Maîtrisez l'IA pour la Formation: Révolution en Marche!

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Maîtrisez l'IA pour la Formation: Révolution en Marche!

Table of Contents

🌟 Introduction

  • Leveraging AI for Training Content
  • The Goal: Becoming a Training Ninja
  • Presenter Introduction: Yovel Badash

🤖 Understanding Generative AI

  • High-Level Power of Generative AI
  • Transforming Content Creation
  • AI in the Training World
  • Exploring AI's Impact on Jobs and Human Life

💡 Slice Knowledge and AI

  • Slice Knowledge's Approach to AI
  • Harnessing AI Power for Training
  • Becoming an Army of One: The Slice Knowledge Way

🎨 The Creative Process with Generative AI

  • The Creative Potential of Generative AI
  • From Data Analysis to Content Creation
  • AI's Role in Idea Generation and Creativity

🌐 The Global Impact of AI

  • AI's Game-Changing Influence on Technology
  • The Cross-Generational Adoption of AI
  • Predictions and Expectations for AI Adoption

🏢 AI in Enterprise Training and Development

  • AI's Role in Corporate Learning and Development
  • Touching Every Aspect: Text, Image, and Beyond
  • Enhancing Efficiency and productivity in the Corporate World

🚀 Slice Knowledge Features and Capabilities

  • Exploring Slice Knowledge's AI Tools
  • Streamlining Content Creation with Slice Bots
  • Personalization and Efficiency with AI-Driven Solutions

👨‍💼 The Human-AI Collaboration

  • The Human Element in AI Utilization
  • Leveraging AI for Enhanced Human Capabilities
  • Anticipating AI's Evolution and Future Developments

📊 Training Content Creation Demo

  • Step-by-Step Demo of Content Creation with AI
  • Transforming Ideas into Training Modules
  • Integrating AI-Generated Content into Learning Management Systems (LMS)

🌟 Conclusion

  • Embracing the Power of AI in Training
  • The Future Landscape of Learning and Development
  • Joining the AI Revolution with Slice Knowledge

"Leveraging AI for Training Content"

Okay, shall we get started? Yep, we're ready. Welcome, everyone, to leveraging AI for training content. Our goal is to help everyone become a training ninja—an army of one leveraging AI to create wonderful training content. Our presenter today will be Yovel Badash. So, would you like to get started? Sure, thank you, Catherine, appreciate it. What we're hoping to go over today with you is really to kind of go over the high-level power of generative AI, how it can transform content creation, especially in the train world, and kind of what we think about AI in general. Should we fear it? Is it a threat for jobs? Is it a threat for humans in general? And then show you what we at Slice Knowledge have done with AI and how, like Catherine was saying, we believe any one of you can harness the power of AI coupled with what Slice is offering, becoming an army of one. How can you become a training ninja? How can you do things that before would have, you know, would take, you know, three, four weeks and today, you know, could take a couple of hours? So, first, let's kind of talk a little bit about, you know, generative AI or AI in general and where it is right now. We all know we've had AI technology around us for, you know, 40, 50 years now. In the past 10 years, we've all called the call center where we had an automatic bot that answered or kind of pushed us to the right direction. We've had on websites too, automatic bots that helped expedite our interaction with a certain system. We had analytical AI that helped crunch data and create some knowledge from it, etc. But in the past year, we've seen this explosion or kind of the launch of CHA, GPT, and following that many other generative AIs. We're looking at that as a game-changing experience, right? It's basically changing the way people are interacting with technology, changing the way we think about technology and what it is. It's really kind of Large Language Models that were developed, so it's not just looking at data and analyzing it, but it's actually, getting the ability to create new, original content that is kind of creative, right? So that's generative AI. It's affecting the creative process. It's not just taking the information and kind of readjusting it or kind of presenting it in a different way, but really, we can see the AI creating ideas, stories, images, videos all from scratch and with the power of technology, kind of allowing the human to be limitless. We think that's not just us, but the world is expecting this to be one of the biggest revolutions that we've experienced. And that's a big game changer. We, the statistics, talk about in 2025 about half of the market will be adopting AI. We were in a conference the other week, some estimates talk about that then within the next 10 years, every piece of software, every technology around this planet will be transformed with AI. So

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