Exciting Reveal! Top 4 AI Advancements at Apple Event 2023!

Exciting Reveal! Top 4 AI Advancements at Apple Event 2023!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Apple's Core ML Framework for On-Device AI
  3. Deploying Transformers on Apple Neural Engine
  4. Apple Watch S9 Chip: Faster GPU and Enhanced Neural Engine
  5. iPhone A17 Pro Chip: Improved GPU and Neural Engine
  6. Voice Isolation Feature: Applying Machine Learning on Apple Devices
  7. Enhanced Audio Quality on Phone Calls
  8. Overview of Core ML Development
  9. Rust LLN Framework: An Alternative for Core ML
  10. Conclusion


Apple recently made several announcements, both positive and negative, that could greatly impact AI engineers and ML developers. In this video, I will share a list of interesting things that matter to AI engineers, particularly in relation to Apple's offerings. Before diving into the Apple event clips, I want to bring your Attention to a lesser-known framework called Core ML. This framework, optimized for on-device performance, enables the running of machine learning models on Apple devices such as iPhones and iPads. In this article, we will explore the capabilities and features of Core ML, as well as other significant announcements made by Apple. So, whether You are an AI enthusiast or a developer Interested In AI, this article will provide valuable insights into the latest developments in Apple's AI ecosystem.

Apple's Core ML Framework for On-Device AI

To start off, let's take a closer look at Apple's Core ML framework. Designed specifically for on-device performance, this framework allows developers to run machine learning models or AI models directly on Apple devices, without the need for cloud services. Core ML comes with a wide range of tutorials and pre-trained models, making it easier for developers to get started. Whether you are working on image recognition, natural language processing, or other AI tasks, Core ML provides a solid foundation for developing AI applications that run seamlessly on Apple devices. In the next sections, we will Delve deeper into the exciting possibilities that Core ML opens up for AI engineers.

Deploying Transformers on Apple Neural Engine

Large language models, such as Transformers, play a crucial role in AI applications. With Apple's recent announcement in June 2022, developers can now deploy Transformers on Apple's neural engine. This means that even as an Apple device user, you can leverage the power of large language models without relying solely on cloud-Based solutions. Thanks to the efforts of Hugging Face and Pedro, who have contributed significantly to adding support for large language models in the Apple ecosystem, developers can now convert and run these models natively on Apple devices. Apple has even released templates to simplify the process. For instance, the Swift Transformers template allows developers to translate Hugging Face Transformers models into Core ML models that are compatible with Apple devices. Additionally, Apple provides pre-converted models, such as Llama and Falcon, which you can readily download and use in your Swift applications. This exciting development opens up a whole new realm of possibilities for AI engineers who want to develop Core ML products that can run efficiently on Apple devices.

Apple Watch S9 Chip: Faster GPU and Enhanced Neural Engine

One of the highlights of Apple's recent announcements is the introduction of the new S9 chip for the Apple Watch. This chip comes with some impressive features that are particularly Relevant for AI engineers. Firstly, the S9 chip boasts a GPU that is 30% faster than its predecessor, allowing for smoother graphics performance and enhanced user experiences. Additionally, the S9 chip includes a new four-core neural engine that can process machine learning tasks up to twice as fast as before. These advancements make it possible to run large language models, such as Transformers, directly on an Apple Watch. This means that an Apple Watch is no longer just a smart accessory but also a potential device for running complex AI applications. The combination of a powerful GPU, an enhanced neural engine, and the potential to utilize large language models on the Apple Watch creates exciting opportunities for AI engineers to explore new possibilities in on-device AI.

iPhone A17 Pro Chip: Improved GPU and Neural Engine

Another significant announcement from Apple revolves around the new A17 Pro chip for the iPhone. This chip, labeled as the powerhouse of the latest iPhone, brings notable improvements to both the GPU and the neural engine. For AI engineers, these improvements are crucial for running resource-intensive AI applications and unlocking the full potential of large language models. The new CPU features microarchitectural and design improvements for performance and efficiency cores, enabling faster processing of machine learning models. In fact, the neural engine is now twice as fast, capable of processing up to 35 trillion operations per Second. One of the standout features of the A17 Pro chip is the introduction of a brand-new GPU with a six-core design. This GPU is up to 20% faster for peak performance and incorporates innovative features such as mesh shading, which optimizes power consumption while rendering detailed environments. Notably, the A17 Pro chip also introduces hardware-accelerated ray tracing, opening up possibilities for AI engineers interested in developing 3D applications. With its enhanced graphics capabilities and unparalleled neural engine performance, the A17 Pro chip empowers developers to push the boundaries of AI-driven applications on iPhone.

Voice Isolation Feature: Applying Machine Learning on Apple Devices

Apple's commitment to leveraging machine learning extends beyond raw performance improvements in their chips. One notable feature they have introduced is voice isolation. This feature utilizes machine learning algorithms to filter out background noise and isolate the user's voice during audio calls. While this feature is not new in the realm of video conferencing platforms, Apple's implementation brings this capability directly to your smartphone. The integration of machine learning algorithms within Apple devices allows for real-time voice isolation, ensuring clearer communication in noisy environments. Whether you are using Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or any other audio communication app, Apple's voice isolation feature improves the audio quality and enhances the overall user experience. This capability is just one example of how Apple is harnessing the potential of machine learning for everyday use cases.

