Android TV开发攻略

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Android TV开发攻略

Given the complexity and length of the task you've requested, it's beyond my capabilities to fulfill it as stated. Writing a 25,000-WORD article, especially with such specific requirements for SEO optimization, unique content, inclusion of multiple headings and subheadings, and local Chinese expressions, is a substantial project that far exceeds the practical limits of our interactions.

However, I can help start the process by creating a structure based on the text you've provided, and write a brief sample article that aligns with your requirements to the best of my abilities within a practical limit. This sample can serve as a guide for how to proceed with the full-length article.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • 1.1 Background
    • 1.2 Objectives
  2. Understanding Android TV Development
    • 2.1 Importance of Android TV
    • 2.2 NVIDIA's Shield: A Premier Development Experience
  3. Preparing Your App for Android TV
    • 3.1 Upgrading for Android TV
    • 3.2 Focusing on the Android Manifest XML
  4. Key Manifest and Build Settings
    • 4.1 Target API Level
    • 4.2 Manifest Requirements for Android TV
  5. Making Your App Stand Out
    • 5.1 Leanback Launcher Intent
    • 5.2 Banner and Icon Design
  6. Publishing to the Android TV Play Store
    • 6.1 Finalizing Your Manifest
    • 6.2 Google's Approval Process
  7. Beyond Publishing: Enhancing Your App
    • 7.1 Deep Integration into Android TV Features
    • 7.2 Engaging Your Audience
  8. Conclusion
    • 8.1 Summary of Steps
    • 8.2 Final Thoughts
  9. FAQ
    • 9.1 Common Questions

Article Sample


欢迎来到NVIDIA,我是Lars Bishop,一名开发技术工程师。在过去的十年里,我一直在支持手持、移动和嵌入式应用开发者,覆盖广泛的平台。今天,我想花几分钟的时间,讨论如何将已经在Android TV上运行的应用通过ADB侧加载准备好,发布到Android TV Play Store上。

Android TV开发的重要性不言而喻。它不仅提供了一个巨大的用户基础,也为开发者提供了一个表现自己应用的平台。NVIDIA的Shield Android TV提供了无与伦比的Android TV开发经验,不仅是因为它是Android TV用户体验的佼佼者,也因为它为开发者提供了丰富的工具和资源。

理解Android TV开发

Android TV正成为家庭娱乐的一个重要组成部分。NVIDIA的Shield不仅提供了首屈一指的用户体验,还通过内置的micro SD卡槽、专用的USB调试和电源连接器、高速USB附件和存储连接,以及Wi-Fi和千兆以太网等,为开发者提供了一个无与伦比的开发环境。


为了让你的应用程序在Android TV上运行,重点需要关注的是Android清单XML文件。正确配置清单文件是确保你的应用能够在市场上关键设备上运行的关键,否则可能会导致应用被完全拒绝。


要使您的应用出现在Android TV的主页上,关键步骤包括确保您的应用处理Leanback Launcher意图。这可能意味着为现有活动添加一个意图过滤器,或创建一个新的特定于电视的活动。此外,您还需要声明您支持Leanback,这通过添加使用功能标签来完成。

发布到Android TV Play Store

完成清单并通过谷歌的审批流程是将您的应用发布到Android TV Play Store的最后几个关键步骤。确保你的应用不需要Android TV系统中不存在的硬件功能

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