Discover the Exciting Space Game Chorus

Discover the Exciting Space Game Chorus

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Background on Chorus
  3. The Flight Model
  4. The Combat System
  5. The Storyline
  6. Comparison with Everspace 2
  7. The Character Development
  8. The Gameplay Mechanics
  9. The Graphics and Visuals
  10. Pros and Cons


Chorus is a recently released space game that has garnered much Attention and positive reviews. However, despite its widespread acclaim, there are some who don't share the enthusiasm for this game, myself included. In this article, I will Delve into the reasons behind my dislike for Chorus and provide a detailed analysis of its various aspects, including the flight model, combat system, storyline, and more.

Background on Chorus

Chorus is developed by Fish Labs, now Deep Silverfish Labs, a Studio with a history of creating space games. With its heritage from the Galaxy on Fire series, Chorus may Evoke a Sense of familiarity to those who are well-versed in the genre. Another game that shares the same roots is Everspace and Everspace 2, developed by Rockfish Games, founded by Michael Deshards, the former CEO and founder of Fish Labs. While Chorus and Everspace 2 may have some similarities on the surface, they are ultimately distinct games. Throughout this article, I will explore both of these games and draw comparisons between them.

The Flight Model

One of the fundamental aspects that can make or break a space game is its flight model. In the case of Chorus, I find myself conflicted. The flight model itself is not inherently bad and, objectively speaking, is quite good. It builds upon the mechanics of the Galaxy on Fire series, offering a third-person perspective and allowing players to navigate expansive and visually appealing environments. The world of Chorus is vast, providing ample opportunities for exploration and objective-Based missions. However, there is one notable flaw in the flight model that hinders my enjoyment of the game—the inability to easily maneuver in 3D space. Unlike Everspace 2, which offers full control over six degrees of freedom, Chorus restricts player agency on the X and Z axis. While this unique approach may appeal to some, it ultimately detracts from my overall experience with the game.

The Combat System

In addition to the flight model, the combat system plays a pivotal role in determining the success of a space game. Chorus, again, presents a mixed bag in this regard. For players familiar with the Galaxy on Fire series, the combat mechanics will feel Instantly familiar and comfortable. The spaceship controls have been refined and improved, allowing for responsive and engaging combat encounters. Furthermore, as the game progresses, players can acquire new technologies and upgraded abilities, driving the gameplay forward. However, my personal dissatisfaction with the combat system Stems from the cliche writing and wooden dialogue that permeates the game. What could have been an incredible story is hindered by these flaws, resulting in persistent and irritating interruptions throughout the game. While Chorus has made efforts to emphasize its story, it ultimately hampers the overall gameplay experience.

The Storyline

Chorus revolves around the story of Nara, a character who is burdened with the guilt of destroying a planet and killing billions of people. Initially conflicted, Nara seeks redemption from her past actions and embarks on a Journey of self-discovery. While this premise may seem intriguing, the execution falls flat. Unlike games such as Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, where players are fully immersed in the protagonist's world and emotions, Chorus fails to deliver a compelling narrative. The writing is cliche and uninspired, and the dialogue feels forced and stereotypical. This lackluster storytelling detracts from the overall experience, leaving players wanting more depth and authenticity.

Comparison with Everspace 2

When comparing Chorus to Everspace 2, it becomes evident that the latter excels in various aspects. Both games follow a similar structure, but Everspace 2 presents a stronger case as a space game. The flight model in Everspace 2 allows for full control of six degrees of freedom, resulting in a responsive, fast-paced, and enjoyable gameplay experience. In contrast, Chorus's flight model, while technically impressive, fails to resonate with players who prefer a more traditional approach. Additionally, Everspace 2 succeeds in delivering captivating combat encounters and a compelling storyline, enhancing the overall immersion and enjoyment of the game. These differences highlight why Everspace 2 emerges as a superior contender in the space game genre.

The Character Development

One of the essential aspects of any game is the development of its characters. In the case of Chorus, the protagonist, Nara, lacks depth and complexity. Unlike iconic characters such as Anakin Skywalker or Senua from Hellblade, Nara fails to evoke a sense of emotional connection or empathy. The wooden dialogue and cliche writing contribute to her lack of development, leaving players feeling disconnected from her journey. In contrast, games like Hellblade excel in portraying complex and interesting characters, offering an immersive and emotionally impactful experience. Chorus would have been better served by focusing more on refining the character development and delivering a well-crafted narrative.

The Gameplay Mechanics

While Chorus may not resonate with me personally, it does possess several unique qualities that make it an interesting game for many players. The gameplay mechanics offer a variety of scenarios, ranging from combat encounters to objective-based missions. The world itself is expansive, allowing for freedom in exploration. Additionally, the inclusion of Forsaken, a sentient ship capable of conversing with Nara, adds an intriguing element to the gameplay. Despite its flaws, Chorus presents players with the opportunity to delve into a rich and immersive gaming experience.

The Graphics and Visuals

One aspect in which Chorus truly shines is its graphics and visuals. The game boasts stunning and visually captivating environments, bringing the vastness of space to life. Each location is meticulously designed, immersing players in a stunning sci-fi world. The attention to Detail and the overall aesthetic adds to the overall enjoyment of the game, compensating for some of its shortcomings.

Pros and Cons


  • Stunning graphics and visuals that bring the sci-fi world to life
  • Intriguing and unique gameplay mechanics
  • Expansive and visually appealing environments


  • Lackluster and cliche storytelling
  • Wooden dialogue that hampers immersion
  • Restrictive flight model that may not appeal to all players

Overall, Chorus is far from a bad game and certainly deserves a chance. While I may have voiced my criticisms and concerns, it's important to acknowledge that every player's experience may differ. There is a possibility that You may find enjoyment in Chorus and appreciate its unique qualities.


  • Chorus, a recently released space game, has received widespread praise, but not everyone shares the same sentiment.
  • The flight model in Chorus restricts player agency in 3D space, unlike the more versatile and intuitive flight model of Everspace 2.
  • The combat system in Chorus is hindered by cliche writing and wooden dialogue that interrupts the gameplay experience.
  • Chorus's storytelling falls flat, lacking depth and authenticity compared to games like Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice.
  • Everspace 2 emerges as a superior contender in the space game genre, excelling in combat, flight model, and storytelling.
  • The character development in Chorus lacks complexity and fails to establish a strong emotional connection with players.
  • The gameplay mechanics in Chorus offer a variety of scenarios and an expansive world for exploration.
  • Chorus impresses with its stunning graphics and visually captivating environments.
  • Pros and cons summarize the strengths and weaknesses of Chorus, acknowledging that individual experiences may vary.


Q: Is Chorus worth playing despite its flaws? A: While Chorus has its shortcomings, it still offers a unique gaming experience that may appeal to some players. It's worth considering if you enjoy space games and can overlook its flaws in favor of its strengths.

Q: How does Chorus compare to Everspace 2? A: Both Chorus and Everspace 2 are space games with similar gameplay structures. However, Everspace 2 excels in combat, flight model, and storytelling, making it a more compelling choice for many players.

Q: What are the main criticisms of Chorus? A: Some of the main criticisms of Chorus include its restrictive flight model, lackluster storytelling, and wooden dialogue that interrupts the gameplay experience.

Q: Are the graphics and visuals in Chorus impressive? A: Yes, Chorus boasts stunning graphics and visually captivating environments, immersing players in a beautifully designed sci-fi world.

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