Unlocking Code Similarity Through Scale Semantic Code Analysis

Unlocking Code Similarity Through Scale Semantic Code Analysis

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Isomorphism?
  3. Code Isomorphism and its Significance
  4. Scale Semantic Code Analysis via Learned Embeddings
    1. Scale ft: Fine-tuning Approach
    2. Scale clear: Contrastive Learning Approach
  5. Implementations and Methodology
    1. Training Data Set
    2. Test Data Set
    3. Evaluation Metrics
  6. Results and Performance Comparison
    1. Scale ft vs. Baseline Models
    2. Scale clear vs. Baseline Models
  7. Future Research and Development
  8. Applications and Potential of Code Isomorphism
    1. Semantic Code Search
    2. Software Migration
  9. Conclusion
  10. Acknowledgments

Scale Semantic Code Analysis via Learned Embeddings

Code analysis has always been a challenging task, especially when it comes to understanding the relationship between different code snippets. This is where the concept of code isomorphism plays a crucial role. Isomorphism, in the context of code, refers to the preservation of structure and meaning between different pieces of code. In simpler terms, it means that code snippets with different structures can have the same functionality.

Our research focuses on scale semantic code analysis via learned embeddings, using two approaches: scale ft and scale clear. These approaches utilize code isomorphism and Large Language Models to generate embeddings that capture the underlying functions of code. The ultimate goal is to determine code similarity accurately and efficiently.

1. Introduction

In this article, we will delve into the concept of code isomorphism and its importance in code analysis. We will explore our two approaches, scale ft and scale clear, in detail and discuss the results achieved through these methods.

2. What is Isomorphism?

Isomorphism, in general, refers to the preservation of structure and properties between objects. In the context of code, it means maintaining the functionality and meaning of code snippets despite differences in their structure. Code isomorphism allows us to understand the underlying functions of code, disregarding unimportant snippets that do not affect its overall operation.

3. Code Isomorphism and its Significance

Code isomorphism serves as the foundation for various downstream tasks in the field of software development. It enables code common alignment, code optimization, code classification, code obfuscation, and many more applications. By understanding the underlying functions of code and disregarding irrelevant snippets, we can unlock the potential of these tasks and enhance their accuracy and efficiency.

4. Scale Semantic Code Analysis via Learned Embeddings

Our research focuses on scale semantic code analysis via learned embeddings, using the approaches scale ft and scale clear. These approaches utilize code isomorphism to generate embeddings that reflect the semantics of code snippets and enable accurate comparison and analysis.

4.1. Scale ft: Fine-tuning Approach

Scale ft is an approach that treats code isomorphism as a binary classification problem. We leverage a pre-trained language model whose weights remain trainable. By generating embeddings from concatenated code snippets and applying a classification head, we can predict the semantic equivalence between code pairs. This fine-tuning process helps the model learn the nuances of code similarity.

4.2. Scale clear: Contrastive Learning Approach

Scale clear, inspired by the self-Supervised learning framework Simclear, applies contrastive learning techniques to determine code isomorphism. Two independent code snippets are passed through a pre-trained language model, producing embeddings. These embeddings are then mapped to a latent space using a projection head. By comparing the resultant latent states, we can identify the similarity between code snippets. The use of temperature-scaled cross-entropy loss aids in training the model to differentiate between similar and dissimilar instances.

5. Implementations and Methodology

To validate the effectiveness of our approaches, we utilize IBM's codenet data set, which contains a vast number of coding problems and their solutions in various languages. Our training and testing processes involve selecting appropriate data points, formulating positive and negative samples, and employing evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.

5.1. Training Data Set

We build our training data set by selecting accepted Python submissions from the codenet metadata. After removing duplicates, we are left with a substantial number of data points. This data set serves as the foundation for training our models.

5.2. Test Data Set

Our test data set entails submissions from the Python 800 Benchmark data set. These data points enable us to evaluate the performance of our approaches accurately.

5.3. Evaluation Metrics

We measure the success of our models using evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. These metrics provide insights into the performance and effectiveness of our approaches in determining code similarity.

6. Results and Performance Comparison

Comparing the performance of our approaches with baseline models reveals significant improvements. Both scale ft and scale clear outperform advanced state-of-the-art models, such as GPT 3.5 turbo and GPT4, while utilizing fewer parameters. The accuracy and effectiveness of our approaches demonstrate the potential of scale semantic code analysis via learned embeddings.

7. Future Research and Development

Moving forward, there are several avenues for further research and development. Exploring larger data sets, optimizing training and testing processes, and engaging in collaboration with industry partners and open-source communities can enhance the scalability, efficiency, and practicality of our models. These efforts can refine our research and open up new possibilities for code isomorphism.

8. Applications and Potential of Code Isomorphism

The applications of code isomorphism are vast and offer exciting possibilities for software development. Two significant areas where code isomorphism can make a significant impact are semantic code search and software migration.

8.1. Semantic Code Search

By employing code isomorphism and utilizing embeddings to compare the functions of code snippets accurately, we can enhance semantic code search tools. Developers can search for code snippets based on their functionality, leading to more accurate and effective searches.

8.2. Software Migration

Software migration involves transferring code between different environments and languages. Code isomorphism aids in this process by providing a semantic understanding of code's functions. This understanding allows for suggestions on functional equivalence in different environments or languages, making software migration smoother and more efficient.

9. Conclusion

Our research on scale semantic code analysis via learned embeddings presents promising progress in understanding code isomorphism and its significance in the realm of NLP. The insights derived from our exploration offer opportunities for future research and development. The potential applications of code isomorphism, such as semantic code search and software migration, can revolutionize the field of software development.

10. Acknowledgments

We would like to express our gratitude to Abby and Michael, our mentors, for their invaluable support throughout our research. We also extend our thanks to Blast AI, who provided us with the opportunity to Present our findings. Finally, we acknowledge the continuous support and interest from our families and listeners.


  • Code isomorphism plays a crucial role in code analysis by preserving structure and meaning between different code snippets.
  • Scale semantic code analysis via learned embeddings utilizes code isomorphism and large language models to generate embeddings that capture the underlying functions of code.
  • The scale ft approach involves fine-tuning a pre-trained language model to predict the semantic equivalence between code snippets.
  • The scale clear approach employs the self-supervised learning framework Simclear to determine code isomorphism through contrastive learning.
  • Our approaches, scale ft and scale clear, outperform advanced state-of-the-art models while utilizing fewer parameters.
  • Code isomorphism has applications in semantic code search and software migration, making these processes more accurate and efficient.


Q: What is code isomorphism? A: Code isomorphism refers to the preservation of structure and meaning between different code snippets, allowing for accurate comparison of their functionality.

Q: How do scale ft and scale clear approaches work? A: Scale ft fine-tunes a pre-trained language model to generate embeddings and predict semantic equivalence between code snippets. Scale clear utilizes contrastive learning techniques to determine code isomorphism by comparing embeddings from independent code snippets.

Q: What are the potential applications of code isomorphism? A: Code isomorphism has applications in semantic code search and software migration, improving accuracy and efficiency in these processes.

Q: How do our approaches compare to state-of-the-art models? A: Our approaches, scale ft and scale clear, outperform advanced state-of-the-art models while utilizing fewer parameters, demonstrating their effectiveness in code analysis.

Q: What are the future research directions for code isomorphism? A: Further research can focus on exploring larger data sets, optimizing training and testing processes, and engaging in collaboration with industry partners and open-source communities to refine and improve code isomorphism models.

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