Unleash the Power of Vector Search with Vertex AI

Unleash the Power of Vector Search with Vertex AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Vector Search?
  3. The Importance of Vector Search for Businesses
  4. Getting Started with Building Production Quality Vector Search Services with Google Cloud Vertex AI
  5. Benefits of Vector Search Technology
  6. Vector Search versus Traditional Databases
  7. How AI Organizes Data Using Embeddings
  8. The Role of Vector Search in Generative AI
  9. Exploring Google's Highly Scalable and Reliable Vector Search Infrastructure
  10. Introducing ScaNN: Google's Industry-Leading ANN Algorithm
  11. Google Cloud's Vertex AI Search: A Fully-Managed Service for Vector Search
  12. Using Vector Search for Building Production Services in Enterprises
  13. Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing Vector Search with Google Cloud Services
  14. Success Stories: Companies Leveraging Vector Search for Better User Experience
  15. Conclusion


In this article, we will Delve into the world of vector search and its significance for businesses. We will explore why vector search has become an essential component of AI/ML services and how You can leverage it to enhance your own search capabilities. Specifically, we will focus on building production quality vector search services using Google Cloud Vertex AI. So, whether you are a business owner, a developer, or simply curious about the future of search technology, Read on to discover the power of vector search.

What is Vector Search?

Before we dive into the details, let's understand what vector search actually means. Vector search technology is a fundamental aspect of AI/ML services and can be likened to the relational databases used in IT systems. It allows for the efficient organization and retrieval of data Based on its meaning rather than relying on traditional keyword-based search methods. For example, Google utilizes vector search to provide Relevant search results and recommendations across its various services, such as Google Search, YouTube, and Google Play. This powerful technology can also be applied to businesses for searching and recommending various types of items, including products, user activities, conversations, music and videos, and signals from IoT sensors.

The Importance of Vector Search for Businesses

In the age of generative AI, vector search has become an increasingly crucial component of businesses' AI strategies. Consider this demo: using vector search, it is possible to find product items that match a specific query in milliseconds, even without relying on item titles, descriptions, or tags. Instead, the search algorithm can analyze only the item images, enabling multimodal search capabilities. This innovation is made possible by combining vector search with generative AI models. The implications are vast, allowing businesses to offer more accurate and efficient search and recommendation services to their users.

With the rise of AI, traditional keyword-based search engines and databases are being supplemented and, in some cases, replaced by vector search technology. Unlike traditional IT systems, modern AI-based services utilize a simple yet powerful data structure called "embeddings." These embeddings are a special Type of vector that represents the meaning of content. Imagine a map where each piece of content is uniquely located based on its meaning. AI can identify the location of each content on this map, enabling precise and contextually relevant search results.

So, why is vector search becoming so crucial for businesses? Vector search allows for a deeper understanding of user intent and content meaning, resulting in more accurate and personalized search results. It empowers businesses to go beyond surface-level keyword matching and incorporate semantics into their search algorithms. This not only improves user experience but also enables businesses to gain valuable insights from their data and drive better decision-making.

Getting Started with Building Production Quality Vector Search Services with Google Cloud Vertex AI

Now that we understand the importance of vector search, let's explore how you can get started with building production quality vector search services using Google Cloud Vertex AI. Google Cloud offers a fully-managed service called Vertex AI Search, which allows you to leverage the power of vector search without the complexities of infrastructure management. Vertex AI Search integrates seamlessly with other Google Cloud services, such as BigQuery, Vertex AI Embeddings API, and Feature Store, making it a comprehensive solution for building and operating a production-ready MLOps pipeline.

To build a vector search service, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the data that you want to enable vector search on. This can include item names, descriptions, images, or any other textual or visual content.

  2. Obtain the embeddings for your data using Google Cloud's state-of-the-art ML-powered embedding generation capabilities. For example, if you have textual data, you can use the ML.EMBED_TEXT function in BigQuery to generate high-quality text embeddings.

  3. Export the embeddings as a JSON file and store it in Google Cloud Storage. Each embedding represents the meaning of a specific piece of data, and the Dimensions of the embeddings capture various nuances and subtleties in the content.

  4. Create an index using Vertex AI Search, specifying the Cloud Storage path of the JSON file and other parameters such as dimensions and similarity measure type.

  5. Deploy the index on an index endpoint. This endpoint will receive query requests and execute vector searches to find similar items based on their embeddings.

By following these steps, you can easily build a production-ready vector search service that provides users with highly accurate and relevant search results.

Benefits of Vector Search Technology

Vector search offers numerous advantages over traditional keyword-based search engines and databases:

  1. Improved accuracy: By organizing data based on its meaning, vector search enables more accurate search results and recommendations. It goes beyond simple keyword matching and takes into account the semantic relationships between different items.

  2. Faster search speeds: Traditional databases and keyword-based search engines often struggle with performance when dealing with large amounts of data. Vector search, powered by efficient indexing and approximate nearest neighbor algorithms, allows for fast and scalable search even with billions of embeddings.

  3. Enhanced user experience: By leveraging the power of embeddings and semantic search, vector search improves the overall user experience by providing more relevant and personalized results. This leads to increased user satisfaction and engagement.