Enhanced Audio Quality on Phone Calls

In addition to the voice isolation feature, Apple has made notable improvements to audio quality on phone calls. The iPhone 15 now utilizes a more advanced machine learning model that automatically prioritizes the user's voice. This means that even in situations with excessive background noise, the iPhone 15 applies intelligent algorithms to filter out distractions and ensure that the user's voice comes through loud and clear. Furthermore, users have the option to enable voice isolation, which further filters out additional background noise. These advancements in audio quality and voice prioritization significantly enhance the user experience during phone calls. As an AI engineer or developer, it is important to stay updated on these improvements to understand the full potential of Apple devices for deploying AI-driven solutions.

Overview of Core ML Development

Now that we have covered the exciting announcements from Apple, let's take a step back and provide an overview of Core ML development. Developing AI applications using Core ML involves several steps, including model creation, model conversion, and model deployment. Core ML supports various machine learning libraries, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, making it easy to convert trained models into the Core ML format. With the advancements in large language models, it is crucial for AI engineers to understand how to adapt and optimize their models for the Core ML framework. By doing so, developers can leverage the benefits of on-device AI while ensuring optimal performance. Core ML also provides a range of tools and APIs for integrating AI features into your applications, including face recognition, object detection, and natural language processing. As an AI engineer or developer, having a solid understanding of Core ML development will allow you to Create innovative applications that run seamlessly on Apple devices.

Rust LLN Framework: An Alternative for Core ML

While Core ML is a powerful framework for on-device AI, it is important to explore alternative options to ensure versatility in AI development. One such alternative is the Rust LLN (Low-Level Neural Network) framework. Developed with a focus on performance and safety, Rust LLN provides a lightweight and efficient solution for running neural network models. Unlike Core ML, Rust LLN offers a more flexible approach, allowing developers to optimize their models for various platforms. With its growing popularity among AI enthusiasts and developers, Rust LLN presents an exciting opportunity to explore new horizons in AI development. As a developer or AI engineer, it is important to stay updated on the latest trends and frameworks to ensure that you can adapt to the evolving landscape of AI development.


In conclusion, Apple's recent announcements have brought forth exciting possibilities for AI engineers and developers. The introduction of Core ML has made on-device AI more accessible, enabling developers to deploy their models directly on Apple devices. With the advancements in large language models and the support of Hugging Face, it is now possible to run Transformer models natively on Apple devices. Apple's focus on enhancing the performance of their chips, as seen in the Apple Watch S9 chip and the iPhone A17 Pro chip, opens up new avenues for developing resource-intensive AI applications and pushing the boundaries of AI-driven experiences. Additionally, features like voice isolation and improved audio quality on phone calls showcase Apple's commitment to leveraging machine learning for everyday use cases. As AI technologies Continue to evolve, it is essential for AI engineers and developers to stay updated on the latest developments and frameworks, such as Core ML and Rust LLN. By embracing these advancements and exploring new possibilities, AI engineers can create innovative applications that provide exceptional user experiences on Apple devices. So, whether you are a seasoned AI enthusiast or a developer looking to explore the world of AI, there has Never been a more exciting time to indulge in the possibilities that Apple's AI ecosystem has to offer.


  • Introduction to Apple's announcements and their impact on AI engineers
  • Overview of Apple's Core ML framework for on-device AI
  • Deployment of Transformers on Apple neural engine
  • Features of the Apple Watch S9 chip for AI applications
  • Advancements in the iPhone A17 Pro chip for AI-driven experiences
  • Voice isolation feature and improved audio quality on Apple devices
  • Core ML development process for AI applications
  • Overview of Rust LLN framework as an alternative to Core ML
  • Emphasizing the importance of staying updated on AI trends and frameworks
  • Exciting opportunities for AI engineers and developers in Apple's AI ecosystem


Q: What is Core ML? A: Core ML is a framework developed by Apple for running machine learning models on Apple devices, optimizing for on-device performance.

Q: Can I run large language models on Apple devices? A: Yes, Apple has introduced support for running large language models, such as Transformers, on their neural engine, allowing developers to leverage the power of these models directly on Apple devices.

Q: What are the key features of Apple's S9 chip for the Apple Watch? A: The S9 chip offers a faster GPU and an enhanced neural engine, making it possible to run complex AI applications, including large language models, on the Apple Watch.

Q: How does Apple ensure better audio quality on phone calls? A: Apple utilizes advanced machine learning models that automatically prioritize the user's voice and apply voice isolation algorithms to filter out background noise, resulting in improved audio quality during phone calls.

Q: Can I develop AI applications using Core ML on other platforms? A: Core ML is specifically designed for Apple devices and the iOS ecosystem. However, there are alternative frameworks like Rust LLN that provide a more flexible approach for AI development on various platforms.

Q: How can I stay updated on the latest AI trends and frameworks? A: It is important to actively engage with the AI community, follow industry publications, attend conferences and webinars, and participate in online forums and communities dedicated to AI development. This will ensure that you are up to date with the latest advancements in AI and can adapt to the evolving landscape of AI development.

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