Effortlessly Embed Your Custom GPT

Effortlessly Embed Your Custom GPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Custom GPT
  2. Challenges with Existing Solutions
  3. Solution Overview
  4. Getting Started with Chat IQ AI
  5. Understanding the Platform
    • Data Limitations
    • Onboarding Process
  6. Customizing Chat Bots
    • Uploading Data
    • Creating Custom Prompts
  7. Building Your Chat Bot
    • Selecting Data
    • Naming and Customization
  8. Embedding Chat Bots
    • Widget vs. Iframe
    • Embedding Process
  9. Monitoring Chat Bot Performance
    • Accessing Messages
    • Analyzing Conversations
  10. Continuous Improvement
    • Adding New Knowledge
    • Managing Subscriptions

Introduction to Custom GPT

In today's digital landscape, the demand for personalized AI solutions is ever-growing. Businesses Seek ways to leverage AI not just for generic interactions but tailored to their specific needs. Custom GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models Present a promising avenue for achieving this level of customization.

Challenges with Existing Solutions

Traditional AI models, like those offered by OpenAI, come with limitations. They lack the capability to be seamlessly integrated into websites, and their data constraints hinder the depth of interaction they can provide.

Solution Overview

Chat IQ AI emerges as a solution bridging these gaps. It empowers businesses to create custom GPT models trained on proprietary data, enriched with brand-specific instructions, and seamlessly embedded into their websites.

Getting Started with Chat IQ AI

To embark on this journey, visit the Chat IQ AI Website and initiate a free trial. The platform offers a user-friendly onboarding process, guiding you through the initial setup.

Understanding the Platform

Data Limitations: Traditional AI models impose constraints on data volume and format. Chat IQ AI overcomes these limitations, allowing users to upload various data types, including PDFs and website scrapes.

Onboarding Process: The platform's onboarding process swiftly guides users through the setup, ensuring a seamless transition into building custom chatbots.

Customizing Chat Bots

Uploading Data: Users can upload extensive datasets, enriching their chatbots with comprehensive knowledge tailored to their business needs.

Creating Custom Prompts: With access to a library of public prompts, users can customize interactions, ensuring their chatbots resonate with their audience.

Building Your Chat Bot

Selecting Data: Users curate data to train their chatbots, ensuring relevance and accuracy in responses.

Naming and Customization: Upon data selection, users personalize their chatbots, incorporating branding elements and defining greeting messages.

Embedding Chat Bots

Widget vs. Iframe: Chat IQ AI offers two embedding options: widget and iframe, catering to diverse website architectures.

Embedding Process: Integration is seamless, requiring users to copy and paste provided code snippets into their website's HTML.

Monitoring Chat Bot Performance

Accessing Messages: Users gain insights into chatbot interactions through the platform's message monitoring feature, facilitating real-time engagement with website visitors.

Analyzing Conversations: By analyzing conversations, users identify gaps in chatbot knowledge and refine interactions to enhance user experience.

Continuous Improvement

Adding New Knowledge: Chat IQ AI enables continuous improvement by allowing users to effortlessly incorporate new data, ensuring chatbots remain up-to-date and relevant.

Managing Subscriptions: Users can manage their subscriptions, including cancelling or modifying trial periods, through the platform's intuitive interface.


  • Tailored AI Solutions: Chat IQ AI empowers businesses to create custom GPT models tailored to their unique requirements.
  • Seamless Integration: Embedding chatbots into websites is effortless, enhancing user engagement and experience.
  • Continuous Enhancement: The platform facilitates ongoing improvement through data enrichment and performance monitoring.


Q: Can I cancel my subscription at any time? A: Yes, Chat IQ AI offers flexibility in subscription management, allowing users to cancel or modify their plans as needed.

Q: How frequently can I update my chatbot with new data? A: Users can update their chatbots with new data as frequently as desired, ensuring continuous improvement and relevance.

Q: What type of data formats does Chat IQ AI support for uploading? A: Chat IQ AI supports various data formats, including PDFs, website scrapes, and plain text, providing versatility in data enrichment.

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