Maximize Your Gigabyte Motherboard Performance with the UD B550 AX/AC BIOS

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Maximize Your Gigabyte Motherboard Performance with the UD B550 AX/AC BIOS

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding the Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS
  • Easy Mode
  • BIOS Information
  • RAM Slots
  • XMP Profile
  • SATA and M.2 Slots
  • CPU Fan Speed and Frequency
  • BIOS Update
  • Smart Fan Info
  • Advanced Mode
  • Favorites
  • Tweaker
  • CPU Clock Control
  • CPU Core Settings
  • Platform Power and I/O Ports
  • Trusted Computing
  • AMD Overclocking
  • System Info
  • Save and Exit
  • Boot Settings
  • Setting a Password
  • Conclusion

Understanding the Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS


In this article, we will be taking a closer look at the Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS and its various features. Whether you are a seasoned user or a beginner, understanding the BIOS is crucial for optimizing your system's performance. We will explore the different modes, settings, and options available in this BIOS to help you make the most of your Gigabyte motherboard.

Easy Mode

When you first enter the BIOS, you will typically find yourself in Easy Mode. This mode provides a quick overview of essential system information. You can view details about your CPU, RAM, BIOS version, and more. Easy Mode also allows you to enable XMP (Extreme Memory Profile) for overclocking your RAM, provided it is compatible.

BIOS Information

Within Easy Mode, you can access the BIOS update feature. Updating your BIOS ensures you have the latest firmware, which can improve stability and compatibility. Additionally, you can find details about your motherboard, such as the BIOS version and manufacturer, under the System Info section.

RAM Slots

If you have multiple RAM slots on your Gigabyte motherboard, Easy Mode displays the status of each slot. This is helpful to ensure that all your RAM sticks are working correctly. In case any of the slots are not functioning, it is advisable to replace them to avoid potential performance issues.

XMP Profile

Enabling XMP allows you to achieve higher RAM speeds by applying preconfigured settings. If your RAM is rated for a higher speed than the default, enabling XMP can unlock its full potential. However, if your system experiences stability issues after enabling XMP, it may be necessary to adjust the RAM speed manually or select a slower XMP profile.

SATA and M.2 Slots

In Easy Mode, you can check if any SATA devices or M.2 SSDs are connected to your motherboard. This information is helpful for verifying the presence of storage drives, especially if you are planning to install an operating system or transfer data.

CPU Fan Speed and Frequency

The Easy Mode also provides essential information about your CPU's fan speed and frequency. This allows you to monitor the cooling performance of your system and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal temperatures.

BIOS Update

Updating the BIOS is a critical task to keep your system up to date with the latest features, bug fixes, and security enhancements. Within the BIOS, there is a dedicated section to perform the BIOS update. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully when updating the BIOS.

Smart Fan Info

For those who wish to customize their fan curves, the Smart Fan Info section allows you to control the fan speed based on temperature thresholds. This feature ensures that your system remains cool under heavy workloads while maintaining a quiet operation during lighter usage scenarios.

Advanced Mode

Advanced Mode provides a deeper level of control over your motherboard's settings and features. To access Advanced Mode, either click on the corresponding option or press the F2 key. This mode unlocks additional menus and options, giving you more flexibility to fine-tune your system.


Within Advanced Mode, there is a Favorites section where you can bookmark frequently accessed settings. This feature simplifies navigation and allows for quicker access to essential options.


The Tweaker menu in Advanced Mode provides comprehensive control over various aspects of your system, such as CPU clock control and advanced CPU settings. Here, you can fine-tune your CPU's performance parameters to achieve optimal results.

CPU Clock Control

The CPU Clock Control submenu under the Tweaker menu allows you to adjust the CPU clock speed and related settings. Be cautious when making changes in this section, as incorrect settings can lead to system instability.

CPU Core Settings

Within the CPU Core Settings section, you can configure options related to CPU power management and core performance. This submenu provides advanced options for users who want to squeeze the maximum performance from their CPUs.

Platform Power and I/O Ports

The Platform Power and I/O Ports section in Advanced Mode allows you to adjust power-related settings and manage input/output ports. These settings can have a significant impact on power consumption and device compatibility.

Trusted Computing

Trusted Computing is a feature Present in some older BIOS versions that may be required to enable specific functionalities, such as Windows 11 compatibility. However, in the case of the Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS, this feature is not applicable.

AMD Overclocking

Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS provides support for AMD overclocking. While this article focuses mainly on Intel-based systems, it is worth noting that users with AMD processors can access overclocking options within this BIOS.

System Info

Similar to Easy Mode, Advanced Mode also provides a System Info section, where you can find detailed information about your motherboard, BIOS version, and hardware configuration. This information can be helpful for troubleshooting and identification purposes.

Save and Exit

After making changes to the BIOS settings, it is essential to save your modifications before exiting. The Save and Exit screen allows you to save the changes you made and ensure they take effect upon system reboot.

Boot Settings

Within the Boot Settings section, you can configure the boot priority order, select the default boot device, and change other boot-related options. This is particularly useful when you have multiple storage drives or operating systems installed.

Setting a Password

To enhance the security of your system and prevent unauthorized access to the BIOS, you can set a password within the BIOS settings. This feature adds an additional layer of protection to your motherboard and system settings.


Understanding the Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS is vital for maximizing the performance and functionality of your Gigabyte motherboard. By navigating through the different modes and settings, you can fine-tune your system, overclock components, update firmware, and ensure a smooth and stable computing experience.

🔎 Pros:

  • Comprehensive control over system settings
  • Easy access to important information
  • Support for overclocking and advanced CPU configurations

⚠️ Cons:

  • Limited options for AMD users
  • Complexity for beginners unfamiliar with BIOS settings


  • Learn how to navigate and optimize the Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS
  • Explore Easy Mode for quick system information and XMP overclocking
  • Discover Advanced Mode for in-depth control and customization
  • Understand BIOS update procedures for stability and compatibility improvements
  • Fine-tune CPU settings and explore overclocking options
  • Secure your BIOS with a password for added protection


Q: Can I update the Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS without any risks? A: BIOS updates carry a certain level of risk, as incorrect procedures or power interruptions can potentially damage the motherboard. However, by following the manufacturer's instructions carefully and ensuring a stable power supply, the risks can be minimized.

Q: What should I do if my RAM slots are not working in the Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS? A: If you encounter issues with RAM slots not working, it is advisable to inspect the physical connections and ensure that the RAM sticks are properly seated. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to seek assistance from technical support or consider replacing the faulty RAM slots.

Q: Is it necessary to overclock my RAM using XMP in the Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC BIOS? A: Overclocking your RAM using XMP is not mandatory. However, if you have RAM modules capable of higher speeds and want to unleash their full potential, enabling XMP can provide a significant performance boost.

Q: How often should I update the BIOS in my Gigabyte UD B550 AX/AC motherboard? A: It is generally recommended to update the BIOS only when necessary, such as for critical bug fixes, compatibility improvements, or the introduction of new features. Regularly check the manufacturer's website for BIOS updates and evaluate whether the changes address any issues you may be experiencing.


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