2020 APAC HPC-AI Competition: Join the Innovation!

2020 APAC HPC-AI Competition: Join the Innovation!

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to AIPAC HPC and AI Competition
  • Overview of Previous Competitions
    • 2018 Competition
    • 2019 Competition
  • 2020 AIPAC HPC and AI Competition
  • Selection of Benchmarks and Evaluation Criteria
  • Registration and Training Process
  • Webinar and Interview Schedule
  • Final Results and Award Ceremony
  • Future Plans
  • Detailed Mission and Information
  • Acknowledgments and Conclusion

Introduction to AIPAC HPC and AI Competition

Welcome to the world of high-performance computing (HPC) and artificial intelligence (AI) competitions organized by the HPC Advisory Council Asia (HVC AI), under the auspices of Zuri Council Asia. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the 2020 AIPAC HPC and AI Competition, highlighting its significance, past achievements, and future prospects.

Overview of Previous Competitions

2018 Competition

In 2018, the AIPAC HPC and AI Competition commenced its journey in the Asia-Pacific (APEC) region, in collaboration with the National Supercomputing Center in Singapore. Utilizing frameworks like TensorFlow and Caffe, participants tackled various challenges, including Image Recognition and weather forecasting. The competition witnessed remarkable success, setting a solid foundation for subsequent editions.

2019 Competition

Building upon the success of its inaugural year, the 2019 competition focused on refining techniques and pushing boundaries in HPC and AI. With a spotlight on imagery recognition using TensorFlow and ResNet-50 models, participants achieved significant performance improvements, showcasing their prowess in harnessing cutting-edge technologies for real-world applications.

2020 AIPAC HPC and AI Competition

The 2020 edition of the AIPAC HPC and AI Competition promises to be even more exhilarating and transformative. With a global outlook, this year's competition aims to attract top talent from universities and research centers worldwide, fostering collaboration and innovation in the realms of HPC and AI.

Selection of Benchmarks and Evaluation Criteria

To ensure fairness and accuracy in assessing participants' performance, rigorous benchmarks and evaluation criteria have been established. For HPC tasks, the Email benchmark will be utilized, while the Hierarchical Identification System for Isolates by Sequencing (HierISIS) benchmark will be employed for AI-related challenges. Evaluation metrics will include accuracy and loss, with emphasis on maximizing performance and minimizing errors.

Registration and Training Process

Registration for the competition opens on [Date], with a deadline set for [Date]. Participating teams will undergo comprehensive training Sessions, covering topics ranging from programming optimization to advanced DMA applications. Through these training initiatives, participants will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in both application development and performance optimization.

Webinar and Interview Schedule

Scheduled from [Date] to [Date], webinars and interviews will provide a platform for participants to showcase their projects and insights. The interactive sessions will enable a deeper understanding of participants' methodologies and strategies, facilitating knowledge exchange and collaboration within the HPC and AI community.

Final Results and Award Ceremony

The culmination of months of dedication and innovation, the announcement of final results will take place at the [Event Name], held in [Location], in [Month, Year]. Winning teams will be recognized for their outstanding achievements, with awards presented to those who have demonstrated exceptional performance and ingenuity in tackling complex HPC and AI challenges.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, the HPC Advisory Council Asia is committed to expanding the horizons of AIPAC HPC and AI competitions. Plans are underway to launch additional initiatives, including a full-Scale HPC AI competition in [Year], aimed at further advancing the frontier of computational excellence and fostering global collaboration in the field of high-performance computing.

Detailed Mission and Information

For detailed information on the mission, rules, and guidelines of the AIPAC HPC and AI Competition, please visit the HPC Advisory Council Asia website. Detailed documentation and resources are available to assist participants in preparing for the competition and navigating the various stages of the event.

Acknowledgments and Conclusion

In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Immensity Singapore and all sponsors and speakers for their invaluable support and contributions to the success of the 2020 AIPAC HPC and AI Competition. We wish all participants the best of luck and look forward to witnessing groundbreaking innovations and collaborations that will Shape the future of HPC and AI.


  • The 2020 AIPAC HPC and AI Competition marks a global endeavor to advance the frontiers of high-performance computing and artificial intelligence.
  • Rigorous benchmarks and evaluation criteria ensure fairness and accuracy in assessing participants' performance, fostering healthy competition and innovation.
  • Comprehensive training initiatives and interactive sessions provide participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in both application development and performance optimization.
  • The announcement of final results and award ceremony at the [Event Name] will celebrate the achievements of winning teams and recognize their exceptional contributions to the field of HPC and AI.


Q: How can my team register for the 2020 AIPAC HPC and AI Competition? A: Registration opens on [Date], and interested teams can sign up by [Deadline]. Visit the HPC Advisory Council Asia website for detailed registration instructions and guidelines.

Q: What are the evaluation criteria for the competition? A: Evaluation metrics include accuracy and loss, with emphasis on maximizing performance and minimizing errors. Specific benchmarks such as the Email benchmark for HPC tasks and HierISIS for AI-related challenges will be utilized.

Q: When will the final results be announced? A: The final results will be announced at the [Event Name] in [Location], scheduled for [Month, Year]. Winning teams will be recognized for their outstanding achievements in tackling complex HPC and AI challenges.

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