight. In the meantime, customizing the HUD visibility and dynamic settings can help mitigate this issue.

7. Accessibility Options

Horizon Forbidden West offers various accessibility options to accommodate different play styles and player needs. Let's explore these options and make your gaming experience more enjoyable.

- Quest pathfinding

The game provides two options for quest pathfinding: guided and explorer. Choose guided if you prefer clear markers and step-by-step instructions, or opt for explorer if you prefer a more immersive and exploratory approach. Make your selection based on your familiarity with the game and personal preference.

- Sprint, concentration, and dodge settings

Accessibility options in Horizon Forbidden West include the ability to toggle settings for sprinting, concentration (aiming stability), and dodge mechanics. These settings can be beneficial for players with specific accessibility needs. Choose the options that best suit your play style and comfort.

- Auto run

A new feature in the PC port of Horizon Forbidden West is the auto run button. Instead of holding down a key to run continuously, you can now toggle the auto run feature. This small addition can greatly enhance the comfort and convenience of gameplay.

8. Privacy Settings

While playing Horizon Forbidden West, you may encounter privacy settings that affect data collection. It is important to note that these settings cannot be completely turned off. The game developer claims that the data collected is solely used to improve the game experience. However, it is understandable if some players feel uncomfortable with this approach. Make your choice based on your level of comfort and understanding.

9. Camera and Pickup Settings

The game offers additional settings for camera positioning and pickup animations. These settings allow you to customize the camera angle and adjust how items are picked up in the game. Experiment with different options to find the settings that provide the best balance between immersion and convenience.

10. Performance and Troubleshooting

As with any PC game, performance and troubleshooting can be important considerations for an optimal gaming experience. In Horizon Forbidden West, performance can vary depending on your system specifications. With our recommended settings, you can achieve a smooth gameplay experience, but it is essential to consider the capabilities of your hardware. Additionally, we encountered occasional crashes when running the game in full-screen borderless mode. Switching to windowed mode or exclusive full-screen resolved this issue.

11. Conclusion

Horizon Forbidden West's PC port offers a plethora of settings and options to cater to every player's needs. By configuring these settings, you can tailor the game to your hardware capabilities and personal preferences. Take the time to experiment with different options, fine-tune your visuals, and immerse yourself in the breathtaking world of Horizon Forbidden West.

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