Unveiling LambdaTest Analytics 2.0

Unveiling LambdaTest Analytics 2.0

Table of Contents

  1. 🚀 Introduction
  2. 🧭 Getting Started with Lambda Test Analytics
    • 2.1 Setting Up Your Dashboard
    • 2.2 Configuring Widgets
  3. 📊 Visualizing Test Data
    • 3.1 Test Trends
    • 3.2 Test Summary
    • 3.3 Error Statistics
  4. 🔧 Customizing Widgets
    • 4.1 Editing Widgets
    • 4.2 Cloning Widgets
  5. 🔄 Dashboard Customization
    • 5.1 Layout Editing
    • 5.2 Sharing Dashboards
    • 5.3 Exporting Widgets
  6. 📈 Analyzing Test Performance
    • 6.1 Comparison Features
    • 6.2 Sharing Insights
  7. 📝 Conclusion

🚀 Introduction

Welcome to Lambda Test Analytics, where we dive deep into visualizing your test data for enhanced insights and informed decision-making.

🧭 Getting Started with Lambda Test Analytics

In this section, we'll walk you through the initial steps to set up your dashboard and configure widgets seamlessly.

2.1 Setting Up Your Dashboard

When you first log into LambdaTest.com, navigate to the Analytics section. Here, you can either create a new dashboard or access existing ones.

2.2 Configuring Widgets

Upon creating a new dashboard, you'll encounter a plethora of widgets to choose from. These widgets categorize according to different products, offering insights tailored to your needs.

📊 Visualizing Test Data

Now that your dashboard is set up, let's delve into visualizing your test data effectively.

3.1 Test Trends

The Test Trends widget provides a comprehensive visualization of your test trends, showcasing different error states and test summaries.

3.2 Test Summary

With the Test Summary widget, you can gain quick insights into the overall performance of your tests over a specified date range.

3.3 Error Statistics

The Error Statistics widget offers a detailed breakdown of errors encountered during testing, empowering you to pinpoint areas for improvement.

🔧 Customizing Widgets

Lambda Test Analytics provides flexibility in customizing widgets to Align with your specific preferences.

4.1 Editing Widgets

Easily edit widgets to tailor them according to your project requirements, from selecting specific browsers to defining test configurations.

4.2 Cloning Widgets

Duplicate widgets effortlessly with the clone widget feature, streamlining your dashboard setup process.

🔄 Dashboard Customization

In this section, we explore how you can personalize your dashboard layout and share insights with stakeholders seamlessly.

5.1 Layout Editing

Adjust widget sizes and positions to create a dashboard layout that suits your visualization needs.

5.2 Sharing Dashboards

Share your dashboard securely with colleagues or management, ensuring they have access to valuable insights without compromising data integrity.

5.3 Exporting Widgets

Export widgets as PDFs for offline reference or sharing, ensuring accessibility to insights anytime, anywhere.

📈 Analyzing Test Performance

Gain deeper insights into test performance and facilitate data-driven decision-making with Lambda Test Analytics.

6.1 Comparison Features

Compare test performances across different browsers, operating systems, or date ranges to identify trends and Patterns effectively.

6.2 Sharing Insights

Share actionable insights derived from your test data with stakeholders, fostering collaboration and informed decision-making.

📝 Conclusion

Lambda Test Analytics offers a comprehensive suite of features to streamline your testing process and extract actionable insights. Try it out today and revolutionize how you Visualize and analyze your test data. Thank you for choosing Lambda Test Analytics!


  • Streamline test visualization and analysis with Lambda Test Analytics.
  • Customize widgets to align with your project requirements effortlessly.
  • Share actionable insights securely with stakeholders.
  • Enhance decision-making with comprehensive test performance analysis.


Q: Can I customize the date range for test analysis? A: Yes, Lambda Test Analytics allows you to choose custom date ranges, providing flexibility in analyzing test data.

Q: How secure is sharing dashboards with stakeholders? A: Dashboard sharing features come with customizable security settings, including options for setting passwords and defining expiry dates, ensuring data confidentiality.

Q: Can I export widgets for offline use? A: Absolutely! You can export widgets as PDFs, allowing for offline reference or sharing with stakeholders.

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