  4. Simplified implementation: With managed services like Google Cloud Vertex AI Search, implementing vector search becomes much easier and more accessible for businesses. You can take AdVantage of pre-built capabilities, eliminating the need for intricate infrastructure setups or extensive knowledge of search algorithms.

  5. Scalability and reliability: Vector search technology, as exemplified by Google's highly scalable and reliable infrastructure, is designed to handle massive amounts of data and serve millions of users simultaneously. This makes it an ideal choice for enterprise-level applications.

Vector Search versus Traditional Databases

A fundamental difference between vector search technology and traditional databases lies in how data is organized and searched. In traditional IT systems, data is typically structured using keywords, labels, and categories. This approach relies heavily on structured and tabular data and keyword-based search engines. While effective for many use cases, this approach has limitations when it comes to capturing the nuances and intricacies of content meaning.

On the other HAND, modern AI-based services adopt a different approach. They utilize embeddings, which are special vector representations of content meaning. These embeddings are generated using advanced machine learning algorithms and capture the essence of the content in a multidimensional space. By comparing embeddings and calculating distances between vectors, vector search enables the identification of similar items and contextually relevant search results.

In summary, vector search technology enhances traditional search capabilities by considering the meaning and semantics of content, resulting in more accurate and personalized search experiences.

How AI Organizes Data Using Embeddings

To better understand how AI organizes data using embeddings, let's delve deeper into the concept of embeddings and their role in search technology. Embeddings are vectors with several dimensions (typically hundreds or thousands) that represent the meaning of content. While the exact number of dimensions in an embedding space depends on the complexity of the data and the desired level of granularity, more dimensions generally allow for finer distinctions and better representation.

Imagine a three-dimensional embedding space where each dimension captures a different aspect of content meaning. Let's say we have a text discussing movies, music, and actors, with a distribution of 10%, 2%, and 30%, respectively. In this case, AI can create an embedding representation with three values: 0.1, 0.02, and 0.3. The AI model will position the content in this embedding space based on its meaning, accurately reflecting the relationships between different pieces of content.

In reality, embedding spaces can have hundreds or thousands of dimensions, enabling the capturing of subtle differences and nuances in content. This multidimensional space allows AI systems to sort content into highly specific categories based on their meanings. For example, Google's sophisticated embedding spaces can categorize millions of images into extremely nuanced categories, showcasing the power of vector search and AI-driven content organization.

The Role of Vector Search in Generative AI

Generative AI, which involves the creation of new content by AI models, heavily relies on vector search as a crucial component. In generative AI applications, AI models can generate content such as images, text, or music. However, without an efficient search mechanism, finding specific items among the vast generated content becomes a challenge.

Vector search provides a solution by enabling the searching and matching of generated content based on its meaning rather than relying on explicit metadata or labels. By mapping the generated content into an embedding space, AI can quickly identify similar items and retrieve them in milliseconds. This level of search efficiency would be impossible with traditional databases or keyword-based search engines.

For example, if you have an AI model that generates images of handmade accessories, a user can search for "handmade accessories with black and white beads" using vector search. The AI model will analyze the embedding of the query and locate the most similar items in the embedding space, providing Instant results that match the user's query. This multimodal search capability, which combines vector search with generative AI, represents a new frontier in search technology.

Exploring Google's Highly Scalable and Reliable Vector Search Infrastructure

Google has been at the forefront of vector search technology, developing scalable and reliable infrastructure that underpins many of its major services. One essential aspect of Google's infrastructure is the use of approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) algorithms, which significantly speed up vector search computations.

In 2020, Google research introduced ScaNN (Scalable Nearest Neighbor Search), an ANN algorithm considered one of the best in the industry. ScaNN leverages vector quantization techniques to divide the embedding space into multiple subspaces, creating a hierarchical structure similar to an index in a traditional database. This approach enables extremely fast and efficient search with billions of embeddings.

ScaNN forms the foundation of Google's search and recommendation capabilities across various services, such as Google Search, YouTube, and others. By utilizing ScaNN, Google delivers highly accurate and contextually relevant search experiences, further solidifying its position as a leader in the search technology domain.

Introducing ScaNN: Google's Industry-Leading ANN Algorithm

ScaNN stands out as one of the most important advancements in ANN algorithms, empowering vector search applications with remarkable efficiency and scalability. By using ScaNN, businesses can benefit from faster search speeds, improved accuracy, and enhanced user experiences.

ScaNN works by dividing the embedding space into multiple subspaces, effectively creating a hierarchical structure known as a quantization tree. This tree indexes the embeddings, enabling rapid search operations by traversing the tree and quickly narrowing down the search space.

One key advantage of ScaNN is its ability to handle vast amounts of data. For example, if you have eight million embeddings, each with 700 dimensions, performing a full search using traditional methods would be computationally expensive and time-consuming. However, by leveraging ScaNN, you can achieve near-instant search times, delivering results in a matter of milliseconds.

Google's dedication to advancing vector search technology is evidenced by its development and implementation of ScaNN. This algorithm plays a crucial role in Google's Core competency of organizing vast amounts of information and making it Universally accessible and useful.

