Powerbuilding Vlog: Week 19 Highlights

Powerbuilding Vlog: Week 19 Highlights

Table of Contents

  1. 👉 Introduction
  2. 👉 Upper Day: Strength Block Conclusion
    • Bench Press Benchmark
    • Weighted Pull-Ups
    • Combo Set: Seal Rows & Leg Extensions
    • Close Grip Bench Press
    • Glute Ham Raise
  3. 👉 Lower Day: Box Squats and Deadlifts
    • Box Squats
    • Deadlifts
    • Combo Set: Wide Stance Belt Squats & Chin Up Grip Pull Downs
    • Reverse Hypers
  4. 👉 Additional Exercises
    • Face Pulls
    • Rhino Calf Raises
    • Pinwheel Curls
    • Hanging Leg Raises
  5. 👉 Conclusion

👉 Introduction

Hey there, folks! It's Carter, back with another insightful video. Today, I'll be delving into the detailed rundown of days one and two of week 19 of the Juggernaut AI program. As I approach the end of strength block number two, there's a lot to cover regarding my workouts and progressions.

👉 Upper Day: Strength Block Conclusion

Let's kick things off with a Recap of my upper body workout, marking the conclusion of this phase of the program.

Bench Press Benchmark

The session began with a benchmark set on the bench press, aiming for a solid five reps. Despite hitting the mark, I sensed there was more left in the tank.

Weighted Pull-Ups

Next up, I incorporated weighted pull-ups using a chest harness, adding extra resistance to challenge myself further.

Combo Set: Seal Rows & Leg Extensions

One of the highlights was the combo set comprising seal rows and leg extensions, targeting different muscle groups effectively.

Close Grip Bench Press

In light of some shoulder discomfort, I opted for a close grip bench press variation to alleviate strain while still maximizing chest and tricep engagement.

Glute Ham Raise

Wrapping up the upper day, I dedicated some time to the glute ham raise, focusing on strengthening the posterior chain.

👉 Lower Day: Box Squats and Deadlifts

Moving on to lower body training, let's delve into the key highlights of my box squats and deadlift Sessions.

Box Squats

With a wide stance and utilizing an Elite FTS foam box, my box squat sessions emphasized explosive power and proper form.


Deadlifts have been a significant focus, with improvements in frequency and intensity contributing to overall strength gains.

Combo Set: Wide Stance Belt Squats & Chin Up Grip Pull Downs

The combination of wide stance belt squats and chin-up grip pull downs provided a comprehensive lower body and back workout.

Reverse Hypers

Undoubtedly, reverse hypers have been a Game-changer, offering unparalleled benefits for lower back health and strength.

👉 Additional Exercises

Beyond the core lifts, let's explore some supplementary exercises that complemented my training regimen.

Face Pulls

Incorporating face pulls helped address shoulder health and stability, vital for longevity in strength training.

Rhino Calf Raises

Targeting calf development, Rhino calf raises offered a unique challenge and contributed to lower body balance.

Pinwheel Curls

Despite initial concerns, pinwheel curls proved beneficial for forearm strength and hypertrophy, enhancing overall arm aesthetics.

Hanging Leg Raises

Concluding the session with hanging leg raises provided a satisfying core workout, despite the intense fatigue.

👉 Conclusion

In conclusion, these sessions mark significant progress in my training journey. Despite challenges and fatigue, each workout contributes to my overarching goals of strength, health, and longevity. Stay tuned for more updates, and remember to like, subscribe, and join me on this exciting Fitness adventure!


  • Intensive upper and lower body workouts marked the conclusion of strength block number two.
  • Bench press benchmarks and weighted pull-ups showcased notable strength gains.
  • Close grip bench press variations were employed to mitigate shoulder discomfort.
  • Box squats and deadlifts highlighted lower body strength and explosiveness.
  • Supplementary exercises such as face pulls and hanging leg raises added depth to the training regimen.


Q: How often do you incorporate combo sets into your training? A: Combo sets are frequently integrated, especially towards the end of training blocks, to maximize efficiency and workload.

Q: What adjustments do you make when experiencing fatigue during workouts? A: When fatigued, I prioritize maintaining proper form and may adjust weights or volume to prevent injury and ensure productive training sessions.

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