Mastering Depth First Search with Real-Life Examples

Mastering Depth First Search with Real-Life Examples

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Depth First Search (DFS)?
  3. Uninformed Search Technique
  4. Data Structure Used in DFS
  5. Comparison with Breadth First Search (BFS)
  6. DFS Algorithm: Step by Step
  7. DFS Sequence Examples
  8. Key Points of DFS
  9. Limitations of DFS
  10. Time Complexity of DFS


In this article, we will explore Depth First Search (DFS) algorithm in the Context of artificial intelligence. DFS is a widely used uninformed search technique that is essential for various competitive exams, as well as for studying artificial intelligence at the college or university level.

What is Depth First Search (DFS)?

Depth First Search (DFS) is an algorithm used to traverse or search through a graph or tree in a systematic manner. It is a Type of uninformed search technique that does not have any domain-level knowledge. DFS works on the principle of moving towards the deepest node in the graph, following a specific path until a leaf node is reached. If the goal state is not found, DFS backtracks and explores another path.

Uninformed Search Technique

DFS, like its counterpart BFS, belongs to the category of uninformed search techniques. Uninformed search techniques do not have any prior knowledge about the goal state or the estimated values of different paths. They work on present knowledge alone, using a brute-force approach to explore the search space.

Data Structure Used in DFS

DFS uses a data structure known as a stack. A stack follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle, where the most recently added element is the first one to be removed. In the case of DFS, the stack is used to keep track of the nodes to be explored. The node at the top of the stack is always the one that will be explored next.

Comparison with Breadth First Search (BFS)

While DFS and BFS are both uninformed search techniques, they differ in terms of the order in which they explore the nodes. BFS explores nodes in a breadth-first manner, considering all nodes at the same level before moving on to the next level. On the other HAND, DFS explores nodes in a depth-first manner, going as deep as possible before backtracking.

DFS Algorithm: Step by Step

To understand the DFS algorithm, let's walk through a step-by-step process of how it works. Consider a graph or tree with a starting node A.

  1. Start from node A and push it onto the stack.
  2. While the stack is not empty, do the following:
    • Pop the top node from the stack.
    • If the popped node is the goal state, return the path.
    • If not, mark the node as explored.
    • Push all unexplored neighbors of the Current node onto the stack.
  3. If the stack becomes empty, the goal state is not reachable.

DFS Sequence Examples

The sequence of DFS can vary depending on the order in which the nodes are pushed onto the stack. Here's an example sequence for the given graph:

  1. A -> C -> G -> F -> B -> E -> D
  2. A -> B -> F -> G -> C -> E -> D

Please note that there can be multiple valid DFS sequences for the same graph, depending on the order of exploration.

Key Points of DFS

  • DFS explores nodes in a depth-first manner, going as deep as possible before backtracking.
  • It is an uninformed search technique that does not rely on domain-level knowledge.
  • DFS uses a stack data structure to keep track of nodes to be explored.
  • Unlike BFS, DFS is incomplete and may not always find a solution.
  • DFS can give non-optimal solutions, as it does not guarantee the best path.
  • The time complexity of DFS is generally O(V+E), where V is the number of nodes and E is the number of edges.

Limitations of DFS

While DFS is a useful algorithm, it has its limitations. Here are some potential issues with DFS:

  • Completeness: DFS is not guaranteed to find a solution, especially if the search space is infinite or contains cycles.
  • Optimality: DFS may not always provide the optimal solution, as it does not consider the cost of each node or edge.
  • Infinite Search Space: If the search space is infinite, DFS can get stuck in an infinite loop and fail to find a solution.

Time Complexity of DFS

The time complexity of DFS is generally described as O(V+E), where V represents the number of nodes and E represents the number of edges in the graph or tree. This complexity arises from the fact that in a tree, all nodes and edges need to be traversed.

In the context of artificial intelligence, the time complexity is often expressed as O(b^d), where b is the branching factor (the maximum number of children a node can have) and d is the depth of the tree. This formulation accounts for the number of nodes to be explored in a search space.

In scenarios where the number of children is fixed and the depth is small, DFS can be an efficient search algorithm.


  • DFS is a depth-first search algorithm used in artificial intelligence.
  • It is an uninformed search technique that explores nodes in a systematic manner.
  • DFS uses a stack data structure to keep track of nodes to be explored.
  • It is not guaranteed to find a solution and may not provide an optimal solution.
  • The time complexity of DFS depends on the number of nodes and edges in the search space.


Q: How does DFS differ from BFS? A: DFS explores nodes in a depth-first manner, going deep into the search space before backtracking. BFS, on the other hand, explores nodes in a breadth-first manner, considering nodes at the same level before progressing to the next level.

Q: Is DFS guaranteed to find a solution? A: No, DFS is not guaranteed to find a solution. It may get stuck in an infinite loop if there are cycles in the search space or fail to find a solution if the search space is infinite or the goal state is in a different direction.

Q: Can DFS provide an optimal solution? A: DFS does not guarantee an optimal solution. It may give a non-optimal solution where the cost is higher compared to an alternative solution with a lower cost.

Q: What is the time complexity of DFS? A: The time complexity of DFS is generally expressed as O(V+E), where V is the number of nodes and E is the number of edges. In terms of artificial intelligence, it can be expressed as O(b^d), where b is the branching factor and d is the depth of the search space.

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