Writing My First Machine Learning Game: A Journey of AI and Creativity

Writing My First Machine Learning Game: A Journey of AI and Creativity

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Machine Learning
  2. My History with Machine Learning
  3. The Importance of Machine Learning
  4. Building a Simple Game
  5. The Joystick Controller
  6. Introducing Path Finding AI
  7. Introduction to Neural Networks
  8. Setting Up Inputs for the Neural Network
  9. Designing the Neural Network Structure
  10. Training the Neural Network
  11. The Journey Ahead

Introduction to Machine Learning

In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of machine learning. Machine learning is a field of study that focuses on creating algorithms and models that allow computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. It has revolutionized various industries and has immense potential for the future. In this article, we will Delve into the basics of machine learning, its applications, and how it works. So, let's get started on this exciting journey!

My History with Machine Learning

Before we dive into the depths of machine learning, I want to share a bit about my personal journey with this field. From a young age, I have always been fascinated by artificial intelligence and the idea of machines that can learn and think. I remember being captivated by Karl Sims' work with neural networks and genetic creatures. However, back then, I was just starting to learn algebra, and the concept of writing neural networks seemed out of reach.

Fast forward to 2015 when Google released TensorFlow, a machine learning library that made it more convenient for developers to work with neural networks. Seeing the flood of incredible machine learning demos on the internet in the following year inspired me to delve deeper into this field. However, there was a major hurdle – I didn't know calculus, and my knowledge beyond basic geometry was limited.

Despite these challenges, I was determined to be more than just a code copy-paster. I wanted to understand the intricacies of neural networks and Apply them creatively. So, on March 17th, 2017, I made a commitment to learn how to build my own neural networks from scratch. After six months of dedicated learning, I successfully trained my first basic neural network. It was a proud moment, and it fueled my desire to apply my knowledge and Create innovative machine learning projects.

Now, it's finally time to explore the practical side of machine learning. In this article, we will dive deep into the concepts, techniques, and applications of machine learning. So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting ride!

The Importance of Machine Learning

Machine learning has become an integral part of numerous industries and is rapidly shaping the future of technology. Let's take a closer look at why machine learning is so important and the benefits it offers.

🌟 Advantages of Machine Learning

  1. Improved Efficiency: Machine learning algorithms can automate repetitive tasks, saving time and resources. They can also analyze vast amounts of data quickly, leading to more efficient decision-making.

  2. Enhanced Accuracy: Machine learning models can process large datasets and identify intricate Patterns that humans may miss. This results in more accurate predictions and better outcomes.

  3. Personalization: Machine learning enables personalized experiences by analyzing user data and tailoring recommendations, products, and services to individual needs and preferences.

  4. Automation and Optimization: Automation of complex processes and optimization of workflows are made possible through the application of machine learning techniques.

  5. Real-time Insights: Machine learning algorithms can analyze streaming data in real-time, providing valuable insights for making prompt decisions.

🌟 Applications of Machine Learning

  1. Healthcare: Machine learning aids in disease diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, drug discovery, and medical imaging analysis.

  2. Finance: Machine learning algorithms assist in fraud detection, credit scoring, algorithmic trading, and risk assessment.

  3. E-commerce: Machine learning powers recommendation systems, fraud detection, pricing optimization, and customer segmentation.

  4. Transportation: Machine learning is used for autonomous vehicles, route optimization, traffic prediction, and demand forecasting.

  5. Marketing: Machine learning enables targeted advertising, customer segmentation, sentiment analysis, and demand prediction.

These are just a few examples of how machine learning is revolutionizing various industries. As we delve deeper into this article, we will explore more applications and learn about the different machine learning techniques used in each domain.

Building a Simple Game

Let's start our journey into machine learning by building a simple game. In this game, we have a running bot named Forrest, who wants to run two complete laps on a course without touching the walls. Currently, Forrest can only run straight and needs assistance from a joystick controller to turn left or right. However, our goal is to teach Forrest how to navigate the course on his own using artificial intelligence.

🎮 The Joystick Controller

The joystick controller works as follows: If the joystick is tilted all the way to the right, it returns a value of 1. If it's tilted all the way to the left, it returns a value of -1. When centered, the value is 0, and any percentage in between represents the corresponding tilt. Our task is to train Forrest to tilt the joystick in the correct direction to navigate the course and avoid the walls.

🌟 Pros and Cons of Path Finding AI

One possible solution to teach Forrest is path finding AI, where we place markers on the course and instruct Forrest to tilt the joystick Based on the position of the next marker. While this approach works, it has a few limitations. Firstly, Forrest will only become Adept at navigating a specific course and won't be able to generalize his learning to new courses. Secondly, manually placing markers for each new course is time-consuming and labor-intensive. As a lazy developer, I'm looking for a smarter and more efficient solution.

