Disappointing Performance of Intel UHD 710 in Halo Infinite

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Disappointing Performance of Intel UHD 710 in Halo Infinite

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. testing the UHC710 Graphics in Halo Infinity
  3. Performance at 1440p on Highest Settings
  4. Attempting to Play at the Lowest Resolution
  5. Lowering Settings and Resolution Scale
  6. Exploring the 1024x768 Resolution
  7. Challenges with Integrated Graphics
  8. Comparison to Dedicated Graphics
  9. CPU Usage Discrepancies
  10. Conclusion


Today, I will be diving into the world of gaming graphics as I take on the challenge of testing the UHC710 graphics in Halo Infinity. This article aims to evaluate the performance of these graphics at various settings and resolutions, determine the playability and quality of the gaming experience, and explore any limitations or issues that may arise. Join me as we explore the capabilities of the UHC710 graphics chip and whether it can handle the demands of Halo Infinity.

Testing the UHC710 Graphics in Halo Infinity

The UHC710 graphics chip is a popular choice among gamers due to its affordability and capabilities. However, it's essential to put it through its paces to truly understand what it can offer. In this article, we will be examining its performance at both high and low settings, as well as various resolutions to gauge its reliability and capabilities.

Performance at 1440p on Highest Settings

First, let's push the UHC710 graphics to its limits by testing it at 1440p on the highest settings. This combination is what most gamers aspire to achieve for a visually stunning and immersive experience. Unfortunately, it quickly becomes apparent that the UHC710 struggles to keep up. With an average of 2 frames per Second, gameplay is virtually unplayable and far from satisfactory.


  • None.


  • Extremely low framerate, making gameplay unplayable.

Attempting to Play at the Lowest Resolution

Considering the disappointing performance at 1440p, we lower our expectations and try playing at the lowest resolution possible, i.e., 1024x768. Optimistically, we hope that this adjustment may bring about a playable experience despite sacrificing visual fidelity. However, it becomes clear that even at the lowest settings, the UHC710 fails to deliver. The Game hovers around a mere 2 frames per second, coupled with severe glitches, flickering visuals, and distorted proportions. It is evident that the UHC710 struggles to handle the demands of Halo Infinity even at this reduced resolution.


  • None.


  • Extremely low framerate, accompanied by glitches and distorted visuals.

Lowering Settings and Resolution Scale

In an attempt to salvage the situation, we decide to adjust our strategy and lower both the in-game settings and resolution scale. Hoping to reach a playable frame rate of 60, we dial down the settings as low as possible. Unfortunately, our efforts prove futile, and the UHC710 graphics continue to disappoint. At 53% resolution scale, we barely achieve 10 frames per second, far from the desired 60 frames per second. Halo Infinity remains unplayable and visually unappealing, leaving us with no viable solution.


  • None.


  • Inadequate framerate, rendering the game unplayable even at reduced settings and resolution scale.

Exploring the 1024x768 Resolution

Next, we delve deeper into the 1024x768 resolution, hoping to find a Glimmer of hope amidst the challenges. Initially, we attempt to work around the limitation by setting the Windows 10 resolution to 800x600 in full-screen mode. Unfortunately, this results in the game breaking, with elements extending beyond the screen's boundaries. Undeterred, we adjust the resolution to the minimum size supported by the game, 1024x768, and manage to achieve a slight improvement. However, the integrated graphics of the UHC710 still struggle to deliver a smooth gaming experience, with framerates averaging around 15 to 20 frames per second.


  • Slight improvement in framerate at 1024x768 resolution.


  • Integrated graphics continue to hinder gameplay experience, with subpar framerates.

Challenges with Integrated Graphics

Throughout our testing, it becomes evident that the UHC710's integrated graphics face significant limitations when it comes to handling the demands of Halo Infinity. Despite adjusting settings, resolution, and scale, the integrated graphics simply aren't capable of delivering satisfactory performance. Glitches, flickering visuals, and distorted elements plague the gaming experience, rendering it far from enjoyable.


  • None.


  • Limited capabilities of integrated graphics lead to subpar gameplay experience.

Comparison to Dedicated Graphics

To provide a perspective on the UHC710's performance, we decided to compare it to dedicated graphics. Using an RTX 360 graphics card, we were able to achieve significantly higher framerates, with an average of 90 frames per second. The discrepancy between integrated and dedicated graphics performance is staggering, highlighting the inherent limitations of the UHC710 for gaming purposes.


  • Dedicated graphics card delivers significantly higher framerates.


  • UHC710's integrated graphics fall short compared to dedicated options.

CPU Usage Discrepancies

Curiously, during our testing, we noticed a significant difference in CPU usage between the UHC710 and dedicated graphics. Despite the UHC710 producing subpar framerates, the CPU usage hovers around 95 to 100. In contrast, when using the RTX 360, even at 65 frames per second, the CPU usage remains lower. This discrepancy raises questions about the UHC710's efficiency and optimization with the given hardware configuration.


  • None.


  • Higher CPU usage with UHC710 integrated graphics compared to dedicated graphics.


In conclusion, our exploration of the UHC710 graphics in Halo Infinity reveals a disappointing and underwhelming performance. Whether at high settings, low resolutions, or adjusted scales, the UHC710 struggles to deliver a playable and visually appealing gaming experience. Integrated graphics prove to be a significant hindrance, with performance severely lacking in comparison to dedicated graphics cards. While affordability may make the UHC710 an attractive option for budget-conscious gamers, its limitations and subpar performance make it unsuitable for demanding modern games like Halo Infinity.


  • The UHC710 graphics chip falls short in providing a satisfactory gaming experience.
  • Even at the lowest settings and resolutions, the UHC710 struggles to deliver playable framerates.
  • Glitches, flickering visuals, and distorted elements further hinder the gaming experience.
  • Integrated graphics pose significant limitations, especially for demanding games like Halo Infinity.
  • Dedicated graphics cards offer significantly higher framerates and better performance.
  • CPU usage with the UHC710 is relatively high, raising questions about efficiency and optimization.


Q: Can the UHC710 graphics handle Halo Infinity at high settings? A: No, the UHC710 struggles to maintain playable framerates even at high settings.

Q: Is the UHC710 suitable for budget-conscious gamers? A: While affordable, the limitations and subpar performance of the UHC710 make it unsuitable for demanding modern games.

Q: Does the UHC710's integrated graphics improve at lower resolutions? A: Unfortunately, even at the lowest resolutions, the UHC710 continues to deliver inadequate framerates and glitches.

Q: How does the UHC710 compare to dedicated graphics? A: Dedicated graphics cards offer significantly higher framerates and better gaming performance compared to the UHC710's integrated graphics.

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