Unlock Your Creativity: Mastering Image Creation with Reference Photos

Unlock Your Creativity: Mastering Image Creation with Reference Photos

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Utilizing Reference Photos
    • Using Composition to Create Variations
    • Choosing Filters for Photorealism
    • Increasing Image Strength for More Variation
  • Honoring the Original Person in the Photo
    • Duplicating and Masking the Image
    • Generating New Images
  • Utilizing Reference Photos in Canvas
  • Exploring Different Filters
  • Tips and Tricks for Photo Recreation
    • Perfecting Hands with Masking
    • Upscaling Image Strength for Original Look
  • Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the various ways to utilize reference photos in image creation. By utilizing reference photos, we can enhance our artistic creations and achieve photorealistic results. We will discuss techniques such as using composition to create variations, choosing filters for photorealism, and honoring the original person in the photo. Additionally, we will explore how reference photos can be utilized in canvas and explore different filters to achieve unique effects. With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to recreate your own photos with ease.

Utilizing Reference Photos

Using Composition to Create Variations

One of the simplest techniques to utilize reference photos is by using the composition as a guide and creating variations based on the photo. By importing the reference photo into the image creation software, we can use it as a reference point for our own artistic interpretation. This allows us to experiment with different filters and settings to achieve unique and creative outcomes. By manipulating the image strength and other parameters, we can add variation and creativity to our artwork.

Choosing Filters for Photorealism

When working with reference photos, it is essential to choose the right filters to achieve photorealistic results. In the image creation software, there are various filters available, each with its own unique characteristics. For the purpose of photorealism, the "Realistic Vision" filter is highly recommended. This filter works best when paired with a Prompt guidance of three to seven and a quality and detail setting of 25 to 30. By utilizing this filter, we can achieve stunningly realistic results that closely Resemble the original reference photo.

Increasing Image Strength for More Variation

To add more variation and creativity to our images, we can experiment with increasing the image strength. By adjusting the image strength parameter, we can modify the level of influence the reference photo has on the final image. A higher image strength setting, such as 20, will result in more variation and allow for greater artistic freedom. However, it's important to note that increasing the image strength too much may result in a loss of photorealism and a departure from the original reference photo.

Honoring the Original Person in the Photo

Duplicating and Masking the Image

When working with reference photos that include a person, it's important to honor the original person in the photo. To accomplish this, we can utilize a few workarounds in the image creation software. Start by duplicating the original image and then proceed to mask the areas that you want to keep. This technique is particularly useful when aiming for perfection, such as obtaining perfect hands. By carefully masking the Relevant areas, we can ensure that the person in the photo is preserved while allowing for creative modifications in other aspects.

Generating New Images

Once we have duplicated the image and applied the necessary masks, we can proceed to generate new images. By generating multiple images, we can explore different variations and styles while still retaining the essence of the original person in the photo. It's important to note that the AI image generation process may not always result in perfect outcomes. In some cases, certain features like arms may appear distorted. However, by experimenting with additional image generations, we can improve the overall results and achieve a balance between creativity and maintaining the original person's likeness.

Utilizing Reference Photos in Canvas

In addition to the image creation software, reference photos can also be utilized in canvas. By importing the reference photo into the canvas software, we can apply various techniques to recreate the image in a different artistic form. Similar to the previous methods, we can use the eraser tool to remove unwanted areas and retain the essential elements from the reference photo. By generating the image within the canvas software, we can achieve unique and original artwork while still preserving the essence of the original reference photo.

Exploring Different Filters

Aside from the Realistic Vision filter Mentioned earlier, there are numerous other filters available in the image creation software. Each filter offers its own distinct style and effects. Experimenting with different filters can provide endless possibilities for creative expression. Filters such as Rev Animate can add a touch of animation and unique stylization to the images. By exploring and testing different filters, you'll be able to discover new ways to enhance your artwork and achieve desired results.

Tips and Tricks for Photo Recreation

Perfecting Hands with Masking

When aiming for perfection, such as obtaining perfect hands in your images, masking is a powerful technique to employ. By carefully outlining the areas that you want to retain, such as the hands, you can achieve Flawless results. This technique is especially useful when you have the opportunity to photograph someone specifically for this purpose. By isolating and preserving the desired areas, you can ensure that the hands in your images appear flawless and natural.

Upscaling Image Strength for Original Look

If you want to retain the original look of the reference photo while still utilizing filters and image creation techniques, you can experiment with upscaling the image strength. By gradually increasing the image strength setting, you can control the level of resemblance to the original photo. However, it's important to note that increasing the image strength too much may result in losing the unique characteristics of the applied filters. Finding the right balance between the desired look and the creative modifications is key to achieving satisfactory results.


Utilizing reference photos in image creation opens up a world of possibilities for artistic expression. By using the composition as a guide, choosing appropriate filters, and experimenting with image strength, you can achieve photorealistic results while adding your own creative Flair. Honoring the original person in the photo through duplicating and masking techniques ensures that the essence of the photo is preserved. Additionally, exploring different filters and employing tips and tricks such as perfecting hands and upscaling image strength allows for endless artistic possibilities. With these techniques and your own creativity, you'll be able to recreate and transform your photos into stunning works of art.


  • Learn how to utilize reference photos in image creation
  • Use composition to create variations based on the reference photo
  • Choose filters for photorealism and experiment with image strength
  • Honour the original person in the photo through duplication and masking
  • Explore different filters and discover new artistic possibilities
  • Perfect hands with masking for flawless results
  • Upscale image strength for a balance between Originality and creative modifications


Q: Can I achieve photorealistic results by using reference photos? A: Yes, by choosing the right filters and adjusting image strength, you can achieve photorealistic results that closely resemble the original reference photo.

Q: How can I retain the original person in the photo while making creative modifications? A: By duplicating the image and carefully masking the areas you want to keep, such as the face and hands, you can honor the original person while allowing for creative modifications in other aspects.

Q: Can I recreate my own photos using reference photos? A: Yes, by utilizing the techniques discussed in this article, you can recreate your own photos and add your own artistic touch to them.

Q: Are there different filters available to achieve unique effects? A: Yes, there are various filters available in the image creation software that offer different styles and effects. Experimenting with different filters can enhance your artwork and provide endless possibilities for creative expression.

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