Experience the Futuristic World of Self-Driving Cars in Shenzhen

Experience the Futuristic World of Self-Driving Cars in Shenzhen

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Silicon Valley of China: Shenzhen
  • Riding in a Driverless Mobile Taxi
  • The Integration of AutoX Self-Driving System
  • Features of the Fully Driverless Robot Taxi
  • The Technology Behind Otax's Self-Driving Cars
  • The Experience of Being Inside a Driverless Car
  • Safety, Hygiene, and Privacy in a Robot Taxi
  • Unique Features of the Oto Access Robo Taxi
  • Navigation and Road Situations in China
  • The Customer Support System
  • The Impact of AutoX's Driverless Taxis
  • Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the futuristic world of self-driving cars in Shenzhen, known as the Silicon Valley of China. We will delve into the experience of riding in a completely driverless mobile taxi and learn about the advanced technology behind it. From the integration of the AutoX self-driving system to the safety features and unique characteristics of the Oto Access Robo Taxi, this article covers everything you need to know about the fascinating world of driverless vehicles.

The Silicon Valley of China: Shenzhen

Shenzhen has earned the title of the Silicon Valley of China due to its thriving tech industry and innovative advancements. The city serves as a hub for technology companies, and it is at the forefront of the self-driving car revolution. With an impressive infrastructure and a favorable environment for testing and development, Shenzhen is the perfect place for the emergence of driverless cars.

Riding in a Driverless Mobile Taxi

Imagine taking a ride in a taxi without a driver! In Shenzhen, this futuristic concept is now a reality. Thanks to the advancements made by companies like AutoX, fully driverless mobile taxis are navigating the city's roads with ease. These robot taxis offer an entirely new level of convenience and efficiency for passengers, revolutionizing the way we travel.

The Integration of AutoX Self-Driving System

AutoX, a leading self-driving car company in China, has developed an innovative self-driving system that is completely integrated within the vehicle platform. This seamless integration allows for a smooth and safe ride, as the vehicle is able to adapt to its surroundings and make informed decisions in real-time. The AutoX self-driving system is a testament to the remarkable progress made in autonomous vehicle technology.

Features of the Fully Driverless Robot Taxi

The fully driverless robot taxi from Otax, equipped with high-resolution cameras, lidars, and long-range radars, ensures a safe and efficient ride for passengers. The vehicle's surrounding blind spot Perception system, comprising wide-angle cameras and lighters, provides a comprehensive view of the environment. Additionally, the Oto Access Robo Taxi preserves the moon roof, allowing passengers to enjoy natural light and a connection to the outside world.

The Technology Behind Otax's Self-Driving Cars

Otax's self-driving cars are powered by state-of-the-art technology, including advanced sensors, machine learning algorithms, and artificial intelligence. These technologies enable the vehicle to perceive its surroundings, analyze complex traffic scenarios, and make intelligent decisions in real-time. The integration of cutting-edge technology ensures a safe and reliable autonomous driving experience.

The Experience of Being Inside a Driverless Car

As a passenger in a driverless car, the experience is nothing short of extraordinary. With no driver and no other passengers, you have the luxury of privacy and space. The car's smooth and stable driving gives you a sense of confidence and comfort, making the entire journey enjoyable. From the interactive screen that provides a 3D view of the surroundings to the customizable temperature controls, every aspect of the ride is designed with passenger satisfaction in mind.

Safety, Hygiene, and Privacy in a Robot Taxi

Safety is of paramount importance in driverless vehicles, and Otax's robot taxis prioritize the well-being of passengers. With a combination of advanced sensors and algorithms, the car can detect and avoid pedestrians, bicycles, and other vehicles on the road. Additionally, the interior of the vehicle is meticulously maintained to ensure a clean and hygienic environment. With the absence of a driver and the availability of privacy features, passengers can relax and enjoy the ride without any concerns.

Unique Features of the Oto Access Robo Taxi

The Oto Access Robo Taxi offers unique features that set it apart from traditional taxis or ride-sharing services. The sliding moon roof allows passengers to connect with the outside world and enjoy the beauty of the sky. The ability to adjust the temperature from the AC panel ensures optimal comfort throughout the ride. These thoughtful additions enhance the overall passenger experience and make every trip Memorable.

Navigation and Road Situations in China

Navigating the roads in China, especially in busy cities like Shenzhen, can be challenging. However, Otax's self-driving cars are equipped with advanced navigation systems that can handle complex road situations. From avoiding pedestrians and bikes to maneuvering through narrow lanes, the self-driving cars navigate with precision and ease. The ability of the car to make intelligent decisions in unpredictable situations showcases the capabilities of autonomous vehicles.

The Customer Support System

In the unlikely event that a passenger needs assistance or has questions during the journey, Otax provides a customer support system. With the press of a button, passengers can connect with a remote Customer Service agent who can address their concerns promptly. This feature ensures that passengers feel supported and confident throughout their driverless experience.

The Impact of AutoX's Driverless Taxis

AutoX's driverless taxis have made a significant impact on the transportation landscape in Shenzhen. The city's government authorities have recognized the potential of this technology and have granted permission for public use of driverless robot taxis. This historic development marks a new era in transportation and sets a Precedent for other cities around the world.


The future of transportation has arrived in Shenzhen with the introduction of fully driverless robot taxis. From the integration of advanced self-driving systems to the unique features and exceptional passenger experience, these vehicles are revolutionizing the way we travel. With their emphasis on safety, hygiene, and convenience, the driverless taxis from Otax are paving the way for a future where autonomous vehicles are a common sight on our roads.


  • Shenzhen, known as the Silicon Valley of China, is leading the way in self-driving car technology.
  • Riding in a fully driverless mobile taxi in Shenzhen is an experience like no other.
  • The integration of the AutoX self-driving system within the vehicle platform ensures a seamless and safe ride.
  • Otax's robot taxis offer advanced features such as high-resolution cameras, lidars, and long-range radars.
  • The technology behind Otax's self-driving cars combines sensors, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
  • Passengers in driverless cars enjoy privacy, comfort, and a high level of safety.
  • The Oto Access Robo Taxi has unique features like a preserved moon roof and customizable temperature controls.
  • Otax's self-driving cars navigate through complex road situations with precision and intelligence.
  • A customer support system is available to assist passengers during their driverless journey.
  • AutoX's driverless taxis are making a significant impact in Shenzhen and have received government approval for public use.

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