Revolutionize Your Workflow: Paste Images into OpenToonz!

Revolutionize Your Workflow: Paste Images into OpenToonz!

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The Missing Feature
  • Acknowledgments
  • How to Paste Images into OpenTunes
    • Finding the Image
    • Copying the Image
    • Pasting the Image
  • Advanced Features
    • Using the Selection Tool
    • Pasting from Clipboard
    • Utilizing References
  • Creative Possibilities
    • Backgrounds and Animations
    • Creating Characters
    • Using the Eraser Tool
  • Exploring Further
    • Additional Ideas
    • User Suggestions
  • Conclusion
  • FAQ

The Missing Feature

OpenTunes has lacked a crucial feature since its inception. However, thanks to the efforts of Jeremy Bullock and Joss Burner, this missing piece has finally found its way into the software. In this article, we'll explore how to seamlessly paste external images directly into OpenTunes, revolutionizing the way users interact with the program.

How to Paste Images into OpenTunes

Finding the Image

When looking for an image to import into OpenTunes, whether it be from Google Images or your personal collection, ensure it's readily accessible and suitable for your project's needs.

Copying the Image

Once you've found the perfect image, simply right-click on it and select "copy image." This action will transfer the image to your clipboard, ready for pasting.

Pasting the Image

In OpenTunes, navigate to your project and select a frame. Use the paste keyboard shortcut to seamlessly insert the image into your workspace. The software will Prompt you to create a new Raster level, ensuring smooth integration.

Advanced Features

Using the Selection Tool

Prior to pasting, employ the selection tool to ensure precise positioning and sizing of your image. This feature streamlines the workflow, allowing for immediate adjustments upon insertion.

Pasting from Clipboard

Beyond Google Images, explore other sources for image acquisition. Utilize tools like the Windows Snipping Tool to capture content from various sources, seamlessly integrating them into your OpenTunes project.

Utilizing References

Images aren't limited to mere references. They can serve as backgrounds, aid in character creation, or facilitate animation. With OpenTunes, the possibilities are endless.

Creative Possibilities

Backgrounds and Animations

Employ pasted images as backgrounds to enhance your scenes or utilize them with the plastic tool for unique animations.

Creating Characters

Transform pasted images into cutout characters, leveraging OpenTunes' eraser tool to refine their appearance and seamlessly integrate them into your project.

Using the Eraser Tool

With the eraser tool, customize pasted images to suit your needs. Remove backgrounds or unwanted elements to focus solely on the desired character or object.

Exploring Further

Additional Ideas

Discover innovative ways to leverage pasted images within OpenTunes, enhancing your workflow and creative output.

User Suggestions

Share your thoughts and ideas on how to maximize the potential of this new feature. Your feedback could inspire future updates and improvements.


The ability to paste external images directly into OpenTunes marks a significant advancement for users. With its intuitive functionality and endless creative possibilities, this feature empowers artists to bring their visions to life seamlessly.


Q: Can I paste images of any format into OpenTunes? A: Yes, OpenTunes supports a wide range of image formats, allowing for versatile integration into your projects.

Q: Are there any limitations to the size of images I can paste? A: While OpenTunes can accommodate various image sizes, it's recommended to resize larger images to ensure optimal performance.

Q: Can I edit pasted images within OpenTunes? A: Absolutely! OpenTunes provides a suite of editing tools, including the eraser tool, allowing for customization and refinement of pasted images.

Q: Will pasted images affect the performance of my project? A: Pasted images are seamlessly integrated into OpenTunes' raster levels, ensuring minimal impact on performance while offering maximum creative flexibility.

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