Revive a Dead Motherboard: Reprogramming the Corrupt BIOS

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Revive a Dead Motherboard: Reprogramming the Corrupt BIOS

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Troubleshooting Steps
    • Step 1: Power On, But No Start Beep or Display
    • Step 2: testing Components
    • Step 3: Suspecting BIOS Issue
  • Reprogramming the BIOS
    • Step 1: Removing the BIOS Chip
    • Step 2: Downloading the Original BIOS Program
    • Step 3: Backup and Programming
  • Final Results and Conclusion
  • Pros and Cons
  • Highlights
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Troubleshooting a PC That Won't Start: Reprogramming the BIOS

Is your PC not starting up? Are you experiencing no start beep sound, no display, and other issues? In this article, we will guide you through the process of troubleshooting and potentially fixing the problem by reprogramming the BIOS. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to get your PC up and running again.

Step 1: Power On, But No Start Beep or Display

When you power on your PC and Notice that there is no start beep sound and no display, it indicates that there might be an underlying issue. In this Scenario, we will explore potential solutions to address the problem.

Step 2: Testing Components

To narrow down the source of the problem, you need to test the components. Start by replacing the graphic card and the RAM module. Additionally, ensure that the CPU is functioning correctly by checking if it heats up when the PC is turned on. If everything seems fine with the components, proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Suspecting BIOS Issue

If the previous steps didn't resolve the problem, there is a high possibility that the issue lies within the BIOS. Try clearing the BIOS settings by using the jumper or removing the battery to reset the BIOS. If none of these methods work, it's time to move on to reprogramming the BIOS.

Reprogramming the BIOS

In this section, we'll walk you through the process of reprogramming the BIOS to potentially fix the startup issue.

Step 1: Removing the BIOS Chip

To reprogram the BIOS, you'll need to remove the BIOS chip from your motherboard. Fortunately, these chips are easily removable. Carefully detach the BIOS chip from its slot on the motherboard.

Step 2: Downloading the Original BIOS Program

Go to the manufacturer's website, in this case, ASUS, and search for the appropriate BIOS program for your motherboard model. Download the original BIOS program from the website. Note that laptop BIOS programs might differ from desktop BIOS programs.

Step 3: Backup and Programming

Before proceeding with the reprogramming, it's important to create a backup of the current chip. This will serve as a safety measure in case anything goes wrong. Use a universal programmer like the TNM 5000 to read and save the backup file.

Load the downloaded BIOS program onto the programmer's software and follow the steps to erase the BIOS chip, write the new program, and verify the programming. Make sure to follow the instructions properly to ensure successful reprogramming.

Final Results and Conclusion

After reprogramming the BIOS chip and reinstalling it on the motherboard, power on your PC once again. If all went well, you should now hear the start beep and witness your PC displaying properly. Congratulations, your dead motherboard has come back to life!

In conclusion, troubleshooting a PC that won't start can be challenging, but reprogramming the BIOS can often resolve the issue. It's important to follow each step carefully and Seek professional help if needed. Don't let a non-starting PC bring you down; with the right knowledge and tools, you can Revive it once again.

Pros and Cons


  • Reprogramming the BIOS can potentially fix startup issues
  • It's a cost-effective solution compared to purchasing a new motherboard
  • You gain knowledge and experience in troubleshooting PC problems


  • Reprogramming the BIOS carries a risk of bricking the motherboard if not done correctly
  • It requires technical expertise and specialized tools


  • Learn how to troubleshoot a PC that won't start
  • Fix the issue by reprogramming the BIOS
  • Step-by-step instructions to reprogram the BIOS chip
  • Revive your dead motherboard and get your PC back up and running

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What are the common reasons for a PC not starting? A: There can be several reasons, including faulty components, power supply issues, and BIOS problems.

Q: Is reprogramming the BIOS safe? A: Reprogramming the BIOS carries a certain level of risk. It's essential to follow the instructions carefully and seek professional help if you're unsure.

Q: Can reprogramming the BIOS fix all startup issues? A: While reprogramming the BIOS can resolve many startup problems, it may not fix all underlying issues. If the problem persists, it's recommended to consult a professional technician.

Q: Do I need any special tools to reprogram the BIOS? A: Yes, you'll need a universal programmer like the TNM 5000 to reprogram the BIOS chip.

Q: Should I attempt reprogramming the BIOS myself? A: If you have experience and knowledge in handling computer hardware, you can try reprogramming the BIOS. However, seeking professional help is always a safe option if you are unsure.


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