🌟 Introducing Neural Network AI

Surprise! The solution lies in neural network-based AI. By training Forrest using a neural network, he will not only be able to navigate the course he's trained on but also generalize his learning to new courses. Neural networks have the ability to learn the underlying patterns and rules, enabling Forrest to run laps on any course, including challenging ones. In the next section, we will delve into the fundamentals of neural networks and how they can be applied to our game.

Introduction to Neural Networks

Neural networks are a fundamental component of machine learning algorithms. They are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. In this section, we will explore the basics of neural networks and understand how they process information.

🧠 Neural Network Structure

A neural network consists of interconnected nodes called artificial neurons or perceptrons. These perceptrons are organized into layers: the input layer, Hidden layers, and the output layer. Information flows through the network from the input layer to the hidden layers and finally to the output layer.

🚀 Setting Up Inputs for the Neural Network

Before we can design and train our neural network, we need to determine the inputs. In our game, Forrest has control of the joystick but lacks understanding of the course. To simulate the brain process, we will provide Forrest's five distances relative to his body as inputs. These inputs will help the neural network make decisions about tilting the joystick.

⚙️ Designing the Neural Network Structure

Our neural network will have five inputs, representing the distances relative to Forrest's body. We will start with four hidden layer nodes and one output node. Each node in the hidden layer will have connections to all the inputs, and the output node will have connections to each hidden layer node. These connections will have different strengths and biases, which will influence the calculations made by the neural network.

🌟 Pros and Cons of Neural Networks

The AdVantage of using neural networks is that Forrest will be able to navigate the course on his own once trained. Additionally, if we train him well, he will be able to apply the learned strategy to any course, including ones he has Never encountered before. However, the training process is crucial. If not done properly, Forrest might not exhibit intelligent behavior. In the next section, we will delve deeper into the training process and uncover the true potential of neural networks.

Training the Neural Network

Now that we have set up the structure of the neural network, it's time to train Forrest and unleash his true potential. Training a neural network involves iteratively adjusting the connection strengths and biases to minimize the difference between the network's predictions and the desired outputs. In this section, we will explore the training process and witness Forrest's journey towards becoming an expert course runner.

🎓 The Training Process

The training process involves feeding the neural network with inputs (the distances relative to Forrest's body) and comparing its outputs (the joystick tilting values) with the desired outputs. Based on the difference between the predicted outputs and the desired outputs, the connection strengths and biases are adjusted using a technique called backpropagation. This adjustment allows the neural network to learn from its mistakes and improve its predictions.

🌟 Unleashing Forrest's Intelligence

As we Continue to train the neural network using various input-output pairs, Forrest gradually starts exhibiting intelligent behavior. With enough training, he will learn the general rules and strategies required to navigate any course without hitting the walls. This is the true power of neural networks – the ability to learn and apply knowledge to new situations.

The Journey Ahead

We have covered the basics of machine learning, built a simple game, and introduced neural networks. In the upcoming sections of this article, we will dive deeper into the concepts, techniques, and applications of machine learning. So, stay tuned for the next installment where we will explore advanced topics such as different types of neural networks, optimization algorithms, and much more. Get ready to witness Forrest's transformation into an expert course runner!


  • Machine learning is a field of study that allows computers to learn and make predictions without being explicitly programmed.
  • Neural networks are an integral part of machine learning algorithms and mimic the structure and function of the human brain.
  • Machine learning has numerous applications, including healthcare, finance, e-commerce, transportation, and marketing.
  • Building a simple game with a joystick controller provides a practical example for understanding machine learning concepts.
  • Path-finding AI and neural network AI are two approaches to teach the game character, Forrest, how to navigate the course on his own.
  • Neural networks offer the advantage of generalization, allowing Forrest to apply his learning to new courses.
  • Training a neural network involves adjusting connection strengths and biases using a technique called backpropagation.
  • With proper training, Forrest can exhibit intelligent behavior and become an expert course runner.


Q: What is machine learning? A: Machine learning is a field of study that focuses on creating algorithms and models that allow computers to learn and make predictions without being explicitly programmed.

Q: What are neural networks? A: Neural networks are interconnected nodes called perceptrons that mimic the structure and function of the human brain. They are a fundamental component of machine learning algorithms.

Q: What are the applications of machine learning? A: Machine learning has diverse applications, including healthcare, finance, e-commerce, transportation, and marketing. It can be used for disease diagnosis, fraud detection, recommendation systems, autonomous vehicles, and more.

Q: How does training a neural network work? A: Training a neural network involves feeding it with inputs, comparing its predicted outputs with the desired outputs, and adjusting the connection strengths and biases using techniques like backpropagation.

Q: What are the benefits of using neural networks? A: Neural networks offer the advantage of generalization, allowing the application of learned knowledge to new situations. They can learn complex patterns in data and make accurate predictions.


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