Google Cloud's Vertex AI Search: A Fully-Managed Service for Vector Search

With Google Cloud's Vertex AI Search, businesses can leverage Google's expertise and infrastructure to easily incorporate vector search capabilities into their applications. Vertex AI Search is a fully-managed service that streamlines the process of building and deploying vector search indexes, allowing businesses to focus on extracting insights and improving user experiences.

The key features of Google Cloud's Vertex AI Search include:

  1. Top-notch performance: Vertex AI Search offers exceptional search performance, with blisteringly fast response times and highly accurate results. This ensures that users receive the most relevant and contextually appropriate search results.

  2. High scalability and reliability: Google Cloud's infrastructure powers Vertex AI Search, enabling seamless scalability and guaranteeing high availability. This makes Vertex AI Search a solid foundation for enterprise-level services that require consistent and reliable performance.

  3. Simplified implementation: Vertex AI Search eliminates the complexities of setting up and managing infrastructure for vector search. With a simple search query, you can retrieve potential matches and recommendations based on the meaning of your data, without requiring expertise in search algorithms or managing intricate infrastructure setups.

  4. Tight integration with Google Cloud Services: Vertex AI Search seamlessly integrates with other Google Cloud services, such as BigQuery, Vertex AI Embeddings API, and Feature Store. This integration enables the seamless integration of Data Extraction, embedding generation, and search operations into a unified MLOps pipeline.

With Vertex AI Search, businesses can unlock the power of vector search without the burden of infrastructure management. Whether you are building search engines, recommendation systems, or personalized user experiences, Vertex AI Search provides the tools and platform to turn your vision into reality.

Using Vector Search for Building Production Services in Enterprises

Vector search services have become crucial for enterprises looking to enhance their search capabilities and provide personalized user experiences. By incorporating vector search into production services, businesses can improve search relevance, increase user engagement, and gain valuable insights from their data.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to implement vector search for building production services in enterprises:

  1. Identify the specific item data that you want to enable vector search on. This can be item names, descriptions, images, or any other relevant content.

  2. Generate embeddings for each item data using Google Cloud's ML-powered embedding generation capabilities. This process involves encoding the meaning of the content into high-dimensional vectors that capture intricacies and contextual information.

  3. Export the generated embeddings as a JSON file and store them in Google Cloud Storage. This file will serve as a reference for vector search operations.

  4. Create an index using Google Cloud's Vertex AI Search. This step involves specifying the Cloud Storage path of the JSON file and configuring additional parameters such as dimensions and similarity measures.

  5. Deploy the index to an index endpoint that can receive search queries. This endpoint will execute vector searches based on the query embeddings and provide ranked search results.

By following these steps, you can effectively build and deploy production-ready vector search services within your enterprise. This brings the power of meaning-based search and recommendation to your users, empowering them to discover relevant items quickly and effortlessly.

Success Stories: Companies Leveraging Vector Search for Better User Experience

Vector search technology has already proven to be a game-changer for numerous companies, enabling them to deliver superior user experiences and drive business growth. Let's explore some success stories of companies that have leveraged vector search for better user experiences:

  1. Mercari: Mercari, a popular marketplace app, utilized vector search technology to enhance its product recommendation system. By incorporating vector search into its search algorithms, Mercari was able to personalize recommendations based on user preferences, resulting in increased customer satisfaction and engagement. The implementation of vector search also significantly reduced the time and cost associated with developing AI-driven services.

  2. YouTube: YouTube, the largest video-sharing platform, relies on vector search to deliver relevant video recommendations to millions of users worldwide. By analyzing user behavior, content metadata, and embeddings, YouTube's recommendation system can accurately identify videos that match users' interests, leading to increased engagement and longer viewing Sessions.

These success stories highlight the transformative impact that vector search can have on businesses, enabling them to provide personalized, contextually relevant recommendations and search results. By harnessing the power of vector search, enterprises can deliver more engaging user experiences and gain a competitive edge.


In this article, we have explored the concept of vector search and its importance for businesses in the age of AI. Vector search technology goes beyond traditional keyword-based search methods by considering the meaning and semantics of content, resulting in more accurate and personalized search results and recommendations. We have also looked at Google's highly scalable and reliable vector search infrastructure, including the innovative ScaNN algorithm, which powers many of Google's major services.

With Google Cloud's Vertex AI Search, businesses can easily incorporate vector search capabilities into their applications without the complexities of managing infrastructure. Vertex AI Search offers top-notch performance, high scalability, and reliability, making it an ideal solution for enterprises looking to leverage vector search technology.

By implementing vector search in production services, businesses can enhance search relevance, improve user experiences, and gain valuable insights from their data. The success stories of companies like Mercari and YouTube showcase the transformative impact of vector search on user engagement and satisfaction.

Vector search represents the future of search technology, enabling businesses to deliver personalized and contextually relevant experiences to their users. Whether you are building search engines, recommendation systems, or exploring the frontiers of generative AI, harnessing the power of vector search will undoubtedly propel your business forward. So why wait? Start your vector search Journey today and unlock the potential of meaning-based search.

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