Text2SQL.AI VS ChatBees

Compare Text2SQL.AI VS ChatBees, what is the difference between Text2SQL.AI and ChatBees?

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Text2SQL.AI summarize

Generate SQL queries from text with AI in seconds!

Text2SQL.AI Landing Page

ChatBees summarize

Chat across your data sources, PDFs/CSVs, Websites, GDrive, Notion, Confluence and more. Best quality, score 4.6 vs OpenAI Assistant 3.4, to 10x Efficient customer support and employee onboarding.

ChatBees Landing Page

Compare Details

Text2SQL.AI details

Categories AI Code Assistant, Code Explanation, AI Code Generator, AI Developer Tools, AI SQL Query Builder
Text2SQL.AI Website https://text2sql.ai
Added Time May 23 2023
Text2SQL.AI Pricing --

ChatBees details

Categories AI Chatbot, AI Knowledge Base, Large Language Models (LLMs), Summarizer, AI Developer Tools, AI Analytics Assistant, AI Knowledge Management
ChatBees Website https://www.chatbees.ai
Added Time May 11 2024
ChatBees Pricing --

Comparison of usage

How to use Text2SQL.AI?

To use Text2SQL.AI, simply enter your prompt or instruction in plain English and click on the 'Generate SQL with AI' button. The AI model will analyze your input and generate the corresponding SQL query. You can also specify your own custom database schema for more tailored results. The platform supports various SQL dialects and provides explanations and optimizations for the generated queries. Additionally, it offers AI-powered Excel and Google Sheets formula generation, as well as Regex expression generation and explanation.

How to use ChatBees?

Create an account and a collection in 30 seconds. Upload your documents and get insights from documents. Crawl a website into a collection and add a chatbot to your website. Ingest Confluence, Notion, or Google Drive data into a collection. ChatBees is serverless, eliminating worries about managing or scaling the service.

Compare Pros between Text2SQL.AI and ChatBees

Core features of Text2SQL.AI

  • AI-powered generation of SQL queries, Excel formulas, and Regex expressions
  • Supports SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE queries, as well as CREATE and ALTER TABLE requests
  • Custom database schema integration
  • SQL query explanation in plain English
  • SQL query optimization and error fixing
  • Supports multiple SQL dialects and languages
  • Generation and explanation of Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets formulas
  • AI-powered Regex expression generation and explanation

Core features of ChatBees

  • Powerful features built for Quality Answer, Security, and Cost Efficiency.
  • Auto Reranking for most relevant contexts.
  • Intelligent Noise Filtering for better answers.
  • History & Feedback Loop for self-improvement.
  • Private and Secure with data encrypted in transit and at rest.
  • Native Data Connectors for automatic ingestion from various sources.
  • Incremental Ingestion to pay only for updated data usage.

Compare Use Cases

Use cases for Text2SQL.AI

  • Learning SQL query writing for beginners
  • Data analysis, data science, data engineering, and software development professionals
  • Streamlining workflow and saving time
  • Generating complex SQL queries with ease
  • Improving SQL skills and knowledge
  • Generating Excel formulas and Google Sheets formulas
  • Generating and explaining Regex expressions

Use cases for ChatBees

  • ChatBees allows for uploading local and web documents, summarizing papers, and answering questions.
  • Crawl websites and add chatbots for website interaction.
  • Ingest data from Confluence, Notion, or Google Drive into collections.
  • Manage and scale hassle-free with serverless architecture.
Compare Traffic/Monthly Visitors

Text2SQL.AI's traffic

Text2SQL.AI is the one with 35.4K monthly visits and 00:01:35 Avg.visit duration. Text2SQL.AI has a Page per visit of 1.63 and a bounce rate of 67.96%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 35.4K
Avg·visit Duration 00:01:35
Page per Visit 1.63
Bounce Rate 67.96%
Feb 2023 - Apr 2024 All traffic:

ChatBees's traffic

ChatBees is the one with 49.7K monthly visits and 00:00:43 Avg.visit duration. ChatBees has a Page per visit of 2.25 and a bounce rate of 0.36%.

Visit Over Time

Monthly Visits 49.7K
Avg·visit Duration 00:00:43
Page per Visit 2.25
Bounce Rate 0.36%
Feb 2024 - Apr 2024 All traffic:


The top 5 countries/regions for Text2SQL.AI are:India 19.13%, United States 5.52%, Indonesia 5.11%, Nicaragua 4.15%, Vietnam 3.37%

Top 5 Countries/regions

United States


The top 2 countries/regions for ChatBees are:United States 73.43%, Canada 26.57%

Top 2 Countries/regions

United States

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to Text2SQL.AI are: Direct 46.14%, Search 43.98%, Referrals 8.18%, Social 1.23%, Display Ads 0.48%, Mail 0.00%

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Feb 2023 - Apr 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Traffic Sources

The 6 main sources of traffic to ChatBees are: Direct 59.52%, Search 40.48%, Mail 0.00%, Social 0.00%, Referrals 0.00%, Display Ads 0.00%

Display Ads
Feb 2024 - Apr 2024 Worldwide Desktop Only

Which is better: Text2SQL.AI or ChatBees?

ChatBees might be a bit more popular than Text2SQL.AI.As you can see, Text2SQL.AI has 35.4K monthly visits, while ChatBees has 49.7K monthly visits. So more people choose ChatBees. So the odds are that people will recommend ChatBees more on social platforms.

Text2SQL.AI has an Avg.visit duration of 00:01:35, while ChatBees has an Avg.visit duration of 00:00:43. Also, Text2SQL.AI has a page per visit of 1.63 and a Bounce Rate of 67.96%. ChatBees has a page per visit of 2.25 and a Bounce Rate of 0.36%.

The main users of Text2SQL.AI are India, United States, Indonesia, Nicaragua, Vietnam, with the following distribution: 19.13%, 5.52%, 5.11%, 4.15%, 3.37%.

The main users of ChatBees are United States, Canada, with the following distribution: 73.43%, 26.57%.

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