Is the GTX 460 Still a Gaming Contender 10 Years Later?

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Is the GTX 460 Still a Gaming Contender 10 Years Later?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. NVIDIA GTX 460: A Mid-Range Powerhouse
  3. Gaming Performance in 2020
  4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  5. Halo Reach
  6. Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary
  7. Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain
  8. Resident Evil 7
  9. Resident Evil 2 Remake
  10. Shadow Warrior 2
  11. Call of Duty: World War 2
  12. eSports Titles Performance
  13. Conclusion

NVIDIA GTX 460: A Mid-Range Powerhouse

In the last decade, NVIDIA has made significant advancements in graphics card technology. Their GTX 460, released in 2010, was considered a powerful mid-range option with impressive performance and value for money. Now, in 2020, I wanted to revisit the GTX 460 and see how well it holds up in modern games. Despite its age, could it still provide a decent gaming experience? Let's find out.

Gaming Performance in 2020

Before diving into the gaming benchmarks, I encountered a minor setback. The GTX 460 only supports DVI and HDMI mini connections, which meant I had to make an emergency trip to the computer shop to pick up an HDMI mini cable. After setting everything up, it was time to test the card's performance in various games.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

As a well-optimized triple-A Game released around the same time as the GTX 460, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 delivered a smooth gaming experience at 1080p and maximum settings. With an average frame rate of 95 FPS and minimums dipping to 31 FPS, it showed promise. Though some stuttering occurred, overall, the gameplay was enjoyable.

Halo Reach

Moving on to Halo Reach, the GTX 460 faced some unexpected struggles. Despite meeting the minimum system requirements, the game's enhanced graphical settings caused noticeable stuttering. However, when I switched to the original graphics settings, the average frame rate improved to 47 FPS, making the game more playable without significant issues.

Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary

Surprisingly, Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary performed remarkably well on the GTX 460. With enhanced settings enabled, the game ran at a smooth average frame rate of 60 FPS. This was likely due to the enclosed area and reduced graphical demands, resulting in a more enjoyable gaming experience compared to Halo Reach.

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain pushed the GTX 460 to its limits with its increased graphical demand. However, the card still delivered a decent performance at 1080p and its default medium and high settings. The game ran at an average frame rate of 53 FPS, proving that the GTX 460 could hold its own even in more visually demanding titles.

Resident Evil 7

Unfortunately, the GTX 460 struggled with Resident Evil 7, even at the lowest settings. At 1080p, the game averaged only 26 FPS, well below the desirable 30 FPS threshold for smooth gameplay. However, by lowering the resolution to 720p, it became playable with a better average frame rate of 39 FPS, although at the cost of visual Clarity.

Resident Evil 2 Remake

Similarly, the remake of Resident Evil 2 posed a challenge for the GTX 460. At the lowest settings and 1080p, the game stuttered with an average frame rate of 26 FPS. By reducing the resolution to 720p and keeping the settings at their lowest, the card managed to achieve an average frame rate of 40 FPS, making it playable but still with occasional dips below 30 FPS.

Shadow Warrior 2

Shadow Warrior 2 proved to be too demanding for the GTX 460, even at 720p and the lowest settings. With numerous graphical glitches and a low average frame rate of 35 FPS, the game was not enjoyable on this graphics card. The scenes changing in the benchmark test absorbed most of the 1 gigabyte of video memory, resulting in significant performance drops.

Call of Duty: World War 2

Finally, Call of Duty: World War 2 presented a similar story. The game was nearly unplayable at 1080p, with the main menu struggling at just 5 FPS. However, at 720p and the lowest settings, the game became more playable at an average frame rate of 65 FPS, although the graphics quality was not on par with modern consoles.

eSports Titles Performance

While the GTX 460 struggled with triple-A games, it showcased its prowess in eSports titles such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) and Rocket League. At 1080p and maximum settings, CS:GO delivered an average frame rate of 79 FPS, ensuring a smooth and competitive gameplay experience. Similarly, Rocket League achieved an average frame rate of 72 FPS, with no stuttering, making it ideal for competitive play.


In conclusion, the NVIDIA GTX 460, once a mid-range powerhouse, struggles to keep up with modern triple-A games at 1080p and high settings. However, it can still provide an enjoyable gaming experience at 720p or in less demanding eSports titles. Considering its current low price on platforms like eBay, the GTX 460 could be a viable option for budget gamers. Nonetheless, for those with a bit more to spend, newer entry-level graphics cards like the GTX 1650 or 1660 offer significantly better performance while remaining affordable.


  • Affordable option for budget gamers
  • Suitable for eSports titles at 1080p and maximum settings
  • Relatively smooth gameplay in well-optimized older games


  • Struggles with modern triple-A games at 1080p and high settings
  • Limited by its 1 gigabyte video memory
  • Outperformed by newer entry-level graphics cards
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