Are Older Core i3 Processors Worth It in 2020?

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Are Older Core i3 Processors Worth It in 2020?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Evolution of Core i3 Processors
  3. The Performance of Core i3 Processors in Gaming
  4. Pros and Cons of Using Older Core i3 Processors
  5. Upgrading Options for Core i3 Processors
  6. Comparing Core i3 Processors with Other CPU Options
  7. Tips for Optimizing Gaming Performance with Core i3 Processors
  8. Future Outlook for Core i3 Processors
  9. Conclusion
  10. Resources


The Core i3 processors, particularly those of the eighth, ninth, and tenth generations, have become a popular choice for gamers looking to build an entry-level gaming computer. These processors offer a more than acceptable performance, allowing gamers to play current games at a smooth 60 frames per Second. However, what about the older Core i3 processors? The ones that came with two cores and four Threads, such as those from the second, third, fourth, sixth, and seventh generations. Are these old Core i3 processors still worth considering for gaming in 2020? In this article, we will delve into the topic and explore whether it is worth investing in an older Core i3 processor for gaming purposes.

The Evolution of Core i3 Processors

The Core i3 processors have come a long way since their inception. In the early days, they were equipped with two cores and four threads, making them suitable for basic tasks and light gaming. However, as technology advanced, so did the Core i3 processors. The newer generations, starting from the eighth generation, saw an increase in performance and capabilities. With improvements in architecture and clock speeds, these newer Core i3 processors became viable options for gaming on a budget. But what about their predecessors? Let's take a closer look at the older Core i3 processors and their gaming capabilities.

Second and Third Generation Core i3 Processors

The second and third generation Core i3 processors, although equipped with only two cores and four threads, were still decent options for gaming at the time of their release. These processors, such as the Core i3 2100, offered a base frequency of 3.1 GHz, 3 MB of cache, and a 65W TDP. However, without Turbo Boost technology, they were not designed for high-end gaming or demanding applications. Despite this, they were able to handle games of that era reasonably well.

Fourth, Sixth, and Seventh Generation Core i3 Processors

Moving on to the fourth, sixth, and seventh generation Core i3 processors, we saw further improvements in performance and technology. These processors introduced DDR4 memory support and continued to offer two cores and four threads. While they might not match the performance of their newer counterparts, they were still capable of delivering a decent gaming experience. With a frequency ranging from 3.2 to 3.9 GHz and an increased cache size, these processors could handle modern games at lower settings.

The Performance of Core i3 Processors in Gaming

Now, let's address the main question: Is it worth using an older Core i3 processor for gaming in 2020? The answer depends on your expectations and the specific games you intend to play. For casual gaming, such as titles like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or League of Legends, an older Core i3 processor can still provide a satisfactory experience. These games are not highly demanding and can run smoothly on a system with a Core i3 processor. However, for more graphically intensive games or newer releases, an older Core i3 processor may struggle to keep up.

Pros of Using Older Core i3 Processors for Gaming

  1. Cost-effective: Older Core i3 processors can be found at a lower price point compared to their newer counterparts, making them a budget-friendly option for gamers.
  2. Suitable for casual gaming: If you primarily play low-demand games or esports titles, an older Core i3 processor can handle these games without any issues.
  3. Compatibility: Older Core i3 processors are compatible with a wide range of motherboards, allowing for easy upgrades without the need for a complete system overhaul.

Cons of Using Older Core i3 Processors for Gaming

  1. Limited performance: Older Core i3 processors may struggle to handle graphically demanding games or newer releases, resulting in lower framerates and reduced visual quality.
  2. Lack of future-proofing: As technology advances and Game requirements increase, older Core i3 processors may quickly become obsolete, limiting their lifespan and upgrade possibilities.

Upgrading Options for Core i3 Processors

If you own an older Core i3 processor and find that it no longer meets your gaming needs, there are several upgrading options to consider. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Upgrade to a newer Core i3 processor: If your budget allows, consider upgrading to a newer generation Core i3 processor that offers better performance and capabilities.
  2. Consider a Core i5 or Core i7 processor: If you are looking for a significant performance boost, upgrading to a Core i5 or Core i7 processor might be the best option. These processors offer more cores and higher clock speeds, resulting in improved gaming performance.
  3. Explore other CPU options: Don't limit yourself to just Intel processors. AMD Ryzen processors have gained popularity in recent years, offering competitive performance at a lower price point.

Remember to check the compatibility of the processor with your existing motherboard before making any upgrades.

Comparing Core i3 Processors with Other CPU Options

When choosing a processor for gaming, it's essential to consider various factors, including performance, price, and compatibility. While Core i3 processors have their advantages, it's worth comparing them with other CPU options to make an informed decision. Here's a quick comparison:

  1. Core i5 processors: With four or more cores and higher clock speeds, Core i5 processors generally offer better gaming performance compared to Core i3 processors. However, they come at a higher price point.
  2. Core i7 processors: Aimed at power users and gamers, Core i7 processors offer even higher clock speeds and more cores than Core i5 processors, resulting in an even better gaming experience. They are more expensive than both Core i3 and Core i5 processors.
  3. AMD Ryzen processors: AMD's Ryzen processors provide strong competition to Intel's offerings. With more cores and threads at competitive price points, Ryzen processors are a popular choice among gamers.

Consider your budget, gaming requirements, and future upgrade possibilities when choosing a CPU.

Tips for Optimizing Gaming Performance with Core i3 Processors

If you decide to stick with your older Core i3 processor for gaming, there are several tips and tricks you can employ to optimize its performance:

  1. Overclocking: If your motherboard and processor support it, consider overclocking your Core i3 processor to squeeze out some extra performance.
  2. Upgrade your graphics card: Since gaming performance relies heavily on the graphics card, upgrading to a more powerful GPU can significantly improve your gaming experience, even with an older Core i3 processor.
  3. Optimize in-game settings: Adjusting in-game graphics settings can help improve performance on a system with a weaker CPU. Lowering graphics quality and disabling resource-intensive effects can result in smoother gameplay.

Keep in mind that these optimizations can only go so far, and they may not fully compensate for the limitations of an older Core i3 processor.

Future Outlook for Core i3 Processors

While the older Core i3 processors can still handle certain games, their performance may not be sufficient for future releases or more demanding titles. As game requirements continue to increase, it is likely that older Core i3 processors will become increasingly obsolete. However, Intel continues to release new generations of Core i3 processors with improved performance and features, making them suitable for budget gamers or those seeking entry-level gaming experiences.


In summary, while older Core i3 processors can still handle casual gaming and low-demand games, their performance may not meet the requirements of graphically intensive or newer titles. If you are on a tight budget or only play less demanding games, an older Core i3 processor may be a viable option. However, for a better gaming experience and future-proofing, upgrading to a newer generation Core i3, Core i5, or even Core i7 processor, or considering alternative CPU options such as AMD Ryzen, would be recommended. Ultimately, the choice should Align with your gaming needs, budget, and upgrade plans.


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