Experience Fallout: New Vegas on a Low-End PC with 4GB RAM

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Experience Fallout: New Vegas on a Low-End PC with 4GB RAM

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. testing Fallout New Vegas with 4GB RAM
  3. Specifications and Setup
  4. Performance on the i7 4790 with Intel HD 4600 Graphics
  5. Gameplay Experience with 4GB RAM
  6. Comparison to Previous Ram Configurations
  7. Exploring the Game World of New Vegas
  8. Issues and Limitations with Low-End Graphics
  9. Conclusion


In this benchmark test, we will be exploring the performance of Fallout New Vegas on a system with 4GB RAM. Typically, I showcase games running on a system with 16GB RAM, but I received feedback from viewers requesting tests with lower RAM configurations. I've decided to start with 4GB RAM and evaluate how the game performs. If this test goes well, I may continue to test other games with 4GB RAM and may even consider testing single-Channel RAM configurations as well. So, let's dive into the world of Fallout New Vegas and see how it fares on this lower-end setup!

Testing Fallout New Vegas with 4GB RAM

Before we delve into the details of the performance, let's take a moment to discuss the specifications and setup of our test system. By understanding the hardware and software configuration, we can better evaluate the results and analyze any limitations or issues that may arise.

Specifications and Setup

For this test, we will be running Fallout New Vegas on an i7 4790 processor with Intel HD 4600 integrated graphics. The system is equipped with 4GB of DDR3 RAM, running in single channel configuration. It's worth noting that we have deliberately chosen lower-end specifications to gauge the game's performance on a budget setup.

Performance on the i7 4790 with Intel HD 4600 Graphics

Now that we have a clear understanding of the system specifications, let's dive into the performance of Fallout New Vegas on this setup. As an older game, we can expect it to run reasonably well even on lower-end hardware. In this section, we will explore the frame rates and overall smoothness of gameplay.

Gameplay Experience with 4GB RAM

Starting with a resolution of 1366x768 and the lowest graphic settings, we were pleased to find that the game maintained a solid 60 frames per Second (FPS) without any noticeable dips. This smooth performance allowed for an enjoyable gaming experience, even when navigating through the game world and engaging in combat.

While playing, I couldn't help but appreciate how well the game ran with just 4GB of RAM. It was surprising to see that the performance remained consistent compared to my usual 16GB RAM setup. This unexpected result shows that Fallout New Vegas is optimized to run efficiently on lower RAM configurations.

Comparison to Previous RAM Configurations

To better understand the impact of the RAM configuration, it is essential to compare the performance between 4GB and higher RAM setups. While this benchmark test focuses solely on the 4GB RAM configuration, it is worth noting that previous tests with higher RAM have shown improved performance. However, it is impressive to see that the game can still be enjoyed on a lower-end system with 4GB RAM.

Exploring the Game World of New Vegas

Fallout New Vegas offers a vast and immersive game world for players to explore. As we journey through the game, we encounter a myriad of locations, characters, and quests that Shape our experience. However, it is crucial to note that the gameplay experience can be affected by the limitations of low-end graphics, especially on the Intel HD 4600 integrated graphics.

Issues and Limitations with Low-End Graphics

While the game runs smoothly with 4GB RAM, there are certain limitations and issues that arise when playing Fallout New Vegas on a system with low-end graphics. The Intel HD 4600 integrated graphics, though capable of running the game, may struggle to deliver the same level of visual fidelity as dedicated graphics cards. Players may experience lower texture quality, reduced rendering distance, and occasional frame drops when performing graphically intensive tasks.

Despite these limitations, the overall gameplay experience remains enjoyable, particularly for players who prioritize gameplay mechanics and storytelling over graphical prowess. The immersive world of Fallout New Vegas still shines through, providing an engaging and captivating experience.


In conclusion, our benchmark test of Fallout New Vegas on a system with 4GB RAM has yielded promising results. The game performed admirably, maintaining a solid 60 FPS on the i7 4790 with Intel HD 4600 integrated graphics. This demonstrates that even with lower-end hardware, gamers can still enjoy the immersive world of Fallout New Vegas, albeit with some limitations in graphical fidelity.

While this test focused solely on the 4GB RAM configuration, it is worth considering that higher RAM setups may offer improved performance and visual enhancements. However, for those on a budget or with lower-end hardware, this test serves as proof that Fallout New Vegas can still provide an enjoyable gaming experience.

So, grab your Pip-Boy and venture into the Mojave Wasteland, because 4GB of RAM is enough to get you started on your journey. Enjoy the adventures that lie ahead, and remember to check back for more epic content and benchmark tests on various hardware configurations. Stay tuned, wastelanders!


  • Testing Fallout New Vegas on a system with 4GB RAM
  • Specifications and setup of the test system
  • Performance of the i7 4790 with Intel HD 4600 graphics
  • Smooth gameplay experience with 4GB RAM
  • Comparison to previous RAM configurations
  • Exploring the immersive game world of New Vegas
  • Limitations and issues with low-end graphics
  • Conclusion and the viability of playing with 4GB RAM


Q: Can Fallout New Vegas run on a system with only 4GB of RAM? A: Yes, Fallout New Vegas can run smoothly on a system with 4GB of RAM, delivering a solid 60 FPS gaming experience.

Q: Are there any limitations or issues when playing Fallout New Vegas on low-end graphics? A: Yes, playing on low-end graphics, such as Intel HD 4600 integrated graphics, may result in lower texture quality, reduced rendering distance, and occasional frame drops during graphically intensive tasks.

Q: Does higher RAM configuration improve the performance and visual quality of Fallout New Vegas? A: Yes, higher RAM configurations may offer improved performance and visual enhancements. However, the game can still be enjoyed on a lower-end system with 4GB of RAM.

Q: Can I explore the immersive world of Fallout New Vegas on a budget setup? A: Absolutely! With 4GB of RAM, you can embark on an adventure in the Mojave Wasteland and experience the captivating storytelling and gameplay mechanics of Fallout New Vegas.

Q: Will you be conducting benchmark tests on other games with 4GB RAM? A: If this benchmark test receives positive feedback, I will consider testing other games with 4GB RAM and may even explore single-channel RAM configurations. Stay tuned for more epic content and benchmark tests!

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