Mastering Wen Shengtu: Ultimate Image Generation with Powerful Scripts

Mastering Wen Shengtu: Ultimate Image Generation with Powerful Scripts

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Wen Shengtu
  2. Using Script 1: Prompt WORD Matrix
    1. How to use the script
    2. Generating images using the prompt word matrix
    3. Example of prompt word matrix usage
      • Pros
      • Cons
  3. Using Script 2: Load Prompt Word from Text Box or File
    1. How the script works
    2. Format of parameters in the script
    3. Rules and behavior of the script
      • Numeric type parameters
      • Boolean type parameters
      • STRING type parameters
    4. Example of load prompt word script usage
  4. Using Script 3: X/Y/Z Chart
    1. Purpose of the script
    2. Defining the X, Y, and Z axes
    3. Generating comparison charts
      • Preview sub images
      • Preview uterine GRID
    4. Example of X/Y/Z chart script usage
  5. Conclusion
  6. Resources

Introduction to Wen Shengtu

Wen Shengtu is a powerful script that allows users to generate images based on specific prompts and configurations. In this article, we will explore three different scripts within Wen Shengtu and learn how to effectively utilize them. These scripts include the prompt word matrix, loading prompt words from a text box or file, and the X/Y/Z chart script.

Using Script 1: Prompt Word Matrix

How to use the script

The prompt word matrix script is a versatile tool that helps generate images based on specific prompt words. The script utilizes a matrix format where prompt words are separated by vertical bars. It allows for the combination of fixed content and changing words. By understanding the structure and formatting of the matrix, users can easily generate a variety of images.

Generating images using the prompt word matrix

To generate images using the prompt word matrix, users need to define the fixed content and changing words within the matrix. Each prompt word represents a different descriptor, and the changing words are separated by vertical bars. The generated images depend on the combination of these prompt words. A single prompt word may generate one image, while multiple prompt words can generate multiple images with different combinations.

Example of prompt word matrix usage

Here's an example to illustrate how the prompt word matrix works. Let's consider a prompt word matrix with three parts: a constant content (a pretty girl), changing descriptors (pink hair and black glasses), and the combination of descriptors. By inputting different prompt words and combinations, users can generate various images. For instance, combining the constant content with the pink hair descriptor will generate an image of a pretty girl with pink hair. Similarly, combining the constant content with both the pink hair and black glasses descriptors will generate a picture of a pretty girl with pink hair and black glasses.


  • Allows for flexible image generation with different prompt word combinations.
  • Offers an easy-to-understand matrix format for prompt word inputs.
  • Generates multiple images based on changing descriptors.


  • Might require trial and error to find the desired prompt word combinations.
  • Limited to the provided fixed content and changing descriptors.

Using Script 2: Load Prompt Word from Text Box or File

How the script works

The load prompt word script enables users to load prompt words from a text box or file. Unlike the prompt word matrix, this script refers to the entire image rather than individual descriptors. It requires specific parameters for generating images and offers more control over batch image generation with different values.

Format of parameters in the script

The parameters in the load prompt word script follow a specific format: two bars, the parameter name, a space, and then the parameter value. The parameter values can be of three types: numeric, boolean, or string. By understanding the parameter format, users can define the necessary inputs to generate images.

Rules and behavior of the script

The load prompt word script has certain rules and behaviors. Firstly, it distinguishes between numeric, boolean, and string type parameters. Numeric parameters represent the number of sampling steps, boolean parameters determine whether certain features are enabled, and string parameters require specific values enclosed in English quotation marks.

Example of load prompt word script usage

Let's consider an example to understand how to use the load prompt word script. Say we define a numeric type parameter, "number of sampling steps," with a value of 20. Additionally, we have a boolean type parameter, "facial repair," which is set to true, and a string type parameter, "descriptor," with a value of "pink hair." By inputting these parameters and generating images, we can observe the impact of each parameter on the generated images.

Using Script 3: X/Y/Z Chart

Purpose of the script

The X/Y/Z chart script allows users to create a more intuitive comparison chart of images. It involves defining the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis, each representing different data sets or configurations. The z-axis combines the x-axis and y-axis, generating grouped images for comparison and analysis.

Defining the X, Y, and Z axes

In the X/Y/Z chart script, users need to specify the type of data to be displayed on each axis. The x-axis represents horizontal display data, the y-axis represents vertical display data, and the z-axis combines the x-axis and y-axis, regrouping images for comparison.

Generating comparison charts

The X/Y/Z chart script allows users to generate comparison charts with different parameters and settings. Parameters such as preview sub images and preview uterine grid offer additional customization options. Preview sub images generate individual sub-images within the main comparison chart, while preview uterine grid applies a grid-like structure to the generated images. By leveraging these features, users can create more visually informative comparison charts.

Preview sub images

By choosing to preview sub images, users can generate not only the main comparison chart but also individual sub-images that make up the chart. This feature provides a more detailed view of each image within the comparison.

Preview uterine grid

Preview uterine grid is an advanced feature that applies a grid-like structure to the comparison chart. When enabled, it regroups the sub-images into a more organized and visually appealing layout, enhancing the overall presentation of the comparison.

Example of X/Y/Z chart script usage

To demonstrate the usage of the X/Y/Z chart script, let's assume we have defined the x-axis as "cue word correlation" and the y-axis as "CFG value." By setting specific values for these parameters and generating the chart, we can observe how changes in the x and y axes affect the resulting images. Additionally, enabling the preview uterine grid can provide a more organized and visually pleasing comparison.


Wen Shengtu provides users with powerful scripts for generating images based on specific prompts and configurations. The prompt word matrix, load prompt word from text box or file, and X/Y/Z chart scripts offer various functionalities and options to create unique and visually appealing images. By understanding and effectively utilizing these scripts, users can explore the full potential of Wen Shengtu in generating custom images for their needs.


  • Wen Shengtu official website: [website URL]

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