How Cloudways Achieved Multicloud Success

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How Cloudways Achieved Multicloud Success

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Multi-Cloud?
  3. Use Cases for Multi-Cloud 3.1. Different Clouds for Different Applications 3.2. Multiple Clouds for Instances of a Single Application 3.3. Multiple Clouds for Different Components of the Same Application
  4. Cloudways: A Real-Life Multi-Cloud User
  5. Cloudways and Their Multi-Cloud Approach 5.1. Product Flexibility 5.2. Pricing Variation 5.3. Customer Proximity and Compliance 5.4. Reduced Single Provider Reliance 5.5. Non-Compete Advantage
  6. Benefits of Multi-Cloud for Cloudways and Their Customers 6.1. Product Flexibility 6.2. Pricing Variation 6.3. Customer Proximity and Compliance 6.4. Reduced Single Provider Reliance 6.5. Non-Compete Advantage
  7. Considerations and Challenges of Multi-Cloud
  8. Is Multi-Cloud a Net Positive for Your Environment?
  9. Embracing Multi-Cloud with Linode
  10. Conclusion


Multi-Cloud for Enhanced Flexibility and Efficiency

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are increasingly recognizing the advantages of adopting a multi-cloud strategy. While some skeptics view multi-cloud as either a theoretical concept or a risky endeavor, the reality is that multi-cloud can bring concrete benefits to organizations. In this article, we will explore the experiences of Cloudways, a managed platform provider, and how they have successfully implemented a real-life multi-cloud approach.

What is Multi-Cloud?

First, let's clarify what we mean by multi-cloud. Multi-cloud refers to the practice of using multiple cloud computing services from different cloud providers simultaneously. Instead of relying solely on a single cloud provider, organizations diversify their infrastructure by leveraging the strengths of multiple cloud platforms. This approach brings a range of benefits, including improved flexibility, enhanced performance, and reduced dependence on a single provider.

Use Cases for Multi-Cloud

There are several use cases where multi-cloud can be advantageous for organizations. Cloudways, for example, utilizes multi-cloud in the following scenarios:

Different Clouds for Different Applications

Organizations may choose to use different clouds for various applications Based on specific requirements. Cloudways offers managed applications like Drupal, Magento, and WordPress, enabling customers to have their dedicated servers on different cloud providers. This approach allows organizations to optimize their cloud resources based on the unique needs of each application.

Multiple Clouds for Instances of a Single Application

In some cases, organizations may prefer to use multiple clouds for instances of a single application. Cloudways, as a managed platform environment, offers hosting on Linode, AWS, GCP, DigitalOcean, and Vultr. By providing a combination of mega-Scale and alternative cloud providers, Cloudways ensures that their clients have the flexibility to choose the cloud environments that best suit their requirements.

Multiple Clouds for Different Components of the Same Application

Another common use case for multi-cloud is utilizing different clouds for different components of the same application. Cloudways allows customers to leverage various cloud providers to offer a comprehensive solution. This approach enables organizations to take AdVantage of the unique features and capabilities offered by different cloud platforms, creating a more robust and efficient application ecosystem.

Cloudways: A Real-Life Multi-Cloud User

Cloudways is a prime example of a company that has successfully embraced multi-cloud to offer an innovative and versatile managed platform environment. Their clients vary widely in size and geography, necessitating the ability to offer affordable pricing, regional availability, and service reliability. To expand beyond AWS and explore other cloud providers, Cloudways sought input from their customers to determine which providers to consider. The response overwhelmingly supported Linode, validating their ability to meet customers' hosting expectations.

Cloudways was thrilled to discover that Linode could deliver comparable performance to AWS at a significantly lower price point, making it an attractive option for budget-minded customers. By leveraging Linode's infrastructure, Cloudways can meet their clients' technical and business requirements effectively. With a combination of platforms, prices, and performance options, Cloudways offers a managed solution that caters to diverse customer needs.

Cloudways and Their Multi-Cloud Approach

The benefits of adopting a multi-cloud approach are numerous, both for Cloudways as a business and for their customers. Let's explore the advantages that Cloudways and their clients have experienced by embracing multi-cloud.

Product Flexibility

Cloudways values innovation and ensures that they can select the best-of-breed services from each cloud platform. By encompassing multiple clouds in their offerings, they extend innovative features to their customers. The ability to choose from a range of cloud providers allows Cloudways to continuously improve their services and remain competitive in the market. For example, they are currently exploring Linode's managed Kubernetes solution to enhance their existing offerings.

Pricing Variation

Not every customer is a large enterprise with an abundant budget. Cloudways recognized the importance of accommodating small and medium businesses, as well as budget-conscious customers. By offering hosting on Linode, Cloudways can provide comparable or better performance than mega-scalers like AWS and GCP, at a more affordable price. This pricing variation allows businesses with smaller budgets to access high-performance cloud services without compromising on quality.

Customer Proximity and Compliance

Data sovereignty and compliance regulations play a significant role in today's globalized business environment. With over 60 data centers worldwide, including 11 locations offered by Linode, Cloudways customers have the freedom to select a data center that meets their geolocation needs. Multi-cloud enables Cloudways to deliver services where their customers are, ensuring compliance with local regulations and minimizing network latencies. Instead of waiting for a single mega-scaler to expand into new regions, Cloudways leverages multi-cloud to provide geographical proximity and compliance-oriented solutions.

Reduced Single Provider Reliance

One of the notable advantages of multi-cloud is reduced reliance on a single cloud provider. While major cloud providers like AWS or Azure are known for their reliability, even they are not immune to outages or service disruptions. For many businesses, a regional outage or issues with a specific cloud provider can result in lost business opportunities and dissatisfied customers. By distributing their servers across multiple providers, such as Linode and other partners, Cloudways mitigates the impact of such incidents, ensuring high availability and minimizing service disruptions for their customers.

Non-Compete Advantage

Several companies express concerns about using a single cloud provider that may also be their competitor. The fear of leaking sensitive performance data or the risk of being tied solely to a dominant provider can hinder business growth. By embracing multi-cloud, organizations can host their services on non-competitor platforms, minimizing the risk of data leakage and maximizing their control over intellectual property. Cloudways, with their support for Linode and other cloud providers, offers customers the freedom to choose the platform that aligns with their strategic goals.

Benefits of Multi-Cloud for Cloudways and Their Customers

The adoption of a multi-cloud approach has proven to be highly beneficial for Cloudways and their customers. The advantages Mentioned earlier, including product flexibility, pricing variation, customer proximity and compliance, reduced single provider reliance, and non-compete advantage, have made a significant impact on their business success. Let's further explore these benefits in Detail:

Product Flexibility

By integrating multiple clouds into their offerings, Cloudways can select and extend innovative services to their customers. This product flexibility allows Cloudways to stay ahead of the curve and continuously improve their offerings based on the unique features of each cloud provider. Whether it's utilizing Linode's powerful infrastructure or integrating cutting-edge solutions, Cloudways can tailor their services to meet diverse customer requirements effectively.

Pricing Variation

Cloudways recognizes that not all businesses have the same budget or financial resources. Offering hosting on platforms like Linode allows them to provide high-performance services at a more affordable price compared to the mega-scalers. This pricing variation ensures that businesses of all sizes can access reliable and high-quality cloud services without breaking the bank. The ability to optimize costs without compromising performance is a significant advantage for Cloudways and their customers.

Customer Proximity and Compliance

The ability to select data centers from a wide range of locations is an invaluable benefit for Cloudways and their customers. Cloudways customers can choose from over 60 data centers worldwide, including Linode's extensive network. This multi-cloud approach allows Cloudways to offer services closer to their customers, reducing network latencies and ensuring compliance with regulations that require data to reside within specific geographic boundaries. The ability to meet these compliance requirements is critical for many businesses and contributes to their overall success.

Reduced Single Provider Reliance

By distributing their infrastructure across multiple cloud providers, Cloudways reduces their reliance on a single provider. This diversification substantially minimizes the risk of service disruptions due to a single provider's outage or performance issues. With servers spread across different providers like Linode and others, Cloudways can maintain high availability and provide uninterrupted services to their customers. The reduced single provider reliance ensures business continuity and customer satisfaction, enhancing Cloudways' reputation as a reliable managed platform provider.

Non-Compete Advantage

Multi-cloud allows organizations to host competitive services on non-competitor platforms. Cloudways leverages this advantage by supporting cloud providers like Linode, who primarily focus on cloud computing needs and refrain from expanding into areas that could potentially compete with their customers. This non-compete advantage provides peace of mind to businesses that rely on Cloudways, ensuring the confidentiality and security of their services and data.

Considerations and Challenges of Multi-Cloud

While there are numerous benefits to adopting a multi-cloud approach, it is essential to recognize and address the potential considerations and challenges that come with it. Multi-cloud environments can be more complex to manage and administer compared to single-cloud setups. Organizations need to prioritize effective cloud management strategies, including robust monitoring, governance frameworks, and seamless integration between multiple clouds. Overcoming these challenges requires careful planning, implementation, and ongoing management to ensure a smooth and efficient multi-cloud operation.

Is Multi-Cloud a Net Positive for Your Environment?

Deciding whether multi-cloud is right for your environment requires a cost-benefit analysis specific to your organization. While multi-cloud offers numerous advantages, it is vital to evaluate your unique requirements, business goals, and technical capabilities. Consider factors such as workload diversity, data governance, scalability needs, and existing infrastructure investments. Engaging with cloud service providers like Linode can provide valuable insights and guidance regarding multi-cloud adoption, helping you make informed decisions that Align with your organization's strategic objectives.

Embracing Multi-Cloud with Linode

Linode, with its strong focus on customer cloud computing needs, is an exemplary partner for organizations seeking to embrace multi-cloud. As demonstrated by Cloudways' success story, Linode offers comparable performance to mega-scalers like AWS at a significantly lower price point. By integrating Linode into your multi-cloud strategy, you can unlock the benefits of enhanced flexibility, pricing variation, customer proximity, reduced single provider reliance, and a non-compete advantage. Linode's reliable infrastructure and commitment to customer satisfaction make them an ideal choice for businesses looking to optimize their cloud deployments.


In conclusion, multi-cloud has emerged as a powerful strategy for organizations seeking maximum flexibility, efficiency, and cost optimization in the cloud. Cloudways' real-life example demonstrates the tangible benefits of multi-cloud adoption, including product flexibility, pricing variation, customer proximity, reduced reliance on a single provider, and a non-compete advantage. While multi-cloud environments come with considerations and challenges, these can be effectively managed with proper planning and execution. By partnering with cloud providers like Linode, organizations can embark on a multi-cloud Journey that aligns with their specific goals and delivers enhanced cloud capabilities.

Now is the time to explore the potential of multi-cloud for your business. Reach out to Linode to understand how their services, pricing, and customer-centric approach can transform your cloud strategy. Embrace the power of multi-cloud and unlock a future-ready infrastructure that propels your business towards success.

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