Generating Images with C# ChatGPT

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Generating Images with C# ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Chart GPT?
  3. Implementing Chart GPT Framework
  4. Generating Images with Chart GPT
  5. MVC Web Application Overview
  6. Creating the Form for Image Generation
  7. Sending Description to Chart GPT
  8. Handling the Response from Chart GPT
  9. Displaying the Generated Images
  10. Conclusion


Welcome to this tutorial on implementing Chart GPT for image generation in a web application. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use the Chart GPT framework, which is built on top of OpenAI's GPT 3 language model. By the end of this tutorial, You will have a good understanding of how to generate images using Chart GPT in your own web applications.

What is Chart GPT?

Chart GPT is an open-source chatbot framework that utilizes OpenAI's GPT 3 language model. It allows developers to generate images Based on user Prompts. By providing a description and specifying the number and size of images required, Chart GPT can generate high-quality images for a wide range of applications.

Implementing Chart GPT Framework

To implement the Chart GPT framework in your web application, you will need to set up an MVC structure. This tutorial assumes you have a typical MVC web application with controllers, views, and models. A form will be used to Gather information from the user to generate the desired image.

Generating Images with Chart GPT

In this section, we will walk through the process of generating images using Chart GPT. The user will provide a prompt, specify the number of images required, and choose the image size. These details will be sent to the Chart GPT API endpoint, which will generate the images. The generated images will then be displayed in the web application.

MVC Web Application Overview

Before diving into the code implementation, let's take a quick look at the structure of the MVC web application used in this tutorial. It consists of a home controller and views, which handle the rendering and logic of the web application. By understanding the MVC structure, you can better understand how the Chart GPT implementation fits into the overall application.

Creating the Form for Image Generation

To facilitate the image generation process, a form is created in the web application. This form collects the necessary information from the user, including the prompt, the total number of images required, and the desired image size. The user can enter their desired description and choose from predefined image sizes. The form will be used to gather the necessary information to generate the images using Chart GPT.

Sending Description to Chart GPT

Once the user submits the form, the entered description and other details are sent to the Chart GPT service for image generation. This section of the tutorial explores the code that handles the communication with the Chart GPT API. The service class is responsible for creating an HTTP client, defining the request message, and setting the authorization header. The user's input is serialized and sent to the Chart GPT image generation endpoint.

Handling the Response from Chart GPT

After sending the prompt to Chart GPT, we receive a response containing the generated images' data. This section of the tutorial covers how the web application processes the response from the Chart GPT API. The response is deserialized into an image response object, which contains the generated images' URLs. The URLs are then used to display the images in the web application.

Displaying the Generated Images

Once the web application receives the generated image URLs from Chart GPT, it creates HTML elements to display the images to the user. This section of the tutorial delves into the code that generates the image elements, adds the URLs as image sources, and displays the images on the web page. By the end of this section, you will be able to see the generated images on the web application.


In conclusion, this tutorial has covered the process of implementing Chart GPT for image generation in a web application. We explored the MVC structure of the web application, created a form to gather user input, sent the description to Chart GPT, handled the response, and displayed the generated images. By following this tutorial, you can integrate Chart GPT into your own web applications for image generation.


  • Use Chart GPT, an open-source chatbot framework based on OpenAI's GPT 3 language model, for image generation.
  • Set up an MVC web application structure to implement Chart GPT effectively.
  • Gather user input through a form, including description, number of images, and desired image size.
  • Communicate with the Chart GPT API to send the user's prompt and receive the generated image data.
  • Process the response from Chart GPT, deserialize it, and extract the URLs of the generated images.
  • Display the generated images in the web application using HTML elements and the received image URLs.


Q: How does Chart GPT generate images? A: Chart GPT uses OpenAI's GPT 3 language model to generate images based on user prompts. By providing a description and specifying the number and size of images required, Chart GPT can generate high-quality images using AI techniques.

Q: What are the possible image sizes that Chart GPT supports? A: Chart GPT supports three image sizes: 256x256, 512x512, and 1024x1024. Users can choose their desired image size when generating images through the web application.

Q: How many images can Chart GPT generate at once? A: Chart GPT allows users to generate up to 10 images at a time. Users can specify the desired number of images in the web application form.

Q: Can I use Chart GPT for image generation in my own applications? A: Absolutely! Chart GPT is an open-source framework that you can integrate into your own web applications or projects. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can start using Chart GPT for image generation in no time.

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