Mastering Reinforcement Learning with the REINFORCE Algorithm

Mastering Reinforcement Learning with the REINFORCE Algorithm

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
  2. The Challenge of Implementing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
  3. The Agent-Environment Interaction
  4. The Problem of Non-Differentiability in Reinforcement Learning
  5. Using Rewards as Signals for Learning
  6. The REINFORCE Algorithm
  7. Sampling Actions in the REINFORCE Algorithm
  8. Evaluating Actions in the REINFORCE Algorithm
  9. Implementing the REINFORCE Algorithm Step by Step
  10. Training and testing a Neural Network Using the REINFORCE Algorithm
  11. Conclusion

Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is a subfield of machine learning that focuses on the interaction between an agent and its environment. In this type of learning, the agent learns to make decisions by trial and error, receiving feedback in the form of rewards or punishments. The goal is for the agent to learn a policy, which is a set of actions that maximize the expected rewards over time.

The Challenge of Implementing Reinforcement Learning Algorithms

Although the theory of reinforcement learning may seem straightforward, implementing the algorithms in practice can be challenging. One of the main difficulties arises from the fact that the environment is often not differentiable. This means that we cannot compute the derivative of the environment, making it impossible to use traditional backpropagation to update the agent's neural network weights.

The Agent-Environment Interaction

In reinforcement learning, the agent interacts with the environment by taking actions and receiving observations and rewards in return. The environment can be seen as a black box that processes the agent's actions and produces the next state and a reward signal. The agent's goal is to learn a policy that maximizes the cumulative rewards it receives over time.

The Problem of Non-Differentiability in Reinforcement Learning

The non-differentiability of the environment poses a challenge in reinforcement learning. Since we cannot compute the derivative of the environment, we cannot directly backpropagate through it to update the agent's neural network. This limitation prevents us from using traditional gradient descent methods to update the network's weights.

Using Rewards as Signals for Learning

To overcome the problem of non-differentiability, reinforcement learning algorithms use rewards as signals for learning. When an agent takes an action that leads to a favorable outcome, it receives a positive reward. Conversely, when the outcome is unfavorable, the agent receives a negative reward. By associating actions with rewards, the agent can learn which actions are more likely to lead to positive outcomes.

The REINFORCE Algorithm

The REINFORCE algorithm is a popular method for training reinforcement learning agents. It leverages rewards as a signal for learning and updates the agent's policy based on these rewards. The algorithm follows an iterative process of collecting experiences, computing discounted returns, and updating the policy gradient to improve the agent's decision-making capabilities.

Sampling Actions in the REINFORCE Algorithm

Sampling actions is a crucial component of the REINFORCE algorithm. To select an action, we first pass the current state through the agent's policy, which outputs a probability distribution over possible actions. We then sample an action from this distribution, giving higher probabilities to actions that have a higher expected reward. This sampling process enables the agent to explore different actions and learn from their outcomes.

Evaluating Actions in the REINFORCE Algorithm

In the REINFORCE algorithm, evaluating actions involves calculating the probability of selecting a specific action from the policy's distribution. This evaluation is necessary to compute the gradient of the logarithm of the policy, which is used in the update step. By evaluating actions, we can determine the impact of each action on the agent's decision-making process.

Implementing the REINFORCE Algorithm Step by Step

To implement the REINFORCE algorithm, we start by declaring the environment and the neural network. We then Gather one episode of experience, loop over the rewards in that episode to compute discounted returns, and update the policy at each step. This iterative process allows the agent to learn from its experiences and improve its policy over time.

Training and Testing a Neural Network Using the REINFORCE Algorithm

Once the neural network is trained using the REINFORCE algorithm, we can test its performance by executing a trained policy. This involves getting the initial observation, obtaining the probabilities from the neural network, sampling an action from the probability distribution, and supplying the action to the environment for rendering. This final step allows us to assess the effectiveness of the trained agent in performing specific tasks.


Reinforcement learning presents a unique set of challenges in both theory and practice. The REINFORCE algorithm provides a framework for training reinforcement learning agents by utilizing rewards as signals for learning. By leveraging rewards and optimizing the agent's policy, we can enable autonomous decision-making and achieve desirable outcomes in a wide range of applications.

🔎 Highlights:

  • Reinforcement learning leverages rewards as a signal for learning.
  • The REINFORCE algorithm updates the agent's policy based on rewards.
  • Sampling actions and evaluating actions are crucial in the REINFORCE algorithm.
  • Implementing the algorithm involves gathering experience, computing discounted returns, and updating the policy.
  • Trained neural networks using the REINFORCE algorithm can perform tasks autonomously.


Q: What is reinforcement learning? A: Reinforcement learning involves the interaction between an agent and its environment, where the agent learns to make decisions based on trial and error, aiming to maximize cumulative rewards.

Q: How does the REINFORCE algorithm work? A: The REINFORCE algorithm uses rewards as signals for learning. It involves sampling actions from a policy's probability distribution and updating the policy gradient based on the rewards received.

Q: What are the challenges in implementing reinforcement learning algorithms? A: One challenge is the non-differentiability of the environment, making it difficult to update the agent's neural network weights using traditional backpropagation methods.

Q: How is the REINFORCE algorithm implemented step by step? A: The algorithm involves gathering experiences, computing discounted returns, and updating the policy gradient. It follows an iterative process to improve the agent's decision-making capabilities.

Q: How can a trained neural network in reinforcement learning be tested? A: A trained neural network can be tested by executing a trained policy, where the initial observation is passed through the network, and actions are sampled and supplied to the environment for evaluation.


  • "Reinforcement Learning" book by Sutton and Barto.

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