Discover the Future of Wearables at Maker Fair 2014

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Discover the Future of Wearables at Maker Fair 2014

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Welcome to the world of wearables! In this article, we will dive into the exciting realm of wearable technology and explore its many possibilities. From the Make It Wearable Challenge to the fascinating projects showcased at Maker Fair 2014, this article will take you on a journey through innovation and creativity.

The Make It Wearable Challenge

The Make It Wearable Challenge is a global competition that encourages individuals and teams to come up with innovative ideas in the wearable space. With up to $1.3 million in prizes, this challenge aims to push the boundaries of wearable technology. There are two tracks in the competition: the Visionary track and the Development track.

The Visionary Track

In the Visionary track, participants are invited to submit a one-minute video showcasing their groundbreaking ideas in the wearable space. The focus here is on creativity and pushing the limits of what is possible. The ideas submitted in this track do not necessarily have to be technologically feasible, but they should be visionary and have the potential to Shape the future of wearables.

The Development Track

The Development track of the Make It Wearable Challenge is targeted towards makers and developers who have the skills to turn their ideas into reality. In this track, participants are encouraged to come up with wearable technologies that are technologically feasible. This track emphasizes practicality and implementation, with a focus on creating innovative wearable devices that can be manufactured and used by people.

The Use of Arduino in Wearables

Arduino, a programmable microcontroller, plays a crucial role in the world of wearables. Its versatility and ease of use make it a popular choice among makers and developers. Arduino allows for the seamless integration of sensors, servos, and lights, enabling the control of information and the creation of interactive wearable devices. Whether it's for cosplay or scientific research, Arduino provides a powerful platform for bringing wearable ideas to life.

Applications of Wearables

Wearables have a wide range of applications, spanning various industries and sectors. From Healthcare and Fitness to entertainment and fashion, wearables are revolutionizing the way we live, work, and play. In healthcare, wearable devices can monitor vital signs, track activity levels, and even detect early signs of illness. In the entertainment industry, wearables are enhancing immersive experiences and enabling new forms of storytelling. The possibilities are endless, and we are only scratching the surface of what wearables can do.

Maker Fair 2014

Maker Fair is a gathering of makers, creators, and innovators who come together to showcase their projects and share their passion for making. Maker Fair 2014 was a particularly exciting event, with a diverse range of exhibits that highlighted the ingenuity and creativity of the maker community. From lasers and high voltage experiments to interactive installations, Maker Fair 2014 was a testament to the limitless possibilities of making.

Ruby Laser: Exploring the Power of Light

One of the standout projects at Maker Fair 2014 was the Ruby Laser. This project aimed to educate visitors on the inner workings of a Ruby laser and demonstrate its capabilities. By focusing the laser Beam, it was possible to punch holes in metal. The use of regular capacitors and a large capacitor bank allowed for the storage and release of electrical energy, powering the laser. This project showcased the fascinating world of lasers and the potential applications of this technology.

Jacob's Ladder: A Fascinating Display of Electricity

Another captivating exhibit at Maker Fair 2014 was Jacob's Ladder. This exhibit featured a high-voltage transformer connected to two terminals, creating an electric arc. The heat from the arc caused the air around it to rise, creating a mesmerizing display. Visitors were amazed by the ability to manipulate electricity and witness the power of this natural force. Jacob's Ladder demonstrated the beauty and wonder of electricity in a safe and controlled setting.

The High Striker: A Thrilling Experience

The High Striker was a crowd favorite at Maker Fair 2014. This interactive exhibit challenged participants to test their strength by striking a plate with a mallet. The force of the strike was measured using a rotary encoder, which calculated the velocity of the strike. Depending on the velocity, a set of flames would shoot up, creating a spectacular visual display. The High Striker combined electronics, mechanics, and human strength to deliver an exhilarating experience for participants of all ages.


Wearables continue to push the boundaries of technology and human creativity. From the Make It Wearable Challenge to the captivating projects showcased at Maker Fair 2014, the world of wearables is evolving at a rapid pace. As we embrace this new era of innovation, we can look forward to a future where wearables seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, enhancing our experiences and transforming the way we interact with the world around us.


  • The Make It Wearable Challenge is a global competition that encourages innovation in the wearable space.
  • Arduino is a versatile and popular platform for creating interactive wearables.
  • Wearables have applications in healthcare, entertainment, fashion, and more.
  • Maker Fair 2014 showcased a wide range of fascinating projects and exhibits, including the Ruby Laser, Jacob's Ladder, and the High Striker.
  • The world of wearables continues to evolve, promising a future of endless possibilities.


Q: What is the Make It Wearable Challenge? A: The Make It Wearable Challenge is a global competition that invites individuals and teams to submit innovative ideas in the wearable space.

Q: How much prize money is up for grabs in the Make It Wearable Challenge? A: The Make It Wearable Challenge offers up to $1.3 million in prizes.

Q: What are the two tracks in the Make It Wearable Challenge? A: The Make It Wearable Challenge has the Visionary track and the Development track.

Q: What is the difference between the Visionary track and the Development track? A: The Visionary track focuses on creative and visionary ideas, while the Development track emphasizes practicality and feasibility.

Q: How does Arduino contribute to the world of wearables? A: Arduino is a programmable microcontroller that allows for the integration of sensors, servos, and lights in wearable devices.

Q: What are some applications of wearables? A: Wearables have applications in healthcare, fitness, entertainment, fashion, and more.

Q: What was showcased at Maker Fair 2014? A: Maker Fair 2014 featured a diverse range of projects, including the Ruby Laser, Jacob's Ladder, and the High Striker.

Q: What is the High Striker? A: The High Striker is an interactive exhibit that challenges participants to test their strength by striking a plate with a mallet.

Q: What is Jacob's Ladder? A: Jacob's Ladder is an exhibit that demonstrates the power of electricity by creating an electric arc that rises due to the heat produced.

Q: How do wearables enhance our lives? A: Wearables seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, enhancing our experiences and transforming the way we interact with the world.

Q: Where can I find more information about the Make It Wearable Challenge? A: More information about the Make It Wearable Challenge can be found at

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