Automate Web Scraping with

Automate Web Scraping with

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Concept of Web Scraping
  3. Splitting Scraping into Two Parts
  4. Setting up the Scraper Template
  5. Configuring the Bot
  6. Running a Test of the Bot
  7. Extracting Multiple Results
  8. Using Custom CSS Selectors
  9. Limitations and Recommendations
  10. Batch Scraping for Long Running Bots


In this article, we will explore the process of building a simple web scraper using the Axiom tool. Web scraping is an essential technique for extracting data from websites efficiently. We will dive into the concept of web scraping and discuss the advantages of splitting the scraping process into two separate tasks. We will then guide You through setting up the Axiom scraper template, configuring the bot, running a test, and extracting multiple results. Additionally, we will touch on the use of custom CSS selectors, limitations of the simple Interact loop, and recommend using batch scraping for long-running bots.

The Concept of Web Scraping

Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting data from websites. It involves the use of bots or web crawlers to navigate through web pages, Gather information, and store it for further analysis. Web scraping enables users to extract large amounts of data quickly and efficiently, saving valuable time and effort.

Splitting Scraping into Two Parts

To simplify the process of building bots and improve overall understandability, it is advisable to split scraping into two distinct parts. The first part focuses on scraping the links and writing them to a designated output, such as a Google sheet or CSV file. The Second part involves looping through the collected links and scraping data from each page individually. By dividing the tasks, the complexity of the bots is reduced, making it easier to manage and troubleshoot.

Setting up the Scraper Template

Setting up the scraper template in Axiom is a straightforward process that requires no coding. Begin by adding a step for reading data from a Google sheet or any other preferred source. Next, utilize the interact step, which allows you to navigate to the desired webpage using the "go to page" function. Once on the page, use the scrape step to select and extract the specific data you require. Finally, output the scraped data and send it to a designated output destination, such as a Google sheet or display message for preview purposes.

Configuring the Bot

To configure the bot, start by adding your data source, whether it is a Google sheet, Zapier, a web book, or a CSV file. Ensure that the data is imported correctly, as this will trigger the looping process. Configure the interact step to navigate to the desired page, and use the scrape step to select and scrape the required data. After confirming that the scraping is successful, output the data to a designated destination, such as a Google sheet.

Running a Test of the Bot

Before running the bot with the full amount of data, it is advisable to conduct a test run with a limited number of pages or results. This allows for quick troubleshooting and ensuring that the bot functions properly. By limiting the results to one or a few pages, you can easily identify any issues and make necessary adjustments. Once satisfied with the test results, you can proceed to extract the full amount of data.

Extracting Multiple Results

To extract multiple results, make sure to configure the Read data step correctly, specifying the number of pages or rows you want the bot to loop through. By enabling the loop, the bot will iterate through each row or page, scraping the desired data and storing it accordingly. It is essential to consider the limitations and recommended use of the simple interact loop for larger scraping operations.

Using Custom CSS Selectors

In some cases, websites may not provide straightforward access to the required data, necessitating the use of custom CSS selectors. Custom CSS selectors allow for more precise Data Extraction by targeting specific elements on the webpage. By utilizing this advanced technique, you can overcome challenges and extract the desired data effectively. Further resources and documentation on using custom CSS selectors are available for those seeking more detailed guidance.

Limitations and Recommendations

While the simple interact loop is suitable for small-Scale scraping operations, it may not be optimal for extensive data extraction. The limitations of the simple interact loop include the potential to loop through large amounts of data, resulting in time-consuming and resource-intensive processes. Therefore, for projects involving scraping hundreds of pages or long-running bots, it is recommended to explore batch scraping methodologies. Batch scraping allows for efficient handling of multiple pages or large datasets, while ensuring better performance and resource management.

Batch Scraping for Long Running Bots

Batch scraping is a technique designed for long-running bots and scraping hundreds or thousands of pages. By implementing additional steps to the simple interact loop template, you can Create efficient batch scraping bots. Axiom provides templates, videos, and documentation to assist users in understanding and implementing batch scraping techniques. These resources will guide you through the process, enabling you to handle larger scraping tasks effectively.


Web scraping, when done correctly, is a powerful tool for extracting data from websites. By leveraging tools like Axiom and following best practices, users can build efficient web scrapers that save time and effort. Through the concept of splitting scraping tasks, setting up the scraper template, configuring the bot, conducting tests, and exploring advanced techniques like custom CSS selectors and batch scraping, users can extract Relevant data from web pages with ease. Remember to consider the limitations and recommended use cases for different scraping methodologies to ensure optimal performance